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The suhscribei informs the mombers of An-Slavefy Societiei, and oll persons who ifcre to read the Slavery publicatioi ave issued from the Anierícán presa, ttirtt Jie has purchased all the books, pamphlets, fracts, prints etc. lately bolongin to the American Anti-Slavcry Society, aiuóuiiting t'-1 nb'out cijjlu thousand dollars, at'oJd pricos, wliich hc oüèrs for saie by Jiis ngent in any qnnnlity, at low prices f ar cash utdy. Samples will be kopt t his office, cjrnnr of ïfenover ana Exoj streets, nnd oix7ers will be promtly atten led to. A catalogue oftjjo principal pablcátip::s hannexod, and tlie niices jnit ógaínst tliem are the present (reduced) reteil prices. By tiie hundred or Jar#er mjaiítity, they will be sold lotvei - say for bovnd volumes 2f per cent. discount: 13 pamphlets, traets and pielures, 50 per cent. discount. Vith respect to most of tliem this is below the actual cost to me in caslu They were not purchased withaview to sell at o porfit but to subserve the Anti-S'avery cnuse, Suoh an opporttinity has not previouely occurrfid to obtain Anti-Slaveiy pubücntions al these reduced prices, and probably will not a train. OTEcJitora of nevvspaper.9 are requested to copy this adVertieoinent at léngth three monthffjánd their bilis will be paíd in books, etc. Pleasc send a copy of the pnoer conf.'iiniiiLr the advertisement. LEVVÍS TAPPAN. New York, March Ist, 1842. BOUND VOLUMES.American Slnvery as it i?, müslin - 50 Anti-Sfovery Manual 2o Riots", by Pres. Beechcr, of 111. Coll.' 12mo. 25 Alton Trials 25 Anti-Slavery Record, vols. 1, L and 3 sot 5o Appeal, by Mrs. Child 37 1-2 AJltí-SIavery Kxamincr, boiind vols. 5(i Beauties of Philan'.hi npy S.T 1 3 Bourne's Picíurn of Slavery 50 Buïton on the Slavo trade Dv Cabinet of Frecdorn (Clarkson's history of the .=!ave trade,) vo!y. 1, 2 and 3 set 1,00 Cliloe Spear 25 Cbanning on Slavery 2f Duncan un Slavory 25Eman. in the W. 1. by Thome and Kirnbai! mnaiin 50 Do by do in boards wilh map 25 Eiipmies of Constituiion discoveictl 50 Founlain, plaiu binding, Qhro. 12 I-j Gustavos Vassa 50 Grimke's Letters to Miss Bcecher 37 1 2 Jay's Inquiry 37 1-2: Jay'a View 5n Lightatid Tiuth 20 Life of Grnnville Sharp 15 Alott's Bioffraphical Sketches 37 1-2 Memoir of Rev. Lemuel llanos 75 Do of Lovejoy 62 1-2 1 North Star, gilt edges 33 1 -3 Pennsylvania Hall 75Qimrterly Anti-Slavery Magazine, 8vo. 1,00 Rnnkin's Letters, 18mo. 100 pp. O Rxght and wronjj in Boston 20 Star of Freedom, niusün 12 1-2 Slavery - containing Declarafion of Sentimentsand Consiitution nf the Arner. A. S. Society: Wesley'sTiio;iLhis on Slavery: Does tho Bibo sanrtion Slavery? Addrossto thoSynod of Kentucky, Narative of Amos Dressor, and Wliy work fo: tho Slave? bound in one vol. 25 Slave's Friend, 32mo. volts. 1, 2 and 3 eet 50 Songs of the Fren 33 1-3 Thompsons Reception in Great Britain, 12mo. 20 Testimony of God agíúnst Slavery, 18mo. 20 Wheally, Phillis Memoir of 2,' West Tndies, by Professor Hovey - 50 West Indies, by Harvey and Sturge 7j Weeley's Thoughts on SJavery, in niuslin, with portrait 12 1-2 PAMPHLETS.Sets A. S. Almanacs, from 1836 to 1841 inclusive 37 1-2 Address to the Freo Peopie of Color 1 Ancient Landmarks S Apology for Abolitionists 3 American Slavery as Tt Is- the Testimony of o. Thotisand Witnesscs 25 I Address on Right of Petinon 2 Address to Senators and Representatives of the free States 1 Address on Slavery (Germnn) 1 Addrees of Congregational Union of Scotland 1 Address of National Convention (Gorman) 1 Ann. Rep. ofN. Y. Committpe of Vigilanee 25 Do. of Mass. A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appeal to Women in the nominally free States u i -4 ! Autheniic