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Leavitt writes from Washington that the dein"ocratic-members of Conprress are divided very miich on the tariff and distributbn projects - quite as nuich as the liberty pnrty. Mr. Buchannan lately expressed himself opposed to a unilorm horizontal scale of duties, upon all arncles whether of gréat orsmallbulk, or value. Nb civilized nation on earth had adopted such a system. But ho would raise just so much revenue as the nccessnry expenses of Government niight require, and at the same time, he would discrimínate, moderateiy and judiciously, ín favor of all the great imeresis of the country, whethcr agricultural, commcrcinl. mechanical or manufacturing. Most of thö demoerrus assent to theso views, provideu the land fuud be restored to the trensury. Silaa Wright laid down his views as follüws: "1. Tlint revenue should be the object and inlucemem lor the imposition of duties upon iinports: and thnt every other considoration shouIJ be merely incidental in tiiis great anJ nccesaary object. i:2d. That the wants of the government. economicilly and properiy administered. should be tlie neasure of revenue to be raised from any s.'uoe or in any manrter." 3C0) additional cjpies of I-eavitt's Whcat memorinl have been ordered to be printed in tho Sonate. It proposes reüef to the country by procuring a foreign market for its producís, and oray sCongiess 'o incorpórate into the tnriffbill, a piovision reducing tho duties one third in favor of the productions of any country thnt wül admit - ourprov'.sions duly free.Congrcss ha ving sat very patiently far seven months, to relievo the country, Mr. Botts, of Virginia has proposed to basten that eüef by mpeaching the PreiJent. He took ccasion to annotince his intentioa to the Iouse, and hoped they would g-o with him n the subject. He disclaimed nny cor:nection whHtever with a ny of his party, and took fie responsibility of running upfirstand alone, he flag of imoeachmant. Hia proposition meets wiih little favor. The N. Y. American ays the hour and tho man for such an underakinor have nol come. The time has not arived, and Mr. Botts is not the man.In the House of Representativos, JuJy 9, Wm. Cost Johnnn acrording tu prcvious notice, asked unanimous con?ent, whïch being refiised he moved to suspend the rules for the inlruduction of a resolution preceded by a long preamble with reference to the emtarrassment of the statcs (providing for the appointmeiït of q strlect comrnïttee to consider these erabarrassments, an. report by bill or otherwiso a n.e.isure of relief) vvhich ho intend by tho by the issumg of government stock, to be gïven to the stntes. The motion failed (t'wo thirdé nut voting therefor!) Yeas 7, Nays 132. fhc N. Y. Express states from good authority that tlieTrea-ury DöparttnenUs ready to meet the requisition of the states, by distributing the siiare of money ailowed them under the land bill, for the sales from January to July. New Jersey, it is said has received her share.The House ha3 been occupied chieflv with the details of the TarifT bill! Important a - mendraonts have been ado pted lo the several sectionsüftbobill.aa far as the conimiitee have gone, and the most important, a vote to admit tea and coffe free ofduty. The provisior.s in the bill specifying the rute of dutr upon these articles,were all struik out. New ra'es of duty have also been made upon glass. Mr. Tallmadge has given norice that he will bring forward the Exchquer Bill eoon. A letter wriier says 'I have converwd vv'th many members of both parties, and they all ajree their i no chance of any action upon the "exchequer bill at the present session, the effortsof Mr.Tallmadge to the contrary notwitlistanding.' The final question of tho Tariff Bill was takeü n the House oí Repreeenwtives on Saturday af. ternoon, and passed by the very cloao vote of Ycas 116 to Nays H3-onIy kour majority.


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