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Hiver Raisin IMSTITÜTE, rFlHIS lnstilution is locatnd in the town o _I_ Rnisin, noar the north bank of the beautifu river wlioso name it bears, one mile cast of the direct rond from Teciimseh to Adrián. This eligible site has been selected for its quiet seclusion. the fértil i ty and elevation of its soil, its pure and healthful atmosphere. nnd piensan t scène ry. - There are now on the p:emises suitble rooms for the acconimodation of forty students; which are de.-iigned to bi occupied for private study nnd lodging Other necessnry building areprovided for recitations and boarding. EXPENSES. Tuition per Terrri of eleven weeks, $'1.00 Board " with 4 hours work each week. 7,57 Room Rent, LQ Incidental, . ' 50 Total r 12.95 There will be an additional charge of one dollar for those pursuinp; the higher branches as Philosophy. Algebra. Geometry, Astronomy. &c. For Chemtstry, Latin. or Grcek nu nddition of two dollars will be made. Scholnrs are expectcd lo provide themsolves with whnt furniture théy ■ill neeel in thcir rooms. also. with Iighis. fueí, and wasliing - none will heredfter board them selvcs. Bills to be sr.Uhd in advnnce. The school is open lo all applicants of suitnble ae and njprnl chnracter irrespective of complexion or coódition. ÏÏTThr. semnd terrii óf Ihis summcr loül c ommenee W. dn s 'n ■ JaLij Zth. It is verv 'li---! able that.nll who design tont tfiid tho school, sli -uil-I r? on the ground - have thcir bilis settled. nnd thesr rooms prepnred, before the first tTay of the Term. Any furtherinformqtion enn be obtnined at the Institution, or by nddrepsinir. post pnif!. .T. S. Dixos. Pirncipal. Raisin. Lenowee C'i Mich. Ruisin, May lOih. 1S42. n5- 2m MECÓNfOMT IS. VVEALTn." THE SuDscribcrè wijl pny pnv twooeno per pou:.d n Goods or IViper for an quontitv "f gooi clean SW1NGLE TOW, delivered at' the Ann Arbor Paper Mili. a 1 , , A J0NES & ORMSBY. Anu Arbor, April 27, 1843. tfTHE MAGNET. THE Subscriber proposes to publish a periodical with the nbuv c title. dtvoted 10 th investigntion of Human Phtsiölogï, Fbrkboi-O GY. PhVSICONOMY, PaTHCGNoMY, aml AsTROKOMlcáí, and ih.'MAN Magm liavmg made these subjeci8 niatiPis ol serieus and pnticnt investigotion for tome time pnst, and considerans the incrensinaattcmion which haslaiely been given to tlieni by the learned. both in this country and in Europe, it is believed that such a penodical i.1called for. and that it will meet with liberal en courngement from the lovers of scienec, in thit and other countries. One cbject of ihis work will be to excite nm' encounige a spirit of inquiry. and to assist ii , such investigations as may tend to settle the ïul lowiny. among olíier similar questions. 1. That evpry living bring possesses a Mngnc cnl Nature, which is governud by laws peculiar t Magueticn! forcea. 2. Tlüit the two Magnetic forcesare the meain of' sensntion. and also, of voluntary and involun tary niotion. 3. Tha' every Mental and Physical organ, and every muscle, has its corresponding Magnetic polcs. 4. That the Magnetic forces from the different orguns terminale in the (ace and neck, and by meansofthem the various expressions of Fear. Hope, Love, Anger, etc, are expresscd in the countenance, and the muscles and limbsare made o obey the human will. thus laying the only true t rational foundation for the science of Physiogno : ïny, and showing how it is, that the passion and leelings are expressed in the features of th face. 5. That these organs and their consecutiv poles may be excited, separately, and their action modified as the condition of the patiënt may require. 6. That the Phrenological organ9 are not only located in groups. corresponding with the nature of their action. but most. if not all of them exist in doublé pairs, and. one or more in triple or quadruple pairs!l'or instnnce, thcre are two pairs of lndividuality, one taking cogniznnce of things and tli other of persons: - two of Eventuality. one pai laking cognizance of recent and the otlie.r of nn cient events; two of Companson, one pair o ideas, and the other for things; two of Bercevo lence. one forgiying, and the other fórpiiy: two of Veneration. one for the Deity. and the otlier fo man; two of Finnaess. one relating to conscien tiousness, ana the othei for persevernnce, etc. two of Self Esteem, one for the Human Wh.i. nnc self-government, and the other for the govern ment of o.hers - two pairs for Fear.two for Music two for Place; and so of the orgnns of Conscientiousness. Belief, Amativaness. Love of Appro bation, Secretiveness. Acquisitiveness, etc. etc. And I helieve there nre. at least, three püirs fo language, one for mere words, connected by the Magnetic