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IIOLMAJN'S ■ - wppn nntnre-is heir to, viz:-r I ■'sM ;üih and inllüiniuuy- GH!t- Sp.'-ams- i':i sgsand epntracted TENDONS of long standJt discussee nll ïurobura - rondcrs siiff joints imber by rodLic;ng a healthy muscular action. Jt aBSuagea pains in Bon.s and Abcksses. - oihing cquals it in svfelled and infianied Brcasis n Fcmales, if upplicd in early stage, prevenís '.ipperaüon or muiter forming, und giVes in all nscs immediate case from pain. Ccrtiiicates ol his fact could bc given if nec,e8sary. i Tl)i3 ïcinedy is ofibred to the Public wnh thfe full (ïssuiancü thut it for exccls the Opodcldoc'fi md Liniments of the piesent day, lor the, ahove i. A trial is only wanted, to givc it the Jocided piefeicnce to every thing elsc. Many i'hyscians ot eminence have used this ointment nd cxtols it8 incriis. . n Tho abovc ointment s for sale wholesalc and atovl by L. BECKLET. Ahn Albor, (lovvcr town) June IStli, 1842 9TO PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE snbscriber the attention of Phy ficians and Country Merchants, 1o his nresent stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Varnish, Broshes, Sec. fcc. iöDiprising one of the lnrgest and fullest assortinènts broujBfht '.o the country. -In his present stock will be tbund: 100 oz Snlpli. Quinine, superior Ffeuch and Énglish, L0 oz. Sulpji. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do" 50 oz. Carpenter's Witherill's Extract of Bark, 1 bbl. Powdered Hhubarb, 1 Cheat Riiiibarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdéred Jalap, OO lbs. Calomei, S cosks Epsom Salts, 15 coska Fall and Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 boxes Sperm Cnndle?, L000 lbs. Whiro Load, dry and ground, 4 cafiks Lin.seeil Oi!, JJcnthts Inslntmcnts and Stock Gold, Silva iind Tin Foil Platina Ware, Por.celam Teeth A general a6orj;rnent of Patent. Medicines, ol of which will be sold on the most rènsonabk. terms. PIERRE TELLER. ISO Jefferson Avenuo, BJgn oftlie Gilt Mnrch IS. Mortar, DetroitTAILO1UNG ÍÍÜSINESS ! AM. NOBLE, woiild respectfully inform the citizens ofAnn Arhorand its vicinity. that ie has opened a shop in theLowcr Town. rnnieiiatolyovcr the late inercantile slami t Lund & Tribson. and opposito the sore of J. Beckloy & Co., wíiore lie is prcpared at all times todo work n his line, wilh promptness, and in a nent and Jurable nianner. Particular auention will he paid to cuttins garncnts. Produce will he laken nt the usnai pri ees. for work done ra his shop. These whö havo cusii to pay for services of tnts kind, are particuarly invited to cnll. Ánn Arbor, April 27. 1842. tf DÏÏ7BANIS! BB'S ■ ÓATBARTXC W0ÈHk npHIS pill has not onty been iisetj by myJL teêlf, but by a number of Physicians ot high stnuding. both in ihis o'nd othcr States, to advniiwigë. " By tho iretiieni andrepontcd solicitationsof my . I havo oonsentëd tp offer them to the as n most eíTicacious remedy for all those billious disoDsees originating in a new coun'The above pill is for sale wfipVesole and rétail 6y L. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor, (lower town) Juno 1-r''" 1812. 9TO CLOTHIERS. TnlIEeubscriber is jnst in receipt of a further Büpply of Clothicrs stock, consistng of MACHINE OARDS of iv'y descrifö ■;i; CLOTIUE1VS JAÖKtS 45ÖL&? WARP. ('!:!) Cj;A-':; and PICKEÜ'S SHUTTLES: REEDS, KETTLES, SORÈWB, PAR SOPT S SHEARINP MACHINE. J:MERY. (eren zej TENTE!' HOÖKS PRESS PÁPER, togetiier with uil', seïected asFortmmt. ofDVE WOODS,aud OYE STUFFS oi' the very best growtli and !,iiina!acturc. Tiicse iroorls (cominff ns thcy do Oivocttrom first hands) the subscriber is cniibled to sull lovv(r thdh iny oiher house west oi' New York, he therefore solícita the attc-mion of iirnis in the ing business, to theexamination of his stock nd p ices bèforè going east or purchasing eltíelierC' PIERRE TELLED, Vholesnle and Retail Drufgist', 1"9 Jeiïerson Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit. , E3TATE OF JACOB LAWÏON 'DE CEASED.