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Communications: Letter From Washington

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W'. S t! ! G O 'ilfS 0. - ■!'.' EJU rs of Signal o) J.iBefty: - Fn i.iif -of iiiv tonner fi.ieiv, 1 mfirioivd the exIrn-Tclinary oircim-ütncs clevrlojiöd bv Mr. GitJdtnjfd, of Ohio. re.-poorinir the Florida war, mul tl' at 11? prnved beymid coníradiction, frrtni o!h"rril docu'mV'ntS', t hnt ihe wnr h;ul is orig-in in Uie represen! ntioüs Hinde bv SIovpholdrrs, of !he nsvlum tbr kIuwp, wükIi tlie fii'iiislieil, ain) itat it wns stil! con'ini.'cd onlv lor tlie punnisf ot rocnp'.iiiiiifj fir'nive slaves. Hi. (xcelltMit .speech on tliis suhjpcf oiighf t be rp iibliíheii. A onrr.s scené v en;ic"od iiot ns since in the House ofRpreseniatives, on a brancb Florida war. niifi shows two tlnni: lst. Uow slavery eoritfnimllv kceps it imnls in the nritlniia] pnrse, nnd 2ikJ. liow ecos.ary coniinned vLr lance is to itiHiuick tlie devicnf. iiiifler whicn we f the riort'ii are coutinnally phindered by a [Hiwerfnl nnd runn;nr pariy. By the ol' :lc FIouso. two r'sys in fnrli mooth re í-e' r.part for ihe pasintr (jfsucJ; billa is aro oítfie hr oneJsceptiÏQyiible, nn.-l u vvliich nn t!iK' rjiji object. On those dny C)W in-'in'H ra i! tfrid, nrf:)fra Hv, lin? more thnn a onorum; tú if it n-t only ihe, rule, but theorable underst;in;{inr, tliat no bilí, exrept. of Uip churii'-ifr sruted, .hall be in'rodnoed. On the last of thos iiêcasj!n-, tliere b ;mjr oböjit Gd fflienibéré prespnt,R bil) wbr rad ibr pa.-.nirc wiih snmf piicIi utlea.s 'i titU o indeinmfy - Wiitpon. Wbo would hiiyy ?n speet cul a sin ve move under sur-h i title? Yet so it ivas. Mr. Giddi'.gs h;ul kopt n yi?'ilnt oye jq tliis bilí, ínil nút expectinir it to bp n"roi!ncf:'l, fio imprope-Jj nnd rregulir], he wn-i rrt presrrt. II: h: d, how.-íver, ipení i'níj to J. Q. Adatns liis in"onti"ii fo oppose the bil], :tnl M r. A . being ever n liis piare, irinved to n rlp out tli( (Minc)!ix clnu.-f: t!)p Sppiikt'r ut once s'id, ifthehl vus o po.Srd, it could not be enferiaini.jd it a I fii tlmt pcciisin ItspaT. rons ere in dism.iy. Mr. Adams' inotion Vn lik1 thë i'XplcÍ'n of,rt s!n-l] i;i tlicir mí One of ihein j ímped np, dei-lned th cpposi:i',n inust origina ro in error, tdut the niJl vvaci ofuch a nuMire rliore Cóuld n t pnspibly be any nbj'-cioi). Tie chnirrrnn of the Cominittei? on dmmt, ns-ured t'ie I]oue tlie bilí wus perTectJy liht-xcnptionnblc: nnotherut" the ptrnus ponn-nd upnij Mr. Ai!am's - drew a cliai' to him, and unJsT.'O'ik ti a'isfv him, thot the bilí viras mus! inn cent. Altr nu iniervil, liie Spèiker de-ired to km w i' lite pent rm-'iii froni M;issieini.-e!ts w;is .:it.vfid Véi eaúVíííf. . D')fs th gen; ipci.-m vi:ii'!r;w fui; morion? o, tío remnvs it. One of. xhc piitftns tlien di'cl:uei, in ; si'eofir-e:! ■r'f'mi'nf ihrit-íP lilis bijl wís objcid ;o, lu v::iK o!j"CL !n, pvtv bilí on he lisr, ib'iH GO or SO, áod i!r.' no fis4nHSs en l.i ue ilx'ii ■Jon ■. Mr. Adiirns, howeijèr, wjís mniovubli, Mil !IO !..]