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ro country :.i::i!C:{.v.v: and the rur.Lic gëxehally. THE subsciiber bos en hand and offers for safé ai low rato?, n lrge and general as.. oriir.oiH ot L'iiiii aivJ Medicines, ?'tmis, Oiis Vninish. Dyn SusflB, &c. &c. , wih e.very nrliclc i:i tlw J':r.'i and J'.nnt line. Péfcóne wtsh ing 10 püfchdse my artilles in the b.ive lino are requpstcd. befóle pu'Chnsiii'i 'jlfo'.v'u ie. to ca'.I at ÏERRÏ: THLLrai'.S, Wholesale an-1 F.etnil Dhign&t 120. JeflTerson Avenue. Bign Jjrtar. Detroit. DR. HANISTUR'S CCLEItKATED AGÜE H1LLÍ . r.u'tlbh. A s;:fe, spcedy. nnc! surn remody tor fever and agüe, d;jn nBC. ciiiü fever, and -the bilious diseasca peculiar to nev countries. These pilis are deigncd 'or t!:e ; ff;ctions of t!ie Itvcr örid dHtcr fniefnnl orgnns whifcb nttend the disbnsfes of the ncw and niiasnmtic porfiónsofour country. proprictor ha ving tried them in a grcái va.riëty of cüees vdnndéittly bellervesi thu( ihey '"re superior to any remady thnl h;is ever been oiYocd to the public for the Bbovedigeiiees. It is pu:c!y Vegetable and Je. fcc:!y Inand can he taken by any pers-jn, male or fgmaU wiih peí rcyt snfery. 'i"hc pills nro pr'epared in íwo sepárale doxes, n-iarkcd N. 1 und .:o. 2. and acecoaipanied vvilh fu!l directjona. A grent nüinber opeertifiafés miglit he procü red in lavor of t!iis ïrtcdicino. but the prbpfjotér hns thouht Htnotto insert them. in as iipi h os is upon the meii'.á of the same for its r.epútaiion. The abave pifl is kept constinl'y on Innd hjilie propvieior und Cin he had at wiiolesalé and rttnil at the biore of Beckley & Co, Orders ÍV05 tlie (ountrv prpinpfíy p '.'tended to. Ann Arbr. (lowèr town) May29ib 1842. 9 L. BECKLEY


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