coles with Marvelousness, and givinsr a person the disposition to talk; one for prope names: and the other connected by the VTagnetic poles with Ideality. and Weight, for the commu ication of ideas and .intelligence. and giving weight and expression to the sentences. I ara fully satisfied of the existence and location of the following organs, among others: vizJoy, Gratitudo, Patriotism, Jenloiisy. Modesty. Aversión. Discontentii'cnt. Smel!. Taste. Pity. Regularity. Chèèrfulness.Weépihg, Conientment Method. ilctii'nition. Wit, ,-is distinguished froni Niirtbfulnesa; Meludy as distinguislied froin Harmony. etc. etc 7. Thnt the Magnetic forces. from the different orgnns, have a peculiar connection with each other. by rneans of which they influence and excite each other to united action. 8 That the poles in the face are Ioeated incorresponce with the different groups of Phrenological orrnns 9. That the lunctions of some of the organs nre in onpopition to each oihcr. As. for instrnce. ne orgon is for Joy. fltvotller foi Pnilness: one ror I.ove. nnothet for Aversión; one for S;l(-Government, nnot'ier for Submieeion; one for Forgiveness, another for Rctritmtion; one fpr Patience. anoiher for ComplTining: one for Conr;i2e. anoiher for]hysical Fear: one f r Confidenfn in man. nnother for suspicion or Joloüsy T'hii-discovery givcs the true solution .if variousshndrs in the diameters ot diflerent individuéis wh'rh have never been explained. ei t her b Phrenol..gists or in any system of Mentnl science. berett. fore ofTercd io the world. And. mysteries ,of o similar kind nre further cxplninorl hy other árgana which I have found, in cónnecíioñ with the nhovo. making the numbé'r npwards ot hundrod in all. besides tho poles of the berves of motion and sensation, ■ nd the poles of the different muscles. and physical organs.10 And itis a remarkable fnct. that one pnirof the organs. (the Intellectual nnd Devo'ionil ones, especinlly,) are more elevsted and refined in their exercises thnn ihe others. Thus, I find. that the lowcr orrnns of Comparison take cognizanee of things, the upper ones compare ideas: the lowí r organs ot Causalty are exercised on things, the upper on Metaphysical subjeets, etc. The subscribir hnsbeen engnged forsome time. in a courae of magñetic cerebro! Experimenta, the results of wliirh ro verv far. as he believes. townrds demonsfrntincr these assnmptions. and if they shnnld prove to ba true, uil must adrnit that they are immensely important, as much so asany discoveries ever made illustrating the Physical or Mental natures of man. The matter will be illustrated with numerous encrivincs. some of which are now ready for use. the whole rendering the work one of su -passing interest, and every way vvorthy of patronage frorñ the curious and scientific, who wish to understand the mysteries of hnman nature. Theplates will be of special interes', inasmueh as they will not only explain many magnetic phononena hilhertoo unknovvn, or not understood but one or more, will be given dtsignatmg thoscfeatures in the human f wc. where the rnax,wetic courses termínate, f rom the different physical and mentid organs. a thing neverbefore k'nown; ard thus will be seen. the only true cxplanation of Phys'ognomy ever eiyën to the world. In a word. the work shnll be filled with new and vahmble Hintfer, on every qursiion rrlafing to the Pliisim!, Mental, and Bfagnétic Natures of Mav; ezplaining the phenomein of Slc.cpwahing. Somnambvlisin. Monomania. Insatiíty, Madness, Dreaming and Fanntirism. üv vvhole designed to exhibit the claims of these subjectfi on the attention of the candid. and to npsist ihem in ascer'aining how far magnetism has been, or may be used, as a medicinal agent. In furnishing articles for its paces, the subsciiber expects the assistancn of medical and scientific gentlemen, of the highest rrspectability in their profession. The Magnet will be published once a month: each numbercontaing iwcnty-foursuper-royal8vo. paírc-s. wirh a printed cover. Terms. $2.00 per year, invarinbly in advnnce. It will, in nn case, be forwirdod lili ihr pnv forit has en received. The firsr nuntbpr will be is sned as soon as five hundred subscríbele shnll have been obtained. OAny person procuring áubsÁribers, will he allowed to rer-in the pnv fbr the f u'fh. provided the balance be forwnrded to the piiblisher. free of expense. # Fvery rditor who shnll give this Prospectus fínchldinc tliis parirrrnph) six insertions. shnll rcoeive the Mnne'. without nn exchnnse. for one' year, provided the papers contniningthis not ce be forwnrded. marked. to "The Magnet. 