! ,;i.s 1-ij.l ü opj) 'llfUlt li' doi'iiii'f! hís protnisej anti objpcfed to ever'. ■ ■(her bil), ms {'. v.i cmiÍcí!, but he yvTis d nifd io y t ínriInT p ni-hmi;:)t. Amonio Un bii'ii wa oí. e ib i-ri y ! h' Plofidö iTü'itiír. No.i thewqor imlrn wcn sn!l ni iv.iut ot' í'nnu.-. The ohjècJ"! ho i;.itf-', hut iliesi'nme ct'hilyihg tus word. aftei huvinjf "Inown over 4U or fU bdl.s m -dp 'íirrt remiw his ultjsc ion. - A hos' of rem 'nstnirs msln-d tö Imii li" CO'18 -lli'.'i-' 10 'Oin-n ) l:i:.iur áHli! lo W'i'hdniw lus objeclion, b'it anoilior wunber disgusied at the proocedinErs ii)terpo3cd, and lhi? bill shared the common fato.And lor wlmt canse vrái this f'reük of ove rwhelming temper indulged in? Merely be rauée the people's roprrspnt.-jtivps wuulci not mss :■ bill to pa ƒ over $2ir,00() (or slavs, imd tljiit loo wil hout a word of disrussion or rommpnt. The cirrinnstrinces of this tnnisneüon ure ro;il!y exfrnordmnry, -nd amnsing, tlioy are an follows : My firsr lttter pivc yu Gon. Íesífp6' oulprs. Ist. a!l tho rolorcd people cnptured from tho Indiins shonl.l be docmci! personnl prdpprf.nnd belorig, i cimmon wil Ii ;ill e!?c talíen lo Hip c.:piors. 2nd. Tlmt öertnin "negroj&e " so captored shou'd be 'fnkpii on iii-ooiint of tf)é jiovfrnment, nnd S8000 br? paid by thogovernnieiit to their cnptors' Thpsp orders nnd proceedins werf siil.mittpd to 'iie SVcrplfiry of War, and by iiim npprovpd. Tlm the rooney of o;r pcople wns for the pnrohnsc of sltives. and tiip nation invulved in the disparare f p;ir!ciprttion n the trade; this was in September, ÜIÍJ7. Thopp captivpf; wpro ?ent fo Fort Pike in Mi.-si-sippi, 'jniler the conimand of Lieoienant Reynolds nnd there kppt for scveral motrlis. 'l'lioir removal was expenpive, nnd 'heir inainienincfwis siill mom su. nnJ i uroposil w;ts rnnde to the war office, tliat thf-y should be '■mployd iiy the U. S. in s"tne maimër that would pny for their kf-epii)Lr: but official hardihood had u limit, and thfnirh our ofTicers had darpd to puichüfo and ho;d si :ves fnr tin.' pei'ple they fhrtink fr m nvaiüng thonue'vefi of fhoir impnid hibour, nnd as a ass evil kepf 'hom, ihóutth f 'xpen.-p, vet idlr-.At ïhe frfJlovvmg C.onLréssvan appropriation ííecessofy o defYuy the pnrchtise moi-ey, nnd expenso oftlxw -'narioivil etaves." fTh l!ou-e "f Represrnlatives is rather a ilmrn in the siHe,"' of some of our nffice-holdf'r.-1, nnrl hp thpy bpo-nn in prepare for this oppHcüiion !" Cotïgfeséj i!ii(] to lnok iutothe cv idf'DCP io bo giijph, nnii ilio rxplanntioo of ihe trüii-ni-iiwi, tnfliteVs begójn to loek "prrltv lick!isli.r On Isi Mfiy, IS.tho commisloier of Inilijiti n fifi ir.-, in ji Ie. ler to the Secret;iry of War, speaks tlins; I woulfl res[ef!fnMy fiirrrrpst whether tlierp ure Hot o: objpctinns to the pnrehuse oí' thse nrnrrops by tiic UniipJ fct:itps. It sopmi to rnp. that n prcpo.Hition to Congross N appropruite monpy to pi.y for tlicmand 'lipir lr:)nsiort!i!idn to Af'icn, couM is uitlior'v fot that cóurëo bp oh'iiinerl, or for nnv ot'ipi- ilisposiii !) ofrhpm, luwtld ocfirsími 'greta (nul rrtrnsivf excitcmint. Snrft n rel.ition a.