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The Secession In This State, From Abolition Scruples, Nu...

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i The secession in this state, from abo! it ion scnipJes. numbers some seven hundred members and a dozen preachers, as I have been in T5e'V have adPted the Wesleyan" Methodist Discipline, published some monthg ngo at Uticn, N. Y., with some e!irht amendmenie. They have, recent Jy, enjoyed a vorvr gracious revival, which thy have received as contaiuing n grreatamnunt of the divine sanction upon their course. Diirintj the past winter I visited some of their societies for mv own informatio rpspecling iheir chnr.icter 3 aboliüonistg. I fbiind their preachers in the hnbit of frequent lecturing on slavory, and the adultsof their male communicanis invariablvr young and expecfing: to voie for the enslaved inouiri, they had no disciplinnry retrulation rrspecrin volwg, they acted upon the conv.c .on, that if pcopie are actiially morall MS h they w.ll be pohikally. So that thmS rit l T nOt m a State of confu-sion. I rcjoiced-toleam that there are some recent Z:TZ iO" &ö the memberf'PntO, etio annual conference. GocF pWo Icarn fro'n the following chnracteristlcp by the Anti-Aboütionist that the Liboriy party are asalte in Cincinnati: flThp Abolitionisisofthis city havo nominated an 1 ticket for .],e lcgisi,,ure.and are hS? meetinss in Parhhmses. tellars &c ftim l.h ÏÏTThe Ádvertiser asiis: "If Mr' Van Buren has beert a scourgo to the eop!e, as Whi?s bclieve, why shqld his visjt be ceíebraied witli pnblic honors, more tban bny other public calamity? The principie implied in the qae=tion is worthy of ffoüco. and should be remembered by aboliíionists against the time when Mr. Clay, or 5pmo other VVIrg who bas been "a scourge to'the poople" shill visit us. Mitchell lhc forser has been arrested in Ohio, and taken to New Vork, to answer to his bail for running away, and for chargés of forgery prior lo that f..r which ho was trièd.


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Signal of Liberty