- Noticc is hereby given. that he undersigned have proved the h:st Wil) nnc e-r.-imer.tol Jacob Lawlon, deccased, and have aken letters Testamcntary thereon, and have ;v .'ii boals according 10 law. All persons ïnlebted to ssid estáte are request.ed to make paynent without delay. and all persons havingr claims rnrniust said esta'.e are requested to present the è 10 the subscribers, well aulhcnticated. lor GE0ÍIGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM, Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Luwton. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. ?mTEMPERAN CE HOTEL, BY CORNER OF MICHIGAN ANO WASHINGTON AVKNUKS, DETROIT.) TFÏE aboye House is pleasantly situated near the Central Railroad Depot, and is now un derving thórouoh repairs. The WÖtbs are plens Bi ds and Bedding all new, and the Fable wül besuppüed with the choicest ol ihe market. aiul tbc proprütors assure those who will favor th ra Wilh fheir custom, that n'l pains shall be taUcn to make tlitir tay with thom agreeable. Fat.]., vcm low. and accommodation good. - Carringes to convey passengers to and from the [luid free of expense. Detroit, Apri'?? 142. 'ECQiiOMY IS WEALTH." TÍIK Sunfscribers will pny pay two cents per poui.d in Goods or Paper for an qunmity oi good Ülean SVv'JNGLE TOW, delivered at the AlinAlbürlCrMil1 JONES &ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, April 27, 1J42. tP_DR. J. B. BARNES, PHYSICIAN AND SU RGEON.- House and Office, -i few itöórs squtii of" the L;.fnyette House, where hecan be fonnd nightsnd day. Aun Albor April 2i)th. 1812. NEW GOODS ! ! T71 DENJSON lm just reccived a complete F stock of O R Y. GOODS, GR0CE1UES AND CROCKERY, whicli will le sold very cbeap for money or most kinds of produce. Des cii,uions and prices will be given atthcStore. kán Arbor. Junel, 1842.EISTAÜ E OF ELLKN VVILMOT ÜECEA i SED. No:ice is hereby given that the adersi'gned hns been nppointed by the Hon. ■:i:dgwicU, Jüdge of Probate in aud for i,(:„iin:yi)t Washtenaw, udmimstrator on the stnte of Ellen YVihnot. bae of Saline in said 'ounty. and li;is fjiven bondsaccording to law. - i hnving dernnnda agninst 'snid estáte re r(lqu ent them for acijustment, and 11 persons indeblèd tos;iid esiatc are requested to nake payment without delny. TSRAEL WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor. June 3X 1842. 12- Cw JR WALKER respecifully informa his frieiKÏs and the public in 'general, that he bas recently commenced business, in the tailorns dooreast of Bower's dry goodsstoie, wherc he is preparcd lo execute orders in the nentrst and most fashionable style. Garmentswül bc made to order, in strictconformity with the present prevailing fushion and taste of the day, and warranted to fit or no large. Ladies' Riding Habils made in the latcstlNeW 'ork or PhiTfldephia fashions.Friends, or fcuakcrs garments wnl be madö n the neatest and plainest style. Cutting done at shortest mtice. All kinds of Military Uniform nnd undress oats and pantaloons. made agreeablc to the pres nt military or regimental order. .T. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25 th. 1842. nl4- 3m. LUMBER constantly on hand and for 6ale by F. DENISON. June 10, 1842. tf P H S O N 'S SHEARING MACHJNEsT' - Theo. tl. Eaton &. Co. 138. Jeffcr30jj avenue, areilic sole agents of these very celsbrated machines. 12-8w SATT1NETT WARPS ON EEAMS - Theo. H. Eaton & Co.. 138. Jefierson Avenue, offer for sale a large stock of Satiinett Warpè] From the New York milis. These Warps are cons-ideied superior to any olher in the counny, and will be sold, for cash, at n srnall Ftdvance. 