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The Men Of Blood--Marshall And Clay

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The marmer in wbicfa Marshall was received in the House to-day was evidence thnt all human feeling has not departcd from political men. Pnle, ghastly, careworn, lie took his Beat in silence, vvith a manifest effort to appear unconcerned. No throng of fnendsclustercd around to greet his return nfter cight week's absence, No one noticed him. He tried to brave it out and keep his seat, but could not stand it; he rose, and travereed the hall, hcre and there making advance?, nnd in some instances coaxing a shake of the hand, his forehead wtinkled in an agony ofremorse nnd bitter passion. After a few movements of this kind, he eeemed at Jencrtb to find a few kindred spirits, Wise, Cost Johnson, StanJey, êtc., who solaced and compümented him, ond by degree the constraint wore off. I suppose nothing will be done to vindícate the honor of Ihe laws, or to remove from the House of Rcpre6fiiitatives a man who, four days ogo, twice fired a pistol at a man, and who raved and vet raves with fury because he was prevented from corjtinuing to fire until hc had taken life.My soul abhors these men of blood. Many monibers of Congrcss are horror struck at the development of this man'a character. They ,hnve been slow to belicvo that slaveholding' society, does produce such infernahzing resdtB. Thcy will not trace it to its cause, lest it simuld hort thfir party. And hundreds who are loudest in denouncing Marshall for duelling, axe yet among the most besolted devotees of the great patrón and Nestor of duelling - the man who has done more than all other men in this land to keep p the prauice in thisnation - Henrt Clay. IIow could Marshall consider the fcelings o] the clergy and the religious and mom! peo! plc of New Yorkns oppo&ed to duliing wlien thoy rndo the Tubcniado ocho witli plnudits on hia bii ro mnüoning timt Ashland was in bis dieirict? For party idolnu-y they Hcnry C!ay, allltough hurd'y a tv.clv._inontii lins clapc(J eince he was cnzsgpá in m foraduc!, propanvl to raisè hts gal arm ond shool doicna brothc Senator for irndx spolien in debate! Tliiriy-five yrnrs ogo, vuur Noitsand Docchors and üwihts, ucro proachinor the duty of witlxirawiiiji politica ruiipoit iVuin cvory duelist, nnd yet irnon llie clc.'frv of tli::.; ;;iy oro foiinl lije moí reckless zealots fprthc advancemëritof i-Icnï (';y to tin? hjghe&t Jionors ol" llenatiun - i'.r'iy i;!!!) f, i,.; land 'has 'yet tomóurnil thö adtila'ion wíiith has b'en licipc;! ao ;ro füicly upoji ix uvn of Ulood, a ninn Ahosb in sidioiis wnners and civic sl.-indinsr have ken


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