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Severe--But Just

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- The Button Courier says:"such is the lamentable state of mental darkness among the slave-holders oí the South, and such is the disgusting servility of' the white slaves of the North that noihing is to be hoped for ('rom the present Congreas. bui attempts to borrow raoney, and litile to bt expecied fion their euccessors but lepudiation." CTTheN.Y. Baptist RegUer, for wam ofother editorial topics, we suppose, comes out vvtth an arücle on C. Pollgrd s Beer'- recommendmg it as a pleasant, cooling, healtby beverage, 'woriky of a place on our table ■al all times.' The same paper admits i!s intoxicating qualities.KTThe Nntionnl A. S. Standard e.iysthntthe don-nions ani.ounet-d n tliot pnpet us rêcdvöïl of John Tvler. Presiden: of the United iSt.iLcs, and Daniel Webster. Secretiry of State, was a joke, and tlint soivic hontst individúala luippened to have the same ñames, as those distiüguishcd ones. - Thai may be truc, but thev did not happen lo be President and Secretnry of State, did ihey? They were annuunced as such. Any oiher fajsebood, inigh'ns wel! be cailed a joke. Mesmerism Triumphantf - Dr J. W. Cook xtracted a tooth froro the head of Mrs. Johnulon, of Cincinnati, while she was iu the mesmeric sleep, and she did nol kuow t, until awaked, althouyli the blood flowed freely. - Being informed of the fact, she said she did aot feel it, und was not 6ensible of the removal.


Old News
Signal of Liberty