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The TariíTór Reverme bilí passed the House liy four majoriiy. Had n !1 ihe absentces been present, it Í6 supposed theresuli Would have been the f:imc. All the (feniocrnis. except Pannenter. oí" Massiichusctts, voied agajnst i!. Fifteen Sowtiuüi V.'higs, among whotn PBijB Öte si . whig members fiom Georgia, aleo voted againsi it. The bill for tlie armed occupation of Floridu passed ihe House on the Jüih. The N, Y. American s:iys of t: -The vote. 132 to 50, is to be attribuled to the general indifièrencc of the House to ihe subject, and their ignornnce of the aerious cvilswhich must resul t. To say nothinp: oí' the ficrifice of the most valuadle iands in the Union, the u;ter ruin of the Tenitory by ihe introduc., tion of such a worihlefs ndvenniring populatibn as ihis rt'easine will firtft invite, is a serious consequence. and should nave been duly fonsidered."In the Senate. en the J8th, Mr. Benton, with a noiiee préviöüfely pi ven. osked lénvé 10 introduce a bil', to repeal !e Ba knipt Luw He urged the pr:priciy oí' the repen! on iccount i the unconstitutiunnlity of the Iqw and iis inierference with the roserved rights of the s lateé. - Mr. Berrjeu brioily replied. The niotion (to carry whicli a vtc of two'hirds vote waj ncct-Esary) failed. Yer.s 81. - Nys2I - all the whigs voting nny, and all the deöiocrats yea. Mr. Arnohl moverl to snspend the rules for the introducion oí his liill (or ihe reductiop of the fay of rrieriïbars of Ci-ngress: which. ol course wk ■ ' e ' wijlli u ;! división.


Signal of Liberty
Old News