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"The Glorious South."

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This is the caption of a savagc arliclcin the AJndisonian, where aro set t orth a few of the noble qualities of that section, ad the injustice it has sufiered and still suffers at the hand of the subtle intriguing North. "The Glorious South." Wc like that term. The land wlicre justice rcigns supremo; - whore education and civilization diffuse their beneficoi:t liglu throughout her borders- the land where religión spreads its mantle of peace over all its clnldren, - lond of cquality and cqual nglits,- the land of thivalryj-how is slie exaltcd among the natiuns, - a beacon star to the admiring and wondering world, alone and unapproachable in her glory. O, land of glory, no wonder thy panegyrist was savage when he reflecied on thy merits and on ihv wronffs!How false have been our notions, and how i ncar sighted our visions, hcrc r.t the dark, I benighted North, and wc ncvor bcforo have reaüzed the bcauties of the "Glorious South." We acknouledge our blindness, and with frank confession of it, hopo to err no more. VVith shame we say t, we had considercd her glory only theglory of infamy; like that of che ancient Greek, who firod tlie bcautiful temple ofEphesus that his name might go j down to posterity, immortaHzed for villainy i alone. Her laws, set at nought by all from the highest to the lowest;- her'statesmen, legislating with pistols and bowie knivoa in their bosoins, and calling each other to order by the report of the one, or the point of tho other; - her judges, confirming their decisions on t'.iebench, by tho rifle of the dueling field; i murder etalking in her strects at noon day; her gamblers, gentlemen, and her gentlemen, gamljlers,- her precscs muzzled,lest a thought of f reed om might findutterance: her schools, "like angle visite, few and far betwcen:"- her holy and most reverend clergy,preaching those world redecming vvords, ''whotsoever ye would that others should do unto yon, do ye even so to them," and scourgi.ig and tearing asundor huaband and wife, mother and child, and selling íbr "íillhy lucre"' the image of their God; solemnly resolving in their asscmblies after impiously the blesaing of Heavén upon their acts, that when the luisband is sold away frora the wife, shc may be compelled to receive another husband and she their Chrislian sister; declaring tie doctrine which must make hell rock with glec, that slavery is not the violation of the lavv of their .Masler, and that He requires them only to "do as they would be done by," if they were themselves slaves; her sons proclaiminor to tho. world the immortal dogma of the equal rights of all by nature, and one third of their number doomed to a bondage more deplorable thau the world ever saw, a bondage so debasing in its eñeets that they have siuik that last stage in the downward progress of humonity - unconsciousness of (heir own degradation: her Constitutions (as ifjnancould make wrong eternal! providing against any changesin the condition of these victims of her cupidity, whem she would ronder miudless and eoulless could she by further wickedness usurp God's prerogative; - her laws, making il death, to light for them the lamp of knowledfe;- seizing and reducing-to a piece of property, if his face be darkened with a drop of A frican blood, any ono who lands on her hospitable shores; yea,even seiling the children of her own loins: all this, indeed, we never dreamcd to Constitute a nation"s glory. Some omong us, better enlighted) have ever shouted Hossannas to the "Glorious South," but for ourselves we must have been in"outer darkness," as we fear are niany stiü. Unless memory prove tieachcrous, however, we sli.-ill be unjust no more, and again we soy; O land of glory! no wonder thy panagyrist was savagc when he reflectcd on thy mcrits and thy wrongs. -[Vergennes Vcrmonter.


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