13S Fulton sireet, New York City." LA KOY RÜNDPRÍ.ANDDn J B BARNES, PrïYSTêlAN AND SÏTRGRON. -House ""' Oflïcej i feW ilo.'isson'h of i f; y, tfc FJouse, wl hep'an l'o f.Min-i tii ■ nn ' '■ ■ Ann tb ir ' ■■'■■ '1O'1 FOK SsALE0R RÉNT;_The PihckneV Tempernnce Tlonse nnd Store, which mny be had on very favorable tcrnis. if applied fo'r soon. App]y4o v , Wm. KIRKLAND. Pinckney, May 20, 1842.SCHOOL LIBRARIES FOR SALE, AND ALL KINDS Op BOOKS, BY J.LAUIB, THIS LIBRA RY IS KECOMMENDED Ry THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTFON.TAILOKING BUSINESS! A NL NOBLE, would respectfully inform th lie h.-.s opened n shop in theLower Town. imml dmtely over the late mercnntile stand rf Lund & Oribson. and opposite ihe store of J. Becklcv & Co., whare lie is prepared at all limes todo work m lus line, with promp ness, and in a neat and durable manner. " Particular attentiotj xvill be paid to cuttincr ffar ments Pro.fuce wjl] !e taken at the usual gpr ees íor werk done at hié shop. These who hS"& cash to payfór serv.ees of thts kind, are particT larly invited to cali. Ann Arbor. April 27, 1842. tfTO PHYSICIANS AND CÖÜNTRY MERCHANTS. THE snbscriber invites the attention of Phy Piciang and Counlrv Merchante, f o hs present stock of Drugs, Medicines, Painte, Oiïs, Dye Stuflfe, Vnrnish, Brushes, &c. kc comprising one of the largest and iullest assortments bruught 'o the country. L, his pretent stock wiil be found: 100 oz Snlph. Quinine, superior Freuch and Englisli, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpenter's Witherill's Extract of Bark, 1 bbl. Powrlered Rhubarj), 1 Chest Rhubarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdered Jalap, 50 Ibs. Calomel, Scasks Epsom Sa lts, 15 casks Fall and Winter strained Sperm 40 boxes Sperm C.-indles, 2000 ibs. White Lrad. dry and ground, 4 casks Linseed Oi!, Dentists Instruments and Stock Gold, Silver nxd Tin Foil Platina Ware, Porcelain Teeth. A general ássortmeñi of Patent Medicines, all of which wil' be soldon the most reasonabte erms, PIERRE TELLER. 1S9 Jefferso Avenue, sign ofthe Güt Mwch'ia. Mortar, Detroit. HOLMAN 'S TUIS OiNTMENTSiandsatthe liead of all remedies for the following disenses which naureis heir too, viz:- RHEUMATÍSM both Chronic and inflamitory - Gout - Sprains Bruscs and contracted TENDONS of long standng- It discusses oll tumours - renders stifl' joints unber by producing a healthy muscular action. It assuagcs pains in Bon.s and Abcessks.- Nothing equals it in sw'elled and inflamed Breasts n Females, if applied in early stage, prevents upperation or matter formfng, and gives in all cnscs immediate easefrom pain. Certificates of his fací could be given if necessary. This remcdy is ofiered to the Public wilh the full assurance that it far excels the Opodeldoc's nd Liniments of the piesent dny, for the above liseases. A trial is only wanted. to give it the lecidcd prefercnce to every thing else. Many Dhyscians ot emineneo have usod this ointmenl and extols its merits. n9 The above ointment is for sale wholosale and eta'' by L. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor, (lower town) June I5th, 1842 9DR. BANISTEB'S CATHAHTIC PIX.Z.S. THIS pil] has not only been used by myself, but by a number of Physicians of gh standing, both in ;his other States, (o rent advantnge. By the frequent and repented solicitations of my rienda, I have consenied to offer thetn 10 the ublic :ts a most eflicncious remedy for all those illious diseosees originating in a new counrv. Theabove pil! is for salo Wholesale and retailè y L. BECKLEY. Aun Albor. (lower town) June 15th I842. 9 D'ï. BAiNHTKK S CKLEHRATED FVF.R AGÜE 1MLLS- Purcly Vegetable, A síiíe, speedy; and sure remedy tor fever and gue, duin apúé, ch II fevor, and the bilious dis■isps pecuünr to n w countries. Tlirsc pills are dcsigned ror t!ie rfF;Ctons ofthe ver and oiher interno! orgnns wlnch attehd tho isensjs oflke new nnr] n :)S' latic portions ofour )11II!'V Th proprietor hnving rie I rhem in o rest nríety oí' cases confidentiy betieves thnt ihey ara iperior ro my remedy that Ipis ever boen ofleid lo thc iul)lic for ilie nliove diseoses. Itiepurely Vegetable nnd peifectly harmless, nd can he taken by any person, male or femnle itb períect snfrty. The pills :ire prepnred in two separate ho.xcs, arked PJo. I and No. 2 and icccoinpnnicd with ill direetjons. A "-( -!t number of ceri fi 'ates mighl he procu'liii favor ofihis mdicine but hn proprieter s ho'uirh fi I tiotto inserí I e ■ -is much ns e (ependa upon the merita ■ r ■&■■ ie fr its ; lltfllt(n 'l'hc ;i!iove pill is kepr ponstontly on hond by ie propriet:T nnd r,nr bohad at wholesnle and roil. at the store of Beckley & Co. Ordors fro 0 e cour-try proinptly attended to. Ann Arbor, (lower town) May29th 1842. 9 L. BECKLEY.


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