12-8w NEW GOODS ! ! CIIEAP FOR CASH. AT the Siore óf the Subsc iber. a ncw and splendid assorunent oflNEW GOODS at prices so cheap as to astonish the purchasers, consisiinp' of DRY-GOODS, GR0CEKIE3, CROCKERY B OQTS, SH'ÖES, AND LADÏES' SLIPPERS, SHAKER AND LEGHORN BONN ETS, A-C $0.Muslin De Lañe at iv.-o slnllings per yard; calcocs at six cents por yard, and oihér goods at jrices to eorrespond. To be convinced, just cali mil see the g wis and prices. 4000 pounds good butter wanted: 99390 Imsh;ls of lionse ashes Vvnhtéd, íitlÜ cents per bushel. LikèxvTse field nshes, dehvered at my ashery, nenr Chapia' s iron fuiin'liy. N. B. - All kinds of ï'urs tuken in rxchnnge for goods. H. BOWER. Ann Arbor, (upper town) June 2, 184'2. Wool and Ciofh Dressing:. FT1IÍE Subsciibcrs re--pecuuüy announce to the JL citizens Ann Arbor and vicinity, that they are prepared to öard vool and dress cloth foï cusomers. in the best style, and at the shortest notice. Having good machinery, exp.erienced wnrkTien, and long practico in ihëTöusiness. they havo he utmost coniidence that they ' shall give complete satisfactión. J. BECKLEY fc CO. Ann Arbor. April. 25, 1.42, "Be ïaijs of trfn'.íriiB tHTÍne foviot." TEMPERANCE HOUSE, AM)BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With. Hot asid Cold Baths. - Esi cW of Main Strset. Jackson, "Mick. Hivcr Haisin INgTSTÜTE. THIS lnstiiution is Jöcfrt'ftd in the town of Kaisin, noar the norlh. bank of the beautiful river whosc name it bcars. one mile east of the direct road dom Téciimseh to Adrián. This eligiblesile has been selcctcd for its quiet seclusion. liie fertility and clcvation of' its Bpil', hs pure atid hnalthfulatmosphcre. and pleasant scenery. rooms. - There are now on the p;emises suitble rooms lor the accommodation of l'orty stu -Jents; whii-h are dcfalgned to b" occupicd for private sludy and lodging. Othcr ncccssary build ing areprovided for recitations and boarding. EXPENSES. Tuition per Term of eleven weeks, $4,00 J3oard " with 4 hours work each week, 7,57 Room Rent, Incidental, J Total, 12;95 There will be an additional charge of one dollar for those pursutnp; the higher branches as Philosophy, Algebra. Gcometry, Astronomy, &c. For CÍicmisny, Latin, or Grcck an addition of two dollars will bc made. Scholars are expected to provide themsclves with what furniture they vvifl need in thcir rooms, also, with lights, fuel, and washing- none will hereafter board them selves.Bills ío be seíiled in atlvance. The school is open to all applicants of siutable ie ind moral charactcr irrespective oí 'comjitxon or condition. O 77 e second term of lhs summer icill commenee Wedncslaij Jtdy 'Otó. Ii s very desirable tlint all who design to at end the school, should be on the gromul- have ihcir bilis settled, and tlieiv rooins prepared, beore the iirst dny of the Term. Any íuriher in"ormation can he obtained at the Institution, oí by addressin?, post paid, J. S. Dixon. Tirncipal, Ríiisin. Lennwee Co Mich. Raisin, May 19th, 1S42. no- 2m NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. JÜST reccived and icccfving at the New York Cluap Store, purchased at the present loW prices in New York, which will et.ablo him to sell lower than ever before oíieied in this place, a larpe lot of Frcnch, English and American GÖODS. consisting of Dry Goods, Crockery, Books and Stationary, Boots and Shocs, Looking Ateo,'a la-ge lot of Yankee Notions vyholesalc and retal D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, May 11,1842. _fl! THE Subscnbers are prepared to card Wooj Ibr customers; having firat rate ronchincs,ana having employed an experieheed workman, tney foel confident of giving good eaiisfaction to au who will favor them with their eustotn. i niannfactory is vo and a halt" miles west oi Anu ArbürOnlheHurn-S.W.FOSTER, tCa. Scio, Moyllth, 18tö.


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