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Miscellany: The Emperor Of Russia

Miscellany: The Emperor Of Russia image
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Mnny of tle mensures of this n onarcli anvor'liy oí o dm i ra! ion. Tne litoratnre 01 Lhe country luis bi?n murh arivullCfH dunu Iils reign; Not wii listan ing the cen-forslfïp of' tne pross, flieré is i Urge und constant increase of pnij; n est ubiis.'nueutri a:id jnnrn:i Is, and mote th;in ihousnnd yoiürnes aro printed annunlly. Tíiis íS'ñlroost enlkr.-ly iht work ot'tJto present cerUury a;d chiêHj nf'his reign. Ho Ims '.uibüshed uil tlip nkiiscs, tég ulutions, diplomns and trivuies smce 1649. uud declared üieni to lie in forte since the 1-t pf Jjnu.'iry, 18.-55. Aluiougfi iha-a furra a:i iucontrriioiis mus?, they re uefiij for purpnpes; ot' rffpreni.e ind reform, and tlif nieHsure w;is nn itnportanl iep in tho protrress of 1 w md j civilizi ion inRu-isio. By theuknseof Febmiiry. 1U41, the Ernperor onleri'd ili'e esuibishinfiif of 4000 prima ry tidiO' !¦ on the croun Itinrls. on vvfucli thcr urn S'im" lourteea imlJinrs ofserfs. Anvler nkasn of' ihe first of Jahua'v, 1830, dücreed tliat the crowii landq, shnnld be forïnerl out. and Iht ot' thé sccon.-J öf N'ovemher, láát, ofde'red th; ex8CU.'irióf thi.s itn;urunr inattiüre, nn the leis"s of 24 to 99 ypars, wïiich innsf. ovputuaily, to n i erabit extent, emuiciptie ihoserfsof the crown. In ;ht? present yar, the E'nperor has deciilftd nn . thft cuÍ of' a Mslioidot h've hnndrfid miles trom St. Pelor-burg to Mosrow, and has employod M.ij r VVhistler, ojia of oic most. disünifiiilipd eniiinwP's, to superiutcnd the work. These are ii few of tlie tntny niensnreá nfli p;pd durnig Ux1 present rrj . - It is bui h(iPr jisiiro :o t lie K.n-ercr richolis to sdyt tint ho laboro! z-M)"U-ly, and iis done m ? ihan :mv ot" iiis urR'iec'üorsi, i'ó euJig'fii) nnd improVe the con i i' ion of the ik' ts muy oi II'hm. T'ji.'rio Inimmt', wio nji-'j j isf tnasureá ¦¦', vv ¦,-, lp ;:;¦ i iijjpn: wirli jialo isy nu.) i p ¦ ).¦ isfon, by ' por ton of th rmcioiit ii'b'hrV. uiici bèiio.yè CV.ery m-.'-.i.-im; teii(!in;' t ¦ enltghten the sorf uoder- mines t!if of tjieir pro inrty and nu thqi'iiy. Tjie Kni er.r perfoc ly cntniiu; :ph nos; on. 1I-; kn iw he is Mir o m lel with a wHjthy, [Wvvert'il, uiid ofton di -c ntpniod nristocrairy, títubrtióff ofreg la inr hc; suéceasi'fin to Ui.1 cnvn. as they have donn rppnatodly in pas' uen"i;iti'ns. Ue isadnvni.--hed liy tjuvejC'iiD'nífí'i'jf ïiw; ;li t th'-in Inmiliin wnnld be follv - C6llCS8ol da:if)iH. WilÜO, tÍKTt'firt, hlWinner ig cornial to ikíto ti o:B es and thófie knovv" to lu w {riënrjf?, Ke rnovp.s ntn i!-j; !n: dis-;itifi'vl, inr, and ly ons ;irinnr nnbih.y, with tlie stern mnjesty j of a monarch. One would naturally suppose that the hnad i of a military desuotistn would be necesssrily a sort of pnsoner in his ovn paloco; e6p?ciallymie tt'hti is o f.cqueiiily :c oimct;. as a oruel i} rnrjt,nnd njrainsi. wluun wè tmghx wippose a CJioiisund were re;ily t be d'a-iyö, Or, if sucli n tmiiiircli ever pitsii-d ihe poriu oí' tire (mliici1, we Miouid súpose li wou ld :it leat takc tiie priTtintum of oiiier iiioiittrclre, and appear Hurounde i by fifí ntiei.daoi-; iriil gnards. It is not .-o. liowèver. wirli ihe KtnpiïrórNichoIa?; wnlkipg, ruhng or traveliiitr. lie is ot ñUen.led iy any. rxrepi np u aü n-.1 m-lraiy oü'-'a-ori. [l$ ñniy cruardcf reeuitö bc "a Jion heiirt nu enploeve;" lor, {¦e.)rleíí of danser .-md con-'.tiuiis of his mvn ciintv, be stiflers iiotse óihér guurds 10 attfiK1. liini in liis pfoinpiifides or dn.vcie'bv l:iv or nig-bi . No one knows I-o1 i'-r ,v (teïï io pl-iv the tnünTch, : nl wbeñ io disjpnpp wii.h m;ijes'y. H! of'; en vJRi.ts lulls :incl öpirfes nt xhv. Imuses of the imbihty, ;uid very frpqiienilv mtPiids the bJls ;nui conceris ot tlio Ii'.ill óf tin; Nnliiliiv, wlirro ili:rf. nre isumIIv om uvo to tliree Üio);iT)d pe'sqnp ;issom led; atnöiw v.'hom lio mov(;s about conver.-ing farnilmrly w.ili mnny.He selrlom suffers n rpasquerarlfi to pnss j withont bfing prcs-enr, wbfticr, it tlif lipn-rc or the Hall of Nobility; ;iml no ono eno'.iífO.-' in liis niiiu.-emr:nt mre lieart'ily or ftmiJiarlr. His inanner i.s ilways acjnpted lo the ncc:úionJ íncleil. liad liis l')t lioen ttie s!üfe lie wonld have ie''n 'he fJarríék'óf thedaV; brlioia eqiiáííy Mcce-sfnl, wlietlipr hnpfars in ccmic or pravo scfiies. N rrtorhírch i heen po froqtien ly :uno -y Iiíh suKjPrlP, or 01 eñ manv and v:iriius "Cc.i-íuds; and nonR in more [in'-. p ptr-Df'in 8íyle Scnrrely c'ny in winter pHssra wirhout lus Mppi-nr-nci' in liiö oji? lior.é sl"ih. ()t joii-mn-s Iip rapidly. í le i-iia:l' mil. e iv jrmriiey "frtïui S Peiorslmr to M S'ow, 75'4 vt'si.--. trbinit 50() ii.ile.-, in thirÍV S. )1MI, VVlth J.O ! IkiTSPS . IU' i-. íleVoi'pd in his iirpntions to iIk'pid pro.-s. vviíd ís and Ijrfa been :or yedrS i-n invaíid ¦ l i.s SfiyJliGr nérvea vién s}' hy ifip j ievi'!i'tioii;iry S'-Hn nf tljp time oí hi- c: n.-,; i]n, Frftin wlitch iiork siíe-has nevr en'i.i'ly ; re' (ivcred. Iletr q'ip;i y iioí:oi pañi'1.-' lu r in her wnlli.-1 ii thc treefr of Sr. Pef.ersbuiír nr on the LOniríih rjuav - ijn-l id iior ride-, f-orneJiinii't: drivinij in u barouchc nd a;riiig as lier , - i-'i ri


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