- pqmed t.y the Un:c( Smte;--, fer htmr hih,e itn ohject, w.mlf], it a.upeaWi j)I;icp the pountiv n nu envi.-iblp attiMido, pspecia !v ht this jnncüirp, wJien the public: min) lipre nnd plspwhere s so sensitivo upon the subject. of f-lavpiy." Bnt af. this vrry lime tlip?p i;pgroes" hnd Wn iCtiKiüy bounrlit by Govprnmnt, ei-rht rireviousty. and plucPfJ in kppp;nr of 'hpir pfficers at Fort Pikp, as thtt offir.ial doencnentfl sln ws. What thpn was o bo done? - nvv wn? the $$00'0, iind the exptMisPs to bn nstainf] ns a ]est] charpp, if nnstislaind by. mnctton of CpnereSfl, nnd whnt wns fo bc knip witlí thp íiproe" th in. elvp.s? Gin.p apppnrs to li;n-e bren béspt uirh difric")]tic?, nnd i a lottor to Gpm. AibuckJp, d.ite.l .Tuly 21, ICr1. hf spe.iks f this frinsaoh'ór: ni)'] RnysJ "'TVw wholeoffair is a delicate and a tlijfiadt míe." TIip Gove'nmnit nnd Gen Jes'in fínallv mi) recmnse to n pretty piece of fliplomntic n'Tirp ()10 (]nf j; a prrfeof cmiosity n ita&K, (üsclosiiiíT siibnlo ttíwnsifiérúríf. and total disrFír.-trfJ ni" tnnh. Tiipy rrot holrl ofa Mr. Wnfsfin, nnd por-nniJoH fiim fo toke the nerrrops offt'ifi hnnds ofGovenunPtir. at cost, bní p was to pjirdiasfi osfensibly fiom tho Trvlinn., as if tho nesfroea wero Jheir cnpturcd pluriflr-r. Tlif jrenGV am! pos.-rssion of the írovprnmpí]' for oilit. or nine moi.iliH was lo he morgi-d n this picce of innocent fie' ion. - Wa'son thiM) was h Wasiiinnr'oi:. he welj kppw that 103 nppfrocs wpre a drad Inrrr.-tin at 8000 and etfjiehwes; nnd lc BfiHea t!mt lu w:is pprMindod liy thp oífiers ofthp frovrninicnt to pnrchas-'e.í.nd thnt t'ir Iniíintitle to ti ni wn.s íHK.xcgpJionril.K'. WiiPthnr W.itscn wis the rftipe or thp nf-comulictí ofgovirnmcnt (loe? not npppar bnt hp probahly was k-pt ín thn d:irk ■-i;? fo the fnet thaf governmrnt had pilrclms pi and pnid fírr tlp áeg'mas, Au utrpnt for tlit? 'n ;i:ins (:he Cret-ks,) Mr. VV.itson, was ihcti ilso in thi cy, proljabh' smií Cor thc vorv pnrpnsp, and VV;itsun purrlnspd from hiin the rif'LT r íes for J4,G00 nnd relicvnd ihe jrovorn iiK.-nt from thpir ''(.cliente and c'iificiilt cosition,"' as thoy h'p9á. S'n(;h ivns tho (lisgrnceftjl í?xprdi-nt ndopted, bi-pd on docpii, ns wi'll to the pcple, as to , 'he piirchnspr. Siuh tho. dishouoring1 i fion OnaClP-d in onr r-ripitíj], wliC'fiby lh nai"ii hv its ofRcors bociino t!i(s;i' ïüinnof' 10f3 j 'uininti iK'iutf.--, prisojiors t;krn by w;ir, nnd ] ■;o!d thprn no ppip-ui] i-lner}'. Ii wiü be rprollpctpd thnt tho-e vvir"e no1 evén 'Wi'áge.i'. Flavos. Tlioy vpie distihct frótn ii'.-i'. who clüitrifíi as sncli. n.s apipñrs hv Gnrí. .T'up's order of SeulPmVr, 1837. - Tiiey wpro cnptives tak'M) n -ar, Bul tlicy i.i n be onlinjr mm k iijion ihoin. Onr coin::on ('rratoi' liad sftbled tlirir í-!cüi! Weü Tony Antprica feej fli.-priCfi; weü muy thf more nf t-liamo ninnilo ber cijeHíj ijs c.