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Threshing .Machines. THHE undersigned would infonn the public ihat i JL íhey conrinue to manufacture íloiisr. ( :ns nnd Threshjng Machines, lwo and a half niles fróm the village of Ann Arbor. on ihe c oad. The Horee Power is a late mvention by S. kV. Foster, and is decidedly superior to any otlier , ver ollcred to the public, as will appear by the , tatements of those who have used them during lie last year. It is light in weight and small in - ornpass, being carried togelher with the ir, in a common waggon box, and drawn with , jase bytwo horses. It is as hule liable to break, Dr get out of repair, ns uny other Horse Power, ind will work as easy and thrash as niuch with fottr horsesattached to it as any othcr posver with Cwi horses, as will appear froin the recommend ilions biilow. New patterns have been made for the cast Tron, ana additionnl weight and sírength j applied wherever it had appeared to be neces3ary j froni one year's use of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, that a j number of horse powers were so!d last year in I the village of Ann Arbor which were believed by j the purchasers to be those invented by S. W. j ter. and that most or all of them were ckher made ma'terially different, or altered belbre sold, so as to be mateiially different frovn those made and sold by the subscribers. Such ïkerations being decidedly dclrimenta' to the utility of the machine. They have good reason to believe that every one of those returned by the purchasers as unsatisfactory were of this class. They are not aware that any Power that went from thcir s'uop, and was put in use, as they made it. has been condemned or laid'nsideas a bad machine.All wiio wisti i') Duy ure iuv:ieu 10 bxbuuiio uiou and to enquire of those who have used thcrn. - fhere wijl be onc for examination :it N. H. Wing's, Dcxier viUac; and one at Martin Wili.son's storehoüse i:i Dctroil - both these gentlemen being avenís for the sale of them. The price will bo iJ'20for a four horse power, with a ihi-'eshing machine, with a sïave or wóbdëri bar cylinder; and $l"() fr a horso power wiih a tbreshing machine with an iron bar c}'litider. j The attention oftheroader is invited to llie following recomiüeiidations. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. April 20. 1842. RE C O MM END A TI ONS. This is to certify that wo hnve uscd one of S. W. Füster's newly invented Horse Powers for about live monihs, and threshed with it about 8JUÜ bushels, and belicve it is constrneled on hdtcr pi i'iciplcs ihan any other Horse Power. - One of the undersigned has owned and uscdeiijht diflbrdnt kinds of Horse Powers.and we believe that four horseö will thrnsh as niuch with this Power as fivc will with any other power with which we are acquauited. II. CASE, S. G. [VES. Scio, Janunry, 12, 1S42. IV-is is to infonn the public that I hnve purchased. and have now in use, one of ihe Horse Powers reconily inyéntod y S W. Foster. ninde by S. W. Foster, &Co., áhd belíeye it be construct ed upon better "principies, and requires ic.'S sirength of hórsts than any odior power witii which I am acquainted. A W ii lij ii. ö Mount Clemcns. Scpt. 8, 184Ï. This is to infonn the pnMic tlint I ïinve purchased one of the Horse Powers, recently invented by S. W. Foster, and ushI it for a number of months. and believe it is the best power in use, workirig $ with less strensih of horsns than any other powei ! with which Tam acquair.'.ed, and being smal in compass, is easily moved from one place te another. 1 believe 4 horses will thresh as ïnucl Í with this power as 5 will with any other power . The plan and the workimj of this power hav. ' been univcrsally approvod of by lurmers for whon ! ihaVC E.S. SMÍTII. ï Scio. April 11, IS 12.The subscnbers make very good SMJIT MACH INES which they will sdl for $ Uns machine was invented by ono of the subscribers. who has had many yeur's expcnence in the rmliing business. We invite those who wish to buy o cood machine for a fair price to buy oí ns. lt is wprth as mtish ns most of the maclunes üiat cost '■""■ R w. POSTER & CO. Scio,Apri!, 18, 1842. Woolen Manufactory. The subscribcrs have rccenily put in opcration a woollcu mnmifactory for innnufacturing woollon clotli by power looms, two nr- a liall miles west from Ann Arbor village, on the ráiiroad, whci thcy wiah to manufacture wool into cloth obares, or íor py by the yard, on rensonahk errns. They huve employed expenunce i nen and line. They tl ad lic patronage, ' :;re "' ; may be OVi:i; :". v. FOSÏER & Co. Scio, April 13, 1 TO COUNTRY MERCHAISTTS AND TÍ1L PUBLIC G ENERA , I... THE subscriber has on han.l and offers for sale at low ralo?, a Inrge and general üb; sörtment ot' Driíga and Medicines. Pamtsf OilsVarnish. Dye Stuflfè', &o. &c, wievery arthe Drug and Pain! line. Persona wish in' to purcbjtrèe any articlea in the obove lineare . éforeípu'-chasiñgelsevere, to cali ai ' PÍÉRRTE TKLLER'S, Wholesale and Retnil Druggist 139, Jeíierson Avenue, -im oftbeGilí .!ortnr. Detroit.Dft. BANISTERÍS OELEBRATED FLR, AGÜJ: nhLS.-Purdy Vciciablc. safe. epeeiïy. and suré retnedy tor (ever and asnc. (Umi nme. chili fevcr, and the bihous tiiseaees peculiar to new couniries. , These pills nre desighed ror ihc nffocüoiw o! the liver arid other imcvnal brga'na which attend the disensos of íhc new and miaérñaüc portionsof our country. The proprietor Inving iried thejn m a groet varioty of cases confidenMy bdioves that they are superior to nny remrdy thnt hos ever been oflcred to the public Tor the ahoye diseoses. Jt ispprêl) ■Ilil pecfectly harrnless. and can be taken l.y a:iy person, maie or iemale wiih perfect spfety, Tho Pilis are proparcd in two pepirnie boxea, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acccoinpanied müi full dircciions. A prent number ofcörtificates might be procu reainfovorofthis medicine, but the Rröprlétei h08 ,„.„..1,1 lltnotto insei-t them. in as muèh ás be aopeiids upöp the merila of the same for its The above pillis kept constnntiy on haru lj the proprieter and can be had at wholesale and n tai! at the store of Beckley & Co. Orders ..o ' the country promptly atteiulerl to. Ann Albor, (lower town) May gtJ? ■ !


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