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The Fice Press saysthe atiiount of State Scrip in ncnial circulation is $160.000. On the 2üd ol January last, it was nearly $215,000. The law nbolishing imprisoument for debt in Connecticut and New Jersey, took effect on the iounh of July. The Cummon Council of N. Orleans have enneted a law requiring brokers to takc out a li. lense, for which they mustpay 4005 per annum in specie. Penalty for non coinpliance, $100 per doy. , Llrfiu Manufacture.- Thevhote value of the Siraw manufacturé in the State of Mnssnchusoits. is ascertnined lo exceeri iwo :i,iliions of dollars a year, a:ul it gives partia! emptoyment to more ïh.ui one bundfed thon'sand persono. Few ieople are aiv.irc oí the imponnnce of this apparently ineignificant brnnph ofinfiustry. ii hos grovyn up nnder the protective sys:om'of email beginnings and bas prevented :he nbcessity of exporting Ironi thïs country to Franco and haly sixieen hundred thou-snnd dollars per annum in specie, to purclinse straw tueniy per cent lees titan we now have them. The county of Norlolk. Mos?; xports straw io manufacture to ihe annual vahiê of$60Ü,ÖÖO.nndthe town of Franklin. rh j population ofabout 1400. has producöd $1CO.OOO. The labor is perlbrmed by feinalcs anti 'ohiLlren, labor whicii wöuld bc whoíly useiess and iroducivc. Scvcral limes we hnve bncklcd on our armor and entercd the field un.ler the barinerof Henry Clay; bat the campaignsha ealwaysbeen unucccssful - Boston Courier. The largcsl tree in tc ccuntnj. -E Talhnage stntes in the Louisvillt Adveitiser, that there is n sycamore near Yovk. South Carolina, on the Catawpa river. that mensures sevnn:y feet four inches in circurnfcrence, and the bóllow inside is i teel in diameter.Woolfrom jïajjs..- TEB.flgbts of manuinctuhrig woüI and cloth from Rags. mcniioned in ihis paper a few weeks sinco. w'as invelHed by Reuben Daniels of Woodstock, Vt.. and the exelusivo ïightof usingsak! iiivcntioii lmbcon codveyed to A. Sieams & Co.. oi'Troy. The procoss consists p'f fonring the rïgs to piece-sof siiitohle fineness, nnd tliun passing through a machine running in water, which pons "n thrend and prepares it for the c:irds. Tbc woöl tlius made is now manüfnéturcd ly F. K. Nicho. 's &,, Eo. at Quecehy. Vt., who are mákine one thuusand yards of cloth per day.-7Voy Wldg. A JYcw Honor .- Judge Douglass, of tliè Supreme Court of Illinois, has hud conferred lipon him, by the Mormons, thefrecüom of the spiritual city ofNauvoo Jolm Quiticy Adams wül eliver theorrlión beforothe "Phi BeLa Kappa Soeietf of Bowdoin College, at the annual commcucempnt in September. The water from tlïo Crotón nver, wns lot nto tho great reservoir, wiih much "circtimstance," on Moi day last. Tlic New Yorkers rejpicë exceedingly, as they have a riglít to do. Tt is quite an cvent in the history'of the city. Salt. - Tven!y-fivc barrels of snit nrr bicnufactured daily al Grand Rapute, jh thia State. Michigan will heroafter produce enongrh of this article for home consnmpticn, nd the wan's of some of her neighhors. Frrkdom r.v Missouri. - The "Mound City," a St. Louis paper, of the 7th uit. has the followinj amonw its pólice items "Henry Ricííardson, a fren negro at Wge, without license, was fined 10 aud direcied to leavc the State in three days,;' What 'va the value of American citizenthip to Henry Richardson? Ho hastopny SlO for a 'passporl' to leavo a slave for a free State.I Rfühigán Swizig Sük.?Jobn Dewey, of .'u. ps!conj Jackson couniy, hus manufaciured soinc lopounds of scwingsilk, this season. Good. - A general Council of thc Cherokccp have paseed a lavv, (hut all spiritous liquors í'ound at nny ;ime, in their nailon, ehall bo poured out on the grouud. Absurd Lcgidalion.Tbe Legislatura of MnrvlaiKi, nt ita last session. passed a iaw impoeüi a tax upua brokers of $3,000. EirivTTai'on.