-'St upon her the rrprojich of si when siich n trnnsaciion as this is eníietfil n ! cur vcry cupifol, under theauspicesment, and the uciive agency ofour highest public servante. An order lor délivëry of his "propkkty," to Colhns or to YVatson, was made out siijneii by tlie iáeereltiry of War, and given to Collins, hè prpsonred t in due course to Lient. IteviiOids: thiü gentleman however was under the coinmaml of Gen. Gaines, and could u.ct only on t ie order of.'the Gorierh] - all the wi-hes nf tliR dcpnrtmf'nt had to bi t!ius transmuied. Coll'ns applied to Gaines, but Gaines háíl rcccivod orders to send to send tho pr sortera of war, wnúer Keynolil s charge bevond the MisM3s-ippi, and tlirsft neirrocs had heen trnnsniitted lo him ia prisoners erf war. Ue would recDpnr. tliprti in any o'lier lijjlit, nnl rol'iiáed to iillow pnstbners of war c-aplured by the Americun army to hfcome eijaves for lifc. Of two coi)t.radictinr ordfr?, lic, to his credit, obeyed that wJiich was honor.ible and Immune. By thia timo the captnrcd Sejninoití fndiofts and negroès wyréori their mir..-!i onder escort Uy Lieiü. Reytjolds. Wntson or Colliiis, the ngent for the Croeks wlio had sold nccompanied tiie emigrating ])arty, tt'ith a deterrnmuion te .securi; the laves évjfttyá(ly. Lioiif. Reynvld:i lanrled ti is cliarye at Littlc R-'Ck. in Aik-nsas. Tha circiimsiiinecs which ënsued,aie best t-ta!cd by Mr. Giddings, in his speech on the subject. Siys he, 1 Al thnt. placf, C'l'ins ngam demnndcd them of Liewt. R-eyrwWs. lint a diífionl y nojw inieri ot-((',f'or that iflicer had nol irn!it;iry force sufficient to Imld the Iridian in suboctinn, if irritated by an at tempt 10 deliver over tlie nngrncs to Collins, to be brouirht b:u:k as s'lav s to th(; vvai;e peaple. Me thereibre calhd uoun ihe Governor of Arknnsas for troops to enible him to cilocr thai objfet. Bot Guvornor Roano, thiüliin tñe safety of the peopie of his Stiie moro importtniH tlian ihe fclae Irai'e, rr fusd ai! mihtHrv aid, ind rcqnired Liëut. Reynolds tojpiocoed firt hwiih o nis way to 'he íewaíorv as-irifd to the Irxiinris. In his a-nswpr to Lienienant Reynolds, he t-ays: "Had the GovoMimont ine'ded to dispo e of tlio.e neercea to tho Cicrli warriors, it sh'onld hnvo done 60 m Florida, and nor biinir Iridia ns and hëgruës to Arkïiitsa-, iho viemjtj of ilirir fnturp reidenco, and irrítale the Indians to nndnoss and turn them loose upon our front ir uhen we have no ad' qurite protec'ion. The ma.6aete of: oisr citizens wonid be the inevitable cone qnr-nce." ''Yonr iñimediale depnióúre wiJl in .ure poace, nnd avert the ont.agp.s yon had suoh pood cause to expect."' Thus. iMr. ('liainn;ii), yon wo were bronglit to the vèrge of a war west of the Mississippi, b ri'ason of the i'iTorts of our oñiferá totüin si.