Anecdotes on Americnn Slavery 2 Address to the Church of Jesus Christ, by the Evangelical Union A. S. Societv, New York city. " 4 Anti-Slavery Cntechism, by Mrs. Child 0 1-Adams', J. Q. Letters to his Constituonts 4 Adams', J. Q. Speech 011 Ük: Texas Question j2 1-2 Annual Reporte of Am. 4. S. Societv, Sd, 4th, 5th and G-h 101.0Annual Reports of N . Y. city Ladies' A. S. Society g Appeal to the Christain Women of the South L Btble against Slavery f Collection of Valuable Docuuients 6 l- Birney's Letters to the Churches 2 Birney on Colonixation L Chattel Principie- a Summary of the New Testament argument on Slavery, by Beriah Green q Chipraan's Discourse Chatiñing's Letters to Clay 6 Cbndition of Free People of Color 8 Crandall, Reul, Trio! of 6 Dissertation on Servitude 12 1 -2 Dckinson's Serm.m 3 Does the Bb.'e sanction RIavery? 1 Dec. of Sent. and Constitution of tbe Am. A. S. Society 1 Discussion between Thompson and Breckinride 05 Dresser's Narralive S Extingfuisher Extinguisheil 3 Elmoie Correspondence C: do in sheets 4to. 2 Emancipation in West Indies Thome and Kimball 12 j_o Emancipation in West indies in 1838 S Freedom's Defense 6 Garrison's Address at Broadway Tabernacle 6 Guardian Genius of the Federal Union 6 Genei ous Planter 3 Gilleft's Review of Bnshnell's Discourse 6 Itnmediate, not Gradual Abohiion 12-2 Jay's Thonghts on the Duty of the Epiacopal Chtirch 3 Liberty, ñvo. 2í; do; I2mo 15 Morris's Speech in answer to Clay 3 Mahan's Rev. John B. Trial in Kenfucky 12 1-2 Martyr Age in America, by Ilarriet Martineau G Modern Expediency Considered 6 Power of Congress over the District of Columbia Q 1-4 Plea fur the Slave, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 3 Proceedings of he Meeting to form Btoadwav Tabernacle Aati-Skvery Societí 7 Pro-Slavory 1 Rural Code of HaitiRoper, Aloses Narrative of a Fugitivo, Sin ve 12RÍGfhts of Colorori Mcn 12 1ute Rijfhl and Wrööf in Boston 12 1Slavery Rltymes Slaue's Spèóch in Con?ro:-s q Í88S Smi'h's Gerritt Letter !o Jits. SÍnylia Pp. Letter lo Iienry CJáy SJavchoJding InvanabJy Siuíul, "nialum i:; Souii'nnl's MnDüal Star oí" Froedoni Schtmickerand Smilh's Letters .S!aveiul(!ers Pruyor Slavclioldiritf Weiglied Slnvcry in America (London); do. (Germany) Tho Martyr, by Boriah Groen Thins for NorLhcrn Alen lo do Views of CoJonization, by Rev. J. Nourse ' Views of Slavery and ÉniancipaLÍon, by Miss Mnrlinonu We.sicyan Anti-KInvery Roview 2 Wir o Te .vas, by BénjítanJi Lundy Wliy uork tlie Sluvo Wilson's Addrcss on West India EmancU pation TRACTS. No. 1. SI. Domingo, No. 2. Caste, No. 3, Coloniz.-.íion, No. 4, Moral ConiHipn ofíhe Slave, No. 5, VVhat is Abolilion? No. (i,The Ton OnniKUüIments, No. 7 Üang-er and Sifrí', No. 8, Pro-S!avery Oíble, No. 9, PrrjytJiee apaihst Color. No. 10, Noríliern tíealere in Slavès, No. 11, Slavery anrl Mjsfioria No. }% Dr. Nelsou's Lorture on SluvefyThe above Trncts nrp sold at 1 centcacL. PRINTS, etc.niiistratinus of t:c Anti-Slavery Almanac for lö 10 fj The Emancipnted Fannly L5 Slave Market of America 3 Uorresponcience between O'Connel and Stevciison jPj ííü. Clay and Calhoun Hl-C Printer's Picture Gaüery L LeUer paper, stamped with print of Lovojoy t-lioet i Do. with Kneelinff Slavc shcot 1 Pniyer for SJave?, with AIusic, on cards 1-2 Po:r;wl ofGerrit Sraith 50 In additioi), are the foliowing1, tho proceeds of which wilJ go :nio the Mendian fund. Argument of Hou. J. Q. Adains ín the cape I of liie Amistad A frica ns 2f '. Argument oí' Rog-er S. íiahvin, Esq. do do jo o Tril of tho Caplives of the Amistad 6 Congrésiunal Document relating lo du. C, PorUait of Clinquez j;po ' March Sd, 1842.


Signal of Liberty
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