- 2G00 pnssengers nrrived at thc Quarantino Ground ycs:erday,from foreign ports: the largfrst number, we bcliove, ever airivcd beforc n one dny. - AT. K Era, Jidy 2. Sixty jersons Scalded. - Wc liavc jual reecjv nJ ntelltgenica by a g-ntlentnn Irom St. " Louis, of" an cxceedingly meloncholy occurrence. On monday morning hst when ïheHteainboat fina. bound from St. Louis up thc Mississippi river wns at the inouth of'i!ai stroam aboile' burst and SIXTY persons were scalded- FORTY FIVE of whoni arediiftd. Thcy were most ly Gertnaps emigrante. This is the second horrible calrunity with wiuch thfse excellent and in ( people have been visited white eeeking ahorne in liie west. - Chicago American. Thc Nashvillc Whigcontains a leilnr from throc or four Missiesippians engaged in cuhivnting eotton on the banks of the Jumna. a brnnch ol the Gnngcs, and havingr a plantation of f)G00 ncrc?. Th8y say they are just as snro of makinp qo.tton there as on the banks of llie Mssissippi. Luhor is so chcap thtï cotton wil! bö ehenper than in the Uní icd States. The wnges of a inbo'dft'g in i ss Síl.6'2per month, he iurnishing his own subsibtence. Movrning. - ín Europr. the cnlinary color is black, in China it is white, in Tuikey, blue or violet; in Egypt. yellow, Ethiopia. brown. - The nncient Spartan and Roman Isdies móurned fn liiie. The samo coliir obtained foimcríy in Cnsrilc on dnth f thoir princes: The bet time t was nscd in l'líí. -it the dcatli of Prittcp Joiin. Kings and Cardinala inourn in purplc. dTIf the ne;t recriptp frfim thr pu'oüc lands up (o ihe 1 st inst, are divided cqually anong the nhabitanifi of the country, it will amount, r.t this lim'o. xpjfiflcïii-rigllunfhs of a cent to each individual! A Wo-vdrd Cxtf.-r Tlvo fían. (1) TlKmag MrtrshfllJ, it appcars. lirs shot James Wa'soni Webh-, Esq. in tho arf. Couldn't ehoot lijm e'.BCwhcie vcry wel].Tiic Mormon leaders h;ive hn.I qunrrel. and Och Bennett. eomrnancler of tlie Nauvbp fejjion, I promises to umi; o gome interesting disclosurcs in the Snngamo Joiirnol'. Good common shccp c.n be bought in Ilünois ai 75 cents per hond. The prairies are said to be very favorable loca:ior;9 for raising shecp. Tbc Wüeatcrop of Marylüid bnssui!b:ed scverely frora rust. Two ministers al Nonh Staiifurd. Ct. were lately struck wiiii lightiling at tl ie communion lable. They had just po u red out the wine.. and werc giving thnnks. One of thcin was scriously injurcd. Henry Buiden, of Troy. N. Y. has tbrec machines in operatbn. by whieh horsR shoes are maufactured at the rate of iïftcen a minute. - The first machine cuts off the iron of the proper lèngth. (laüens grooves. pod perforates it. Tlie second b'enda it to the riglit yliape, and t!ie third turns iip tiie end of tlie shoc to forin the hel. - Steel calks, innde also hy a machine, are aherwards welde.d on t'te shoc by a rapid proccp?. - Tbc shoes are made of fivc diflerenl 6izea. They cost about half as mucli aa those made by hand. Tbc inventor made 200 tons of shoe. sevcraJ years since, but suspended operations until this summer, when he has recommenced.The pnpers since the Fourlh britig in a long catfljogae of accidents froni the celobraüqn, nearly all of whioh nrc connectcd with tlie use oí líiinpowcler. and intoxicating liquor. It has been jtisily rcnurked by sonic ono. tliat sliould onr nationnl indepencience continue for several gencration.o, and !e celebrated as it hns been hitherto. the niiüibcr killed and wounded in tlic annual celebrations, will soon cxceáed the nunjber killed nnd wounded in achieving our independenco. Tiie oldest republic on carth is that of San Marino, in Itnly. It is 40 miles in circumfcrference, and has about TOOG inhabiiams. It Wns founded more 14(0 yeaisngo. Bonapnrtc. who overranall Euiope, suilercd it to remath uninolcsteií. The co:nmon council of Detroit have odopted n rule tlia' no njumbtT sliall seak mdrd thnn five minutes at a tiine. wiihout leave of o ;mcil. The Whigs of Verttiont have re-nommatcd "hnvl'ii for Governor.


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