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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Battle Creek Anti...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Battle Creek Anti... image
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At a late meeting of the above Society, it wa8 resolved that the Secretary be instructed to forward to tho "Signal" an account of the formation of this Society,togeher with its Constitution and Resolutions as unanimoualy adjpted. In compliance with which yon aro hereby preaented witha copy of said Constitution, which aí:er a proper discussion of ts anieles, was finally adopted. ít may also be proper in this place to observe, that owing to aome d.ffirences of opinión on the subject of political nboütion, it was at one time apprehended that nothingcould be done beyond tbs efi'orta of "moral suasion." but after considerable and protractod discussion, each party has cededapoint, and the hope isentertained that ere long the propriety will be seen and acknowledged of so altering the Constitution, as to leave no alternative but to vote for Liberty Candidates. We have already 18 riamee appended and know of several others who have intimated their ihtention of signing it. PREAMBLK. Whereas we, the undersigned, do believe that all men areercated free and equal and possess c?rtain inalienable rights, among which are liberfy and the pur'suit of happiness, and as many of our fellow heings within these United States are cld in bondage cóntrary to these sentiments, we herefore associate ourselves together for the purose of carrying out those principies which were uaranteed to all and set forth in the glorious )eclaration of American Independcnce.CONSTITOTION. Árt. lst. This Association sholl be called the Battle Creek. Anti-Slavery Society, nuxiliary to ie Michigan State Ami-Slavery Society; the obec: of which ehull be to ameliorate tlie condition f the slave, as (ar a in our power lies, by every means, not violating the Coustitution of the Uited States. Art. 2nd. It shall be the duty of all members f the Society to use all jus: ard legal measures or the furtherance of this benevolent object, assting the Slave in every possible manner (not iolating the Constiïution of the United States.) nd eudcavoring to elévate him from that State of egradation and misery in which he is placed by ie ystem of Slavery as now existing under our overnment. Art. 3d. That in grateful remembrance of ie services rendered to us as a nation by other owers in our6truggle forour rihtsand liberties, ve wfll in imiiation of so noble an oxample, rener every aeeistance in ourpower (o the oppresed of every clime and color in his efibrls to emanpatc himefelf from the galling chain of Slavery, nd to let the oppresaed go fice. Art. 4. VVhilst we bind oursclves to vo(c ior o man,party,or interest, yet in the furtherance of our views', we pledge ourselves, hearl and hand to give our support to none who shall be engaged in trafficof his fellow man, or whoso influence shall be cxercised in eupport of slavSry, oragainst the rightof pethion, or who is known to refuse hisassent to any Constitutional measure, for úe beneñt of the slave.Art. 5. We dcèm it an important object o( this nssociation to maintain the cqual privileges of the North with the Soutli; and thnt wc resist as an injustice. the exportation of Southern produce, duty frec: while 80 heavy a tariffis imposed upon northern v;heat and other products into foreign countres. Art. 6. Any person mny bccome a member of (hÍ8 AsSociation by subscribing to the Censtitution, and bccümiag subject to the rules oí' the Society. [The remaining arricies we omit. They refer to the officers, meetings, &c] RESOLUTIONS. Ist. Resolved, That whilst we acknowlcdge the right by statutory enactments of the Southern States to hold a life interest in his fellow man, we deny the claim upon every principie oí moral justicef nnd that whilst wc abstain froni nny politicál inflaence, wiih such ceded dcni'inds, we claim the right of ustng every means for theii emancipation,within the range of theetcrnal principies of righteousnesá. 2nd. Resolved, That we aíso insist lipón having the right ío use our nfluence moral and polaical, in 2very way that we may be able, for the freedom of man of every color in the D istrict oí Columbia and in al the Territories of the United States. 3rd. Resolved,That we will nevcr yield the claim we have to ihc right of petition, nnd the liberty of speech.- ' - ' 4th, Resolved, Thnt as we are convinced it was the intention of the Constitution to take no recogniznnce of Slavery, so our representativos shall be instructed to insist upon all that the Constitution will nllow for aboliahing so griovous an evil, and that that ia meant by the expression "To regúlate commerce with forcign nations. and among the sn-eral states," be imperatively demanded. 5:hr Resolved, That while: we make use of every moral eflbrt in opening tbe eycs of the nation to this cryingsin, we strcnuously advise all to carry out their principies by voting for such men aa wili aupport these objects. 6ili.TRe8olved, That lt ia our decided opinión that whilst Slavery flourishes in the land, all other political measures will fail in their object, being lost in this greatest of evils, as the rods of the magician8 were swallowed up n Aaion's rod. 7ih. Resolved, That it is the object of this Society to circuíate Anti Slavery Hpublications, especially the "Signal of Liberty;" to invite Lecturers here toadJress the inhabitants, and to send whenever practicable, members of this Society iuto the neighboring School diatricts to lecture on the euhject ol Abolition, and to attendall public, or Mass Meeting3 of the State Anti-Slavery Society. 8th. Resolved, Thac we hold a public meeting in Battle Creek, the lst. Monday in each month for the purpose of reporting what has been done, receiving suggestions as to what should be done, and acting thereon, discussing any doubtful questions, or in any other way promoting the objects of this Society, and that the Secretary give due notice thereof. LIST OK OFFICERS. President, Erastus Hussey, VicePres't Nathaa Durfee, Secretary and Treasurer, Gcorge Field. KXF.COriVE CCMMITTEE. Charles Cowlcs, Anson Simons, Edward Cox, James McCamly, John S. Van Brunt.


Signal of Liberty
Old News