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_-_ _- - - - ■- JR WALKER respectfully informa his friends and the public in general, that he vis rccently commenced business, in the tailorins !in,one dooreast of Bo-.vcr's dry goodsstoie, where he is prepared tó execute orders in ihe nentpst and most fnshionaWe s'tyle. Garmentswül be made to order, in strict conformity with tl. e present prevailins faShlon and laste of the day, and warranted to fit or no charge. . Lndies' Ridin? Habits made in the latcst INew York or Philadephia fashions. Friends. or Quakers' garments will be made in the neatost and plainest style. Cuttingdone at shortest notice. All kinds of Military Uniform and undress coats andpantaloons. made agreeoble to tLe present military or regimental ordc.r. J. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25 th. 1842. n!4- 3m. "OARSOis'S SHEARING MACHINES." X - Theo. H. Eaton & Co. 138, Jéfferson avenue, arethe solo agents of these very celebiated machines. 12-Sy SATTINETT WARl'S ON BEAMS.- Theo. H. Eatos fc Co., 138, Jefferson Avenue, ofier for sale a larpe stock of Sattinett Waïps, fird ha the New Vork milis. These Warps are cons-idered supeiior to any other in the country, and will be sold, for cash, at n smal 1 wlvnnce. 12- SwIn Auadimcnt. before L Stillscn, Justice of lbo Pence of Wnshtenaw County. James B Manchester ) John Munroe. ) Notice is heréby givcn that n writ of Attachment has been issued in the above fintííled cause, ngainst the LooüS aiT'l ciiattcls riglv.s, credits. mnneya, andcfiects of the above natped defendant, an absont and nonreáident debtor. and thal ho sid cause has been continucd for tiial to the eighth day of fc'eptember next al te o clock A. M. before the said J;istico. in ihe town ofAnu Xrb0rÍn?&ÍdCSksBMAN0riESTER. Dated Ann Arbor, July 8th 1842; i:- 7wCLINTON SEAIÍNARY! nTfrlE fall ter:n of th;s instituiion will comJL menee on Monday. Aug. J5. and continue 2 wceks. Tuition, for studies pursued by small cl-.ildron, $2.5 ) - for coimnon Eiíglish brfínclics $3.wO- ibr Lnrin, Greek. Fionclí, Hebrew. Chomistry, Astronoiny. Algebra, Geonietry. Book-Keeping, Moral and Imellcctnal Pfafüqsöphy. $4,0ü. It is very much for the student ndvantase to enter at the bezinning ot the term, and yet tliost; who enier aiterwards will be charged tuition only from the time they cume in io the close oí the term. Tuition to be paid in adcance. A CMivenient nnd commodious building in a picas ant and retired location hns been procured. Board, mcluding room i nd washing, may bc had in good families at 1,25 to $1,50, or rooms nuiy be hired nnd studentö board themselvea at much Ics8 expense. Pairons and friendo a:-e respectfully ïnviterl to visit the school nt Rhetorical exercises, which occur on cvery Wednesday, P. M. A short lesson in vocal müsic formi n part oí the daily exercises, "Juvcnile Songs, ly Thomas Mastines," has been recently introduced.Wc are happy to be abie to intorm our tnends, bat wc trust the school will oe rendcred more valuable than heretofore by the additiou of the 3ervices of Mr. James S., Smedley, A. B.. who will commence his lnbors as teacher of Hebrew and French at the opening of the next term. From Mr. Smedley's cxperience .md suocess as a teacher, together with his known chnracter for prompt riess. c.ergy, nnd industry as a scholar. We feel confidont he will do niuch lowards rèndêrihg the sc!n4 whnt we wish it to be, a plRce wheie the phyflicftl, intellectual Qpd moral powera of the youtti of boih sexea hall be trüined for future usefulnoss and respe.ctabihiy, and iaPP'neSGEO. 