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Piles &c.

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TÓ FAMILIES &ÍÑVALIDS. The followmg indispensabï; fuiïiily rcmcdir:. may be found nt the viJJase. drug stores, anil soon at ercry country store in the state. 'Romerakr and never get f hem nnlcs they have Uie facsimile signainre of I '&'?)%& c'-J&i on the wrappci-s, as all others by tlic saine riamea are base irr.positions and counter, feiis. If the mercliant nearest you has them not, urgo him to procure thctn at 71 Maiden-lane, the next time he visite New York, or to write lor them. No family should be a week without these remedies. BALM OF COLUMBI A.FOR THE HAIR, which will stop it if falling out, or restore it on bald places ; and on eliildren niake it grow rapidly, or on ihose wlio have lost the liair from any causo. ALL VERMIN that iniest the heads ofchildren in schools, are prevented or killed by it at - Find the name of feÉ on it, or never try it. Jïcmcmber tftis always. ■ , RHEUMATtSM, and ( posilively cured, and all shrivellcd viusdes and limbs arerestored, in the old or' young, by the Indian Vegetadle Emxfr ajsd Nerve and Bone Liniment but never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it.are wholly prevcnted, or govcnied ú the attack has come on, f you use the only true Hays' LiNiMEUT.from ítnd cvcry thing relievcd by it that admiís of a out. ward application. It ncts Jike a charm. Use it. íiORSEsí that have Ring-Bono, Spavin Wind-Galls, fec, are cured by Roofs' Specific ; and FOltnderCíl horses entirely cured by Roofs' Founder Ointinciit. Mark this, all horsemen. -Dalley's Magical Faán SstíaCÍOr Salve.- The most extraoidinary ■emcdy ever invenied for all new or oídand sores, and ore J It has dolighted thousands. It will take out all pain in ten minutes, and no failure. It wül euro the 15] LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. ■ A better and more nico and useful article never was ! made. All should wear them fegularly. I lillV'S TTEilPJSSÏ.ASICJE BBTr'ï'ESiS : on the principie of substi tuting the tonic in place of the stimulant principie, which has reformed so many drunkards. To be uscd with LIN'S H PILLS, superior to all others for cleansing the system and the humors affect, ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, and the general health. f m n. A [See Dr. Lin's gfZll-E "LÍQ% nature, thus :] """"" ' ff "r"11111I DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will eflectually cure sick hcadache, eilher from the Jks'kfMsS rbilious. Hundredsof families aro ua-ii. fk'rf iTE-il ugjpg-jt ivith great joy. DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH, fbr the certain preven lion of j or any general sickncss ; keeping the stomach irt most perfect order, the bowels regular, and a determinaron to thesurface. IHM Efejlïwaq pains in the bones, hoarseness, and l are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. CORNS.- The Frcnch Piaster is a sure cure.Sí . .iül hair any shade you wish, bm yidH not color the skin. SARSAPARILLA. comstock-s gom. POÜND EXTRACT. Therc is no othcr prcparation of Saisaparilla that can excecd or equal this. If you are suro to get Comstock's, you will find it superior to all others. It does not require pufllng.CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and all ! extcrnal ailings - all intcrnal irritations brought to ihe surface by friction with this Balm ; - so in coughs, swelled orsore throat, tïghtïiess of the cliest, this Balm applied on a flanuel wil] relieve and cure at once.- Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it.will prevent or cure all incipiem consümptioh, feSiBiH lsKIB8(tjlBBi taken ii lime, and is a deligh'.f'ul remudy,. Kuinember the name, and get Comstock's. ■ KOLMSTOeifS VSeMlFüSE ? eradicate all g n childrcn or adulig with a certainty quite aatonishing. It is the same as that made by Fuhnestock, and sclte %vith a rapidity almost incrediblc, by Comstock ƒ Co., New York. . TOOTIT DROPS. KLLXE'S-cure ellectually. . EntcredaceordiDg tonel of Conjrresa, in the yenr 18-12, hy Comstock Sr Co., in liio Clerk's oflico of the Souüiorn District of &ew York. By applying to our agenta in each town and village, papers may bo had free, showing the most respectablo names in the coentry for these facts, so that no one can fail to bclieve them. {j-Be sure you cali for our articles, and not be put off with any stories, that others are as good. HAVE TÏIESE OR NONE, should be yonr motto- and these never can be true and genuine without our names to ifiem. AH these articles to be had wholesale and reta il only of us. {Ly%$t$4$C Wholcsal üngffr, 71 Maiden-Lane, New York, and of our agents. j V. n . ..-. & J. W. Iuyiui-tl, guata, Ami Arjor, Mich, . nl5- ]y.


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