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Graham's Magazine, And Gentlemans' World Of Literature And F...

Graham's Magazine, And Gentlemans' World Of Literature And F... image
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[ÏVc Üïiskct'und Gentleman' s Unit .'. ] A huw volume unílor the ibovc tille, o( ilic ': wel I cstabhshed and FaslioraW-é Magazme. 'í lie Piulruielpína Cnsket in conjunciiou witli the Gendciijim's ÍJnguzino, wlnch has boou every wherc pronounced tu be tlic móét resdablc áríd popula oí ilio dny, wil' bt oponed oa :he first ;l;;.-' ol Jgn;ary. 8li. wuh ;;n arrny of cjiur.' by iIíc unión oí" (a!unt. 01 iane, v.hicii no periadiöal ni the country can Lmns-t or pr tend tu rey;í.c 1 he December nuiubcr will howeyerj be a Bpeciíiien yt tlie uevv vülunc. The volume wilt be opencd wali a nc'w and bc.iuuiul typt, me finest-. Fper, and witii the lirsi ut u seríes peliishménts unsurpüssed by aiiy wlucii iiave yet appeared in any Aingazine. The stylo ol clegkncc iHq beauty and finish c tlieso iUustrnuons, jind the cvteneive ítnprovéinenís wi;c' will bu iriöde in ui typoraplricai ajipeiirance. ;imi ;;bove :iü thé tone o: ts Üterury depai tinem, by tlie biillwnt anay ol EÓhtributor, whose inicies have eüriched iheI ges oí eac nurober, wili gire it íi charöcttr, second (o no Magazine in the Union. Tho ■c'uaracter oí' the anieles wliich sh;ill appear in its pagcs. will be equuliy lean ved (rom a sickly sentíun ;i;iíi;y. and Iroin an cílucüiton ói uióraiítv.ulii whüea [lúe dcliiicaiioii ol' lniiiiun iiriture n cverj yariely oí' passion is ninicd :it. nütfiing b ; 1' L fouud 111 Lis pages to cause a bíusii upon the clieek ol tlic most pure. The Luerary Charncter will be sufiicinntly guaranteed by iho répuration oí botli RJi tima un'ueJ. iüí yoars p;ist. Wriiers oí rank have boen regular comribniors to tlieir pa: ge.s. and ile tales and skctcíies putifisÜed in th;m have been wídely cojiied nnd reaá. and tho íirui and i:id'per.dt-ui tone oí' tho criticistns. upon ihe current litera ture ú' d;o úny iias beca evéry vfaert approved and comiicndc,The list of Coniribiitors embraces the nan.cs of most of the principal writere in Aïceïica, with a respectableniiürber oí English áüííiors. in ;uMitio:i, the diiinguishcd services of a host oí" anonyinous writers of" no ordinaiy nbiiit es have worth and chnncrerto the pages oi the Magr.zincs. The series of well known namicnl papers entitled '; Ciuising in the Lnst War." have hud a run, unequalod by ruiv seiies páblishcd in any .Magazine, f'or years. Tho nmhor prorni ses to open tho iirst of a nevv serios of i 'jales of the Sea," and ffoin liis known abiliiirs a pieter of sen scènes and life. ïmich may ! upon Irom him in nioinUiining the popoJüiity ol the Magazine. Papers may bo expected Uuring tho volamc f'roni the au'thörof the wt-ü [tiowü ortióles eiuitled "ThefLogQÍ Oíd fronsi The author of ' Syrian Letters.' ivi]l ;ú?: 'líaá .is powerful and graceful plmi to su.-iii) rtñd iácrossi the réputation of the work Tiie valnnble aid, ol the author of 'Lenvcs f'iom a JiUwyers l'ott ï'öüo' Ins been secured - and we may expeet soniethinLr sf.ill more thrilling frotn llie epacioiB stores whicö a long life in the pruiW.-ion has eitabledhitn to amass. Anoccaáioaol Chir-Cliai with 'J Short' and ' Olivcr üluj'ellow' is also promisc-d with a varicty ofchoicearticles inpriiseanrl yurse. from various i-vriiers of celcbriiy, as cnntnbutois to ihe prominent Magnzines of tho country. The Editora of bótli Masrazines continue their sorviees undcr the nevv arrangement. A'ith su'ch un array of talent, a Magazine ofunrinilleu aüjactiuns. may safely b6 nroiniscd the coiniii'' volume.FASIHO-WS AND EXGRAVI.NtíS. In conipüance witli the nhnost ur.aniinous wish of onr l:uiy fuibscribers. we slinll. lha ensuin volume, furniah iheni witha beáuufíl and correct pinte of Fashions, Monthly, a featura, it is believeii. thalwill ncitherbe unwelconic nor impopular. 'j'lifsc !;ishion pb.tcs shnll ho drawn froni brijnn'a] designs from Paris nijd Loruion. niitl rinay ;ilwi:}t. be depended npon ns the prevaiting siylc i:i Fliiladelphia vnd New York ibr the month ij) whijth thèyare issued. Tírese howevér, shnll in Ao Prise interf'ere with Uie regular and choice ciiKrcvinrjs nnd niusic which accütupnny each nuinber f the worjc, The splcndid Mijzzotint hgrrtYJni t!G burin of Sariain, wiiich Iiave been so jus; ly s-jiniied, vvil! be foliowrd uring the vohimc by several (rom ilie samo hand. while the steel engravin'is in the best style of art froin ïnü sce'-eashnll still enrícíi ihe Magazine. The choiet pieces of niusic fox the Piano and Guitar shaü coompnny encli number of the werk.TIME OF PUBLICATION. The work will be published on tbe lirst of tlie mon'li In every quarter oí the Union. The mwi distant su!)6criber will consequently raceive it 0:1 that (tav. os wel! as those who reside in Philudelphin. In all the principal eities. agenta have I estabtished, to whom the Magazine is foi wanlix!. prior to the time of ifsuinr il. so thnt liiey rnay be dolivered to resident subscribers !y the first oJ the rnonth. Tiiis is an importaut arrangement tu distant suhscribers, who become tired. importunatc nnd eveniunlly disconiinuo many Works. consequente of ihe grout del.iy !iy puhlisb'erè. TÉft'MS - Three Dollnrs per annoiii, or two copifs yeaily for five dollars. invnriaLly in vanee, post p;iicl. No new subsciber reet without tho money. or the tinne oi' a responsiLK agent. Por the occominodation of t+ioeu % bp irin) wit-h to subscribe for either ot the following Pluiadelphia periodicnls, ihis LII5EIIAL PItOFÓSAL is maie. Five dollars om rent money free ofpoatae. we will iorward Graliain's Magaan e, and Godey's lady's Bowk foronc year. Address posi paid. GEO.R. GRADA.M, South we9t corner of Chestnut and Tbisd Strrct Philadelphio.


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