'w! BANCROFT. Principal, Mbs. BANCROFT, Assistant. ■ Clinton, July 5, 1842. Í2-WÍNSTATE OF ELLEN W1LMOT DECEALi SED. Notico is hereby given that the undemgncd hns been nppointed by ilic Hon. Geoi ge Sedg wiek. Judge oi' Probate in aud for the Coiüiiy oí Woshtenaw, ndministrotor on the csiare of Ellen Wilmut. Inte of Saline in snul Couniy. nnd hns given bondsaccording to law. - All persons havingdemnnds ngninst said estáte are requested to present them for adjustment, nrid all persons indebted tosoid estáte are requested to malie payment without dclny. ISRAELWILLrAMS. Ann Arbor. June 3'J, Ifii2. 12- Gw ftEW GÖODSe JH. LUND s now receiving direct fron ) Boston and New York, a large and wel! elccted stock of Merchnndize. coneisting of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. CROCKERY, % GLASSWARE; DRUGS % MEDICINES, NAILS, CRADLEAND GRASS SCYTHES, BOOTS AND SHOES. S?C S-C'. which hc offers for sale cheop for the rcady. Datfid, Ann Arbor. Mny i), 1842. NEW SPRING AN& SUMMER GOODS. JUST received and Teceiving at ihc New York Choap Store, purchascd nt the present low prices in New York, which will er.ablo him to sell lower than ever before olïered in this place, a large Int of French, English and American GOODS. consisting of Dry Goorls, Crockery. Books and Stationary, Boots and Shoes, Lookin Glasses. Also. a lai-gc lot of Yankee Notions. wlio.csalc and retail. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, May 11, 1342. 8w THE Subscribers are preparcd to c-ard Wool lor customers; having first rate machines.and having einployed an experienced workman, they feel conñdent of giving good satisfaction to al! K-lio w!ll favor tliem wilhtheir custom. Their manufactory is two and a halt" miles west of Ann Arbor on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, feCo. Scio? Mayltth, 1842Wooi Cardïng and Cioth THE Subscribers respectlnüy announce to the citizens Ann Arbor and vicinity, that they ave piepared to card wool and dress cloth fo; customcrs, in tha best style. and at the shortest notice. Having good machinery. experienced workmen, and long practice in the ousiness, they have the utmost cöntidence that they shall give complctesatisfaction. BECKLEY & co. Ann Arbor. April, 25, ÏM2. "% e tiss of ttínftínn Síínc forioV JAOËSÖNT TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ken BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, !#ith Hot and Cold ISaths. Dr. J. X W2LSON,inew goodsü CHEAP FOR CASH. AT the Store ot the öubsc iber. a ncw and splendid assorunent of NEW GOODS at iiricesso chcapaa lo astonish tho purchasers, conSDRY?G(ÖÖB'S, G&ÖCERIES, CROCKERY BOOTS, SHOES, ANÚ LADIES' SLIP PERS. SHAKER AND LEGHORN ' BONNETS, rC. C. Muslin.pè Lanc at two shillings per yard; calicóes at six cents per yard, and oth'er goods nt prices to currespond. To be convinced. just cali and see tho g ods and prices. 4")00 pound'3 goorl büttor wanted: 9999 buslie!s of house ashes varited. át 10 cents per bushel. Likewise field oshes, dehvereri at my ashery, nearChapin's iron founchy. N. 1).- All kinds of Furs taken in oxchange br goods. II. BOWER. Ann Arbor. (upper town) June 2, 1842.NEW GOODS ! ! FDENISON hns just received a complete . stock ot GOODS, GRO'CÈRIES AND CROCKERY, which will be sold very chenp for money or most kinds of produce. Descripiions and prices will he given at theStore. Ann Arbor. June )., 1842. STATE OF ALANSON CROSSWAN.- The undersigneü haveing been oppointed by ihe Hon. the Judge of probate for the Couniv ot Washfenaw. administratorson the csiateof Alan- son Crossman, late of said County. decensed. and having taken npon themselves the duties of paid trust, by givina bonds as the law directs; Notice is hereby given to those in debte to said Estáte, to niake payments. and those haveing clüinis, to present them properly attedted for adjustnient EVKLTNA CBOSSMAN, AdminisHENRY SHEPARD, S üatois. Seio June 20ih. 1844.


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