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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Celebration Of Th...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Celebration Of Th... image
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Sohoolcraft. July 8th, 1842. I ottended a celebraiion of the 4th of July at Leioy. Calhoun Co. A brief notico of it in the Signal of Liberty may be interesting. At the time appomfed, a concourse of between six and seven liunüred people assemblee!, werc formed into a proecssion by Dr. Thayer. the Marshal of the d.iy. and nrar.ched to a grove near at hand, where arrangements had heen prcviously made for their aceommodation. The orders o( the day wcre nnnounced bythe president, Mr. Tnylor. ui'l 'ifior ihc usual ceremonies, opening witli prayer, musicfrom the clioir, the reading of the Dcclaiation of Independcnco. &c. fhe Uev. Mr. Iloyt, of Kalamnzoo. addresscd the audience, mak ing soine reniarks wcll adnpted to tlie occasion and the present stage of our enterpme - Fie referrcd to the fact of the gr?nt importance j of (1 iscussion upon all subjects in which the public interes: is involved; by discussion we are enabkd to arriye at correct conclusions; discussion is necessny in relation to slavery to ascertain whotlier it is an evil or a benefit. If it is a benefit, it is riglu that we should know it. thot we may particípate in the benefit; if an evil, it should be known so t'nat a reniedy may be applied. He also rcferred to som e of its political relations as grie vances ihat should bc removed by a political movcineiH. He was succeeded by Dr. Be;ncnt of Jackson, in a speech ol beween i'wo and tlrtee hours in length, in which he dwelt with great Ibrer Upon ihc question of slavery in its tnoral, political, fi nancial nnd econominal relations. He showed conelusivcly tbc complete initon ofaction 1 ing between the cliurcli ond state, and ïbat büth have exened their powera for the pvotection and perpetualion of that e vil. TJe recurred to the fact of the t.emendous influence the slave power has acquired in the councils of the nati on, and in all the different dep.utrnents of Go vernment; ihatnotwithstandmg theiNorth has two thirds ol the free population. and aruijority of the repísenla, ti ves in Congress, yet by the S omh beine unitcel npon every question touchi ng the slave interest, and acting upon the two great po litical porties thnt have always existed in tlie country, with the north divided by a conflict of interest, the (ree States have been placed under the complete control of the slave power; that the settled policy of the South h:is invaripbjy been to unite with that party that ■ would go iarthest to subserve the slave interest, and rriake the greatesc nggressions upon the rights of the free. Whenever a party with rith which it acts fails to accomplish its desired object, at once that party is desfcrted by the South, turning over i.ito the opposi'e party, and raistng it iatQ power. The only remedy is tor the Norih to Ik)coii)c ünited. act in unisón and restore the soverninent to its original foundation, to the prip.ciples of American Independencs. Such is the object of the Libertj party, and sucia will h its resti'r. At the close of Dr. Bement's remarks, the assenibly fornied a pro:-cssion., and marched to a Í table to partake of a dinner prepared for the oeension. Aft-er dinner theaudience wasaddressed by Dr. Coles of Battle Creok, in a short speech. He èxhibivcd iri a striking nianner some of the enormities of ihe systém that we are contending against. He was foüoved by Dr. Bement in a speech direccte.'l princip:i'ly agninst the oljections urged by the opposers of alolition. Mis remarks throughout werc entirely dispaesionate, and argumc-nts clear and comprehensivo, and well calcihited to claim the attenticn of the aiidience. - The rcsult wül undoubtedly be to give an onward impulse to the eausc in that vicitiity, the subject oi abolition being so lully canvassed and iacts and argurnents so forcibly presented thac cotivicrion of the truih of the principies avbwcd mustiiresistibly be forc:cd ujion the unprnjudiced inind. Alter Dr. BemeiH closed a vote of thanks was tundered to the speakeis and oflïccrs of the da}1, and the assembly dispcrsed. Ati bnti-slavèry meeting hns i)ccn nppointcd at Gull Prairie. Kahtnazoo Co., Wednééáay. the 20i.h day of July at 2 o'clock in the anemoon, and puWicly mnouncüd at the Leroy cclc!ruiioti. [t s intended to be tiie commencoment ol a scries of anti-slivery mcet1ng to be hek! in cÜfT.;r- ent paris of the county withn view ofgettin iliu aboluion qursiioa before the poojile geiieraüy. - plantation Ins been adopted in St. Joscph county, with beneficial rosults.


Signal of Liberty
Old News