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Graham's Magazine, And Gentleman's World Of Literature And F...

Graham's Magazine, And Gentleman's World Of Literature And F... image
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tThu Caskitund ÜciuLvi n s bn.tzd. ( A new volume under the nbove title. of the ( weii establJshed and Fashonble Magazine. The E Philndelpliia Casket in conjnncticn with the Magazine, vvlik-h li.:a been av. ■ . pfonouncéd 10 the ui"-' rem o the day, wil p?ncd mi die fitst du) p! Juniiary. iSÍ'i. vviihan .ïrrajToi cóñmftñoi's'séciiieri by ilif union of tnlcin. "l lumc. wlm-!: no pi;i nl ca! in the country can In-Hit or pt tnd to icv Ie. The December QUipber will h:vevtT. ben epeói.the new volun;e. T'úc volume wjl! bo üpbned Aith a new nd b'enuuiúl ypó. 'le fi.icsiper. imJ witli ilie tirs; ui i urios i bullishmeme uns.univssfit'd bj any v'i ' n i:-e y.ei n ,n y Mag.'.zinc. The atvji ■' el.i il ot (hese nlüitntttOtlfl. vvhicli wijl be újfidí tu - typoraphien! a i;! nb ve ll tiie lune ■ ts hteniry dcpaitiiicm. l'j tlie brilürmt fti con'tnbutoj's, whiwè ürtTeles hnve eSirichérf tiic ia■i'cs of each nuiiiljcr. will fiive ir eh'atacu ont to no Mngnziaö in Cue 1'num. 'i'hc cliftrrtclci o! the urticles wliich shal! appcar in Lts pages.. will de equally remi ved rom a sickly sen'.: mentafity, nnd i rom nn eiTectütion of nioralitv.lmi whilc a uu;: delineation of human nature in rvay varieiy ol passion is niined at. nothing oh; 11 be Ibund in ils pages to cause a blusli upon tlie cheek of tbe most pure. The Li'erary Charncter will be snfficicutly gUaranteed by tlie rejnitation oí' boih Magazines hus utiited. ior years )ist. Wiiters óf thn firsi i ank have been regular contributors to their paíes- and tbc ales ;inc! sketches puMislu-d in tliem én widely copied and reaci. and ihc fiBni and independent tone of the cnticisins. npon the cunent litcraaire of the doy has been cvciy wliere apprbvod and eorn üende, The list o! Con tribu tors embraces the ria'ñve of mnst of the principal writers in Anierica. wiili a respectahle number ol Enlieli autliOTS. In addition. the distinguished survict-s of a hos' of anonyinous wrtrerS of no ordinary abilit ts have given wonh and charicter to tlie pages ol he Maiíñzines. The series of well known nautical nnpers etititled ' Ciuising iu tlie Last War,"have luid a run. unequaieii ny any enes puiMisneo in any Magazine, f'or years. Tho auiho.r proinises lo opon the first of n new series of ' Tales ol the Sen." 'aiid from hisknowh ahiliiies ns n depii-ter of sen scènes nul life. irnich mny be relied apon trom liim in maintaininir the pop}arity o1 thé Magazine'. Papers mny be expectod dúríng the volainerilso from the auihorof the well Kno.W anides cinitk'd ':'rhe Log of Oíd Tronarles." - The author oí' ; Syríañ Letters.' will also iend his pnwerful and gmteful pen to sustain and inciense the rcpu'tation of the work Tlie vaiuable aid ol tlio author oí 'Lr-rives froni á Lawyêra Port Fjiio' ías also lieen sectireri - and we tuay oxpuct soii'.eun still more tlnüling (toni the spaciou stores hiel) a !onír life 111 hc prijféssion hns cnablod liitn ) amnss. Án ocensional Chit-Oiat vviih Merctny liorí' and ' Oliver Ohlfellow' is also proir.ised ith a vuricty otchoice anieles in prose and verse. om various writers of' celebrijy, as eontributors o the proinineiit ÍIngozhies oí the country. The djtors of both Magazines continue their services nder the new nrrangémeiït. iViih sucli ari artv of talent, a JÍhgazfnfe ofunrivnlled aüractions. lav safelv be proniised the cdrning voluine. ' FASHIONS AND KNGRAVINGS.In cömpliancc with the nl:nost unnnunoiis wish r onr lady suoscribers. we shnll. the ensuing iluine. furnieh ilicm with n beautiful nnd co'Teet ate of Fashions. Monthly. a feaiure, it s believd. thatwül neitherbe unwelcome nor impopular. 'hese fashion platos shall bc drawn fro::i ori.'innl esigns from Paris nnd Lontlon. nnd "may nlwnvs je depended upon ns the prevailing siyle in Pbila elphia and New Yoik fot the niontli in whicb it?y are issued. Tliese however. shnll in no wise nterfere with the remilar in' choiee orfaKfivinré nd music which nccornprmy ëirch núniher-íj) ihe ark. The splcndi'l Mczoiint rtiL'r .víiiks 'Vmie bnrin of Snrloin, wiiich have l'en si) justly drnjred, wiil be followcil durin ihc yVljii'.ie by everal irom the sanie hand, while the steel cn::rn inga in the hrst style of art irom interestin ceés shnll still enrieh the Mignzine. The eho;e-t piceos of music for the Pitno and Guitar shnl! ceompnny each nntisber ot' ihe work. TIMF. OF PUBLIC TIO..The work wijl he piibüshcd n the first of th nonih in even' omrtcr of the Urii:i. Ttic hstmit suècfiher wil! rnnfenuenth nn"'vc ir ht; lint dnv. ns wol! ns MS vH'fl ir) Phil ihin !n nl] the prinripnl oiries. ftffoW's trve hoiiq I :a ablishpJ; to wliom 'lic Mog-izine is forwatHprl; r i ■ ir to the linie oí' issuinir i', st th.'it they nipy ie. nclivciod to rc.ciilont EnhsCTÍbérs !v the firstt of the monih. 'i'ln's is ;in nvporifln arra 'Gonjf.rtt to rjistánt suhfcnbers. wno lirro-'ie úrcA. ipp;irinu:iir ;:nd ('vniinflv rüfontfiino mnnv works' in con'écpir'nce o'" tllcí "v tt rtol.fy hv TRRMS - Tlr.r-f D(il!ji-ö ih"é wnn-'. or tw ■ copiofi yenily for fi.c fiflnrs'. ihvncinWy in nfivnnce. post priid Nn new silfcsnihër rocoivrrl u-iihout iho 'itonov. nr the nmno of n rn=rionsh!e íLrfnt. For the ficcomrnnd;itifn ofrthoaf veho 'n-V ws=h to pubséribe for either ot 'lic fojlöwing Philadelphiapcrioriicnis. ihis LIBERA!, PROPOS AL i 55 madf. FtVfi rí!Ins ptfiTnt monev t'vcp noo. we Vi!l forwnrd Gr-ihnii's Mnfw.infi nrwi Gorlov's indy's Book furonf vfir. Addrrss !'!.' paifi: GF.o.r. graii vr, South wpst corner of Chfst'iut ;ind Tliird , Street Pbilndelphia:


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