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ftJBWGOOpS. JH. LUND s now receiving direct from Boston and New York, n large and wcll solectod stock of Meichandizc. consisting of STCAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, G11OCERÏE&, ('JÏOCKERY, $ GLASSWAliE, DRUGS cV MJBDICÏNESr, NA ILS, ORADLE A NI) G R A S S SCYTHES, BOOTS AND S II OES. #C SfC. which hc offers for sale cluap for the rcadij. Dated, Ann Arlor. May [). 1842. ITVSTA-ílá OF JACOB LAYVTON DELd CEASED.- Notice is hereby givcn, that the undersigned have provcd the l;:st will and testament of Jacob Lawton, deceoscd, and have taken letters Tcstamentary thereon. and have given bonds according to law. All persons indebied to said estáte are requested to malte payniont without delay, and all persons having claims against said esta'.e are requested to present the same to the subscribers, '.veil authenticated, for payment. GEORGE E. LAWTON. DAVID T. M'COLLUM, Exccutors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Lawton. Datcd, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. 3m A BARGAIN FOR LAND HOLDKRsT THE subscriber is desirous of exehangiiiir lor good Wild Land, well located. his propery, sitúate in the village of Walled Lr.ko. Oakland County, Michigan, (a pleasant and hcalthy locaion) consisting of a Stkam Saw Mill, which has irobably done as good business as any in the state, a dweiling house, a store and four vacant ots, &c. T. DEUEL. Walled Lake. April 21, 1842. tfv NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. JUST received and iccefving at the New York Cheap Store, purchased at the present low )rices in New York, which will eiiable him to sell lower than ever before ofiered in this place, a nrjíe lot of French, English and American GOODS. consisting of Dry Goods, Crockery, Books and Stationary, Boots and Shoes, Looking Glasses. Also, a lare lot of Yankee Notions. wholesalc and retail D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, May 11, 1342. 8w THE Subscribers are prepared to card Wool for customeis; having first rate machines.and laving employed an experienced workman, tlicy cel confident of giving good satisfaction to all K'ho will favor them with their custotn. Their manufactory is two and a halt' miles west of Ann Arbor on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, feCo. Scio; Mayilth. 1842. IVool Cardin and Eloth Drcssiiigr THE Subscribers respectluily announce to the citizens Ann Arbor and vicinity. that (nejare prepared to card wool and dress cloth for customers, in the best style, and at the shortcst notice. Ilaving good machinery, experieaccd workinen, and long practico in the business, they have the utmost conlidence that thcy shall give complete satisfaction J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, April, 25, lf-42. "3$c ïnajs of trfnltfitfl ïü&ine forLot." JACKSON TEMPERANCE HOUSE, AND BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With Hot and Cold Baths. Br, J. T WïliSOlV, East end of Main Street, Jackson, Wch. "NÊW GOODS!! 'cheap for cash. AT the Store of the Subscriber. a new and splendid assorunent of NEW GOODS a prices so cheap as to astonish tho purchasers, con sisiiiiiï of DR Y-GOODS,GROCERIËS, CROCKERY, BOOTS, SHOES, AND L ADI ES' SLIP PERS. SHAKER AND LEGHORN BONNETS, S?C. $0. Muslin De Lane at two shillings per yard; cnl icoes at six cents per yard, and other goods a prices to correspond. To be convinced.. just cal and sec1 the gjods and prices. 4')00 pounds good butter wanted; 99D99bnsh els of house ashes wanted. at 10 cents per bushei Likewise field ashes, dehvered at my ashery nearChapin's iion foundry. N. B.- All kinds of Furs taken in exchang for goods. H. BOWElt. Ann Arbor, (upper town) June 2, 1842. NEW GOODS ! ! FDENISON has just received. a complet . stock ot DRV-GOODS. GROCERIES AND CROCKERY, which will be sold ver chenp for jnoncy or most kinds ot prod e. Des criptions and prices will be given at th a Store. Ann Arbor, June ], 1842.


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