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In the Señale, Ju!y 23, the bill to construct a depot at Washington, of charts and instrumente for t'iè uso of the nnvy, was taken up and p'nesed. NeXt, the bill to-regula'c tlie cnlistment of soldura and sailors into the marine and navy of th United States, was taken up. Mr. Galüöiin cnrritd a motion to except ne groes and mulattoes fmm the recruio. È5r. Preston got the same exception for th r.avy. This bijl was ihen, on Mr. Evan's motion la;d over until lo-moirow, in order to give oppor tunit)' to take up the tariffbill. Ti.e pending properst t ion v.-:s the same as yes terdy;, the Senate conimittee's amendment to th House bill, tost:i've out five cents the square yareon cytton bagging, and to insert thiee and a hal ccnis instead. Ríri Mordicad spoke agatnst it, and Mr. Bngby in ts favor, and ngmhst ihe pretection principie genemlly.House Ptóecgdirigs. - Mr. Coopér, of Pennsylvnnia. thcchaimmn of üic commitlce of Indinn aHairs, enmein v:h a report hearing very plaintivcly upon Mr SecrcUny Sponlber. It secins thnt Mr. Spncr id not deem t compatiblë with tl.e public ítítoeat to give the commutee some iníonnátiün nstoa certain Indian trca!y. Mr. Cooper maltes a report and moyos a resoUlion tliat tlio House demarvl ihe irifonnation. He moVM lo print the report and adopt the rcaolutlun.The resohiiion (the moniing hour elapsing,) went over till to-morrow. The remninder of ihc day Was spênt in thfl discharge of private calondrr l-usiness. ofwhich a L'ooíI !on1 wás dono.


Signal of Liberty
Old News