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Foreign News: Six Days Later From Europe: Arrival Of The Gre...

Foreign News: Six Days Later From Europe: Arrival Of The Gre... image
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The spiendid ehip Great Western, Captain H:slin, was te'egraphed this morning at 6 o'clock, nnrl renchcd the doek at 9 ö'clock. The Great Western sailed from Bnstol on the lG'.h inst. She has only been 15J days out. Slie brings 79 passenger?. All the metnbers oftlie Frcncli Cubinet havo been returned at the late clcclions. The Duke d'Oilcnrjf, heir to tno throno of France, has been killed. CrRven Barkley and Captain Baldera fought a duel. neither was killed. The Bishop of Meath is dead. TARÍFF. - The activily tliat has prevailed at the Cnstom House ever since the nevv tarilï has come into operation is considered to be without precedent, the total amount of pntrics for import on Mondny iiavin been SD30, n Tuesday 259G, and on Wednesda}' 2001, while the usual average of a day's aitries is only from 1100 i o 1200.FATHER MATTHEW.- This distinguished champion of tee-totBK;m will visit Glasgow on Monday, the 15th of August.- Arrangements are about to be mde, by tho tee-total committces, to satisfy their admiration anrl respect for this illnstriuos advocate of iheir principies, and to rmke his vistt as profil r.bic as possible, to all classes ofcommunhy. We underetand tliat public processions wiil take plnce on the occíisin. - Glasgow Chrunicle. ' DlABFUL FIRE; Si. Pcicrbrg, June 23. - On the 21st inst., a drendful ifire destroy ¦ ed iho old salt works of Novo Uíolsky, in the Ti:vorr;mcn?. of Perm, the properiy of the Stroanofffamily. Tlie conflajration sprf;od to the extent of2J versts, ond histcd three days. Besides the salt works, with ifs immense provisions of all kinds of fnel made for them, from 4,000 to 6)000 inlmbited house, connected with the mnnufactory, a krge church, and numerous prodnets of natnre,havo become the prey of the fhmes. - Pmssian Gazette. FRANCE.-Deatli of the Duke of Or leans. - The followinij is a translation of the ! telejiropliic iiepiich which has been uddressef j by the minister of the interior to the prefeel ! ot" tho .overal deparrmroits throughout Frince ! The .Minister of the Interior to the prrfccts: "The Pnnce Roynl had u eevere fall from 1 his carriage: he died from the efTeC'8 thereof ! at h:ilf-papt fotfr this nfiernnn. The king has borne this severe biow with his cnstomary fïrmness. His Majésty i.s in good hcaltli. What a loss to France!" A frightful entastrophe - a misfortune wh'ich all Fr:nce wül deplore - linsto-dny happened. At noon, his Royal Highness Monseig-nnr Ie Duc d'Orleans, who was to have startcd this evening for Saint Omer, went to Nouilly to take leave of his angust fnther. At the end of the Chemin de I.i Revolte, the horses of his oarrioe run away. Tlie Prince lenctfrom the door and receivcda most feorful ful!. He was-raised from the ground in a. state of perfect unconsciousness, and va borne into a neighboring1 liouBe. Medical aid wasgivëri - a vuil) was opeiïod - lecchea were opplied - but all vas in vairt. At l'our o"cloük the Prauje v.'us dead. Luier f rom Rio Junciro. - The chooncr capiuiniSmiley, arrived jast n:g!it frcni Rio Janerio, Luvúig leí't on he"L2d uit. Cajpiciin,S., repiyrtti that tliepeople al Rio Janeiro were greatly cxc'.ted ud aècount of an iii:i!i!ec;i.'i) havinr brokeü out at íát. Puul's obout !-3üO or 400 railes íVora Rio. lt was peported th:it a largo body o troop?, from l,ÖÜOtüL,LOO were witliin 40 mücs of Rio. The govciimient bod sent a forcé ugainst tbem, and tome skirmislios had inkoii plnjeo. Several poros sujposcd to be favorable to the rc!els had ben tirrestéd. A grcat number óf houcs oï suspecte! pérsoi)3 iiad boen scarebed, and uil Uk: mjs found laken possesiiioii of hy tiie governniént. The cause of' revolt is sopposrd to be the dislike tlie pcople ln.s for the priuio minister. TiioU. ü. sliip? Delaware, Concord, Juhn Ádaunáj oqd Dccoturj saUed from Rio ueven days befóre thn O., uil wel!. On the 22il June, off cape frio, tlie (Jhio spoke rho squadron, and iiiformed thein of the disturbance at Rio, when Uiey all returned. Üfi' R;il)ii sdofce U. S. ship Poiomnc, from Rio, and just out of Raliia, bound to New York.


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