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"Duel Fought," Alias Murder Committed. Jas. Watson Webb Shot

"Duel Fought," Alias Murder Committed. Jas. Watson Webb Shot image "Duel Fought," Alias Murder Committed. Jas. Watson Webb Shot image
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ThePhilndolpIiia Chronicle extra, ofSunday, contains the followlng nununcintion of the duel, between James Watson Webb of New York and Hon. Mr. Marshall of Kentucky. A meeting took place this morning, at 20 minutes past 4 o'cloek. at Nanmnn's Creck, immediately below the dividing line of Delawire and Pennsylvanin. bctween the Ilon. Thomas F, Marshall, of Kentuckyand .lames Wntson Webb, edior of the New York Courier nnd Enquirer. Thr-v foucht wiih pistuls at ten paces, and at thesecond fire, (the first having proved ineffectual,) Mr. Webb receive-l Mr. Marshali's ball in therighl Immediatciy below the kne, and feil. Mr. Mnrshnll rrquested a third fire, which was oKp-ted to by the seconds and siirjreon of Mr.. Webb, as he was niuch weakennd by the loss of blood. Tlnis it npponrs thatboth these individuals did' their best to kill each other. and of course,accordin? to the Biblc rule, are murderers, becauso thcy had murdor in their hearts. The fact that ei cnmslancs did nnt allow ejther ofthem to put the:r heiliêfi deigninto exerution is no pnlliation of their guilt. N'either is th" fact that the rountry would be infinitely better offwithoirt thetn. and all other duelists, incldding Stanley and' Wise, who also were only restrained by circumstances, nnd the stronenrm of the law. from killing ench other. ofan avail. We repent THEY ARE MURDERERS. nnd must stand out befóre tho world assuch. and should he held' tip to public scorn by the entirc press. It is time that ibis southern "code ofhonr" should be repealed. It is a burninít disgroce uronourcoumry, and every man ard woman shonld fcel instihed and disgrqend bv any afisociation in society wiih düolists, or t' seconds. for the man who stnnds by and conpents unto the death of bis fcllow, places himself in the same category of misdcods. It is blood-chilling to see the fonc of the prcas Cpnernllvon thrsc matters. Tl.e PhiJadelphia Chronicle thus coolly remnrks: - The frtends of both gentlemen hear most unequivocal teptimonv to their courijre nnd good conduct. and Mr. Webb. expressed mucH pleasure nt tbc terminalioii of the affair. anfí Ptnted11 thnt he had not any ill-feeling towards his Honorable opponent.Why was it nccessnry for so much teptimony in regará to "couraée and good behavior?" - Wliy plainly thïs. Wcbb hns sustnined the rep ulntion of moiinl. whUc. M:irshill has strtoil equnlly high na n DRUNKARD. henee thc indispensable necessity of so much lestimony as will raiso them to thc rank of pcntlemcn. nt lenst in the sensc of the bloody code of! moráis, wbicfa seetns to be ihc stnndnrd of nction in all sunh cases. Mr. Webb'a {:much plensure" nt not pettinsr n "doad s'oi" is quite natural. - He undouhtc.dly fclf hiniFelf lucl?y in peiting off with n skin, excepting only one bullet-hote. and thntbelow tlic knee. A little cold lend hftd a wondorful effect to eradicate "II fceling" truly. The same pnpor further remnrks, - Mr. Murrell of New York was the =eonm of Mr. Wébb. Mnrfilinll w.ts at tended iy Dr. Kerr. of "VVjishinston. Mr. Criiienden. of Ky., Joaiah Rnndall, Ks'i , of is ciiv. aml several olher gentlomcrf wcre pre ? nt. wh" inin "1;'i the ;. i should like to know the "c ofthe "s'6raJ othrr gentlrmcrí' (?) tlmt we mnv ndd them to our blfick ü?t of duelists. Wc fcel bound to raie


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