-.'very íind tftë sImvo tradf. íítit Collms, who, sft far n the public il-ctimpnts sprak ol Iiini. wís the agent of the C'fei warriors, nou spplicii t these SüiiiP Creek warriors for pos■e-Hon of tfip negrees; This, ís-.nnothei curi'Sity. TJie neffroes wee tnkn west ñnipí)ir tlip verv íitdin'ns vvlio original'}' c'i;tnred t ni. anH in whoe n-irno ihc Goiernmrní olficers nii'! CuLms ver(! tiyinir to obfniñ possfSí-ion of'ihom. But lliof warnors Imvídl' rccí'ivi'í! ihe Sl'JjODü in 'llie tjtjt-ter cunei)c}',' sIkhvr(1 po (ü-pusitioii to in'erfero mv riirtlier. íniieed. !hey sn'nl ihai tfioy bjtd solcí llifí nrgnifs, nnd lliíU ihe Unifp'i St liad pns'se'sH n of tlinn, ffn,d th'it tlie Crrrliá u'pro unrter n ohliátloti ro íh.U'rfe'i'e :inv t'urUicr iri tiip bn.sines--. Bul Coilin?, ever fnitlifiii f. liis iniP.1-. rcruaiiii'd n ii:it rotinrrv, ;iml a corrfipoii(!oncf iM)k place b?twoen liim and the hcii'irililr; ecreiary ni" Wnr, and oiiiyr o!licors (t'Govo!iui;)n!, n rg:ir(] to the mensures to b nlnpid in onier lo g6t-lhesawpTpQs hack i rito .slivry. Orders were .e;i! to G-i). Arhuckle, and C'Hinr-üs of ilie fiJdiflhá ft'er'e ralird; ihe Indi;ins, lunvever. stiowed lit'le flisposilion lo aicl 'hoir ■■jrite bro hren iti e:i.clavii)tr litóse vvlii vid painod tlicir liborty hy Mich a cucíiteiintiun of circümstunces. In short. fcir„ tlicy showed alniust as m icl insensPiis bilily to tlu claims of our livehol '- erp, as= our mure nvilize'l, drena, Jodn Bul!, haj so often evincod: cvcopiiitir. ahv-tV1--, hut t he Indiüiis cui.'iy ohswe'red H quesüóii.on lh" subject, wbiWI bi'hfVH tíie Brifiíil) Goveinmcnt Iris nover condescended oven to i"l. auy correpon(lencc ivhatever fordt livcnnir up fughiye slaVes. 13 u f . r-fr, w!iil tho Indinos apjcnre-d (luis insensible to the appcals made ro them in bi?hilf ñf slhety, t lie negroos iheniHolvcs ap-)ared perfec ly c.'lloxs to ni! entrentierf. Tiíe Indintis ould n[ dolivt-r iliciii np.and tiie ni'ífrocs nppAared toliavc beco'df! suddeiily iitipfesed vvWi I lie belief tltnt ti.eyCuuKi lhk; care of llicrnselw;.--. The}' n'iw t'i'h llipmseívcd reflorecí to ihnt liberty of u'iich Uiey hnú i) onj: been unjiíaiJy dénivod. Indeed, il nhptíars that the neruo.-.wc ilionuiulily cónvTfjcéd of tho perieal sa fel y ml pr+ipriety óf "imoediáíe em.'incipution iiid nf Western colonizitioi . ' 'J'iiey, nt all éventf, niipoiired detoitniiied U pivü ;liewotld me practical (tiiy iilsia'. iohs on iliese subj ets; tnd. gjr, I belirve they ure yet currjing out tlint dele mijn! ion. Thnsi you see. Mr. Chairmin, t fiat the efforlsot' otir honorable Set;retiry of and ut' ut her officets bl' Govi rninont, luilcd tu hriii th-e neirrnes back tó a siatu of éiayefy, and ttie nronts W.-ulod we. e CompeTled to return willi.mï. the nogroes. Uu', m the rnr::nunio, Mr. Wni.-on's nio.ivy wus ÍIOIV, nnd ilie aégrvsü H'ero gunc al,-o. He liad bouiht the tiegfróes, a lie s:iyá, iij on :ln; issur.üice of lillfi held out to him liy the ( illiiTs of üm'erninenl. Watsón (hen :.))!icJ Ui Cungre.-s t'ar '-compensa tlda'iFuf his U.-. 'Jio Cninriii.-siniicr ot f : n J ;: n Afüiirs ii'rïd rijo ti.i)!)r;.lle Sccretary óf War hfiafli reeninnit mi thp l:tim lo :ho Ihyorabie cönshlrnrion of Cunareis, and troe to nnke :hr .i';'Ui.i). Of the propnetv of loig se, I.-li:i!I BayjiQthiiig atthis tnïf". I hope'tp lío iiiy (Iniy on tint subject wlien it cuines Sjefiire us. My ohjct í'iüíw is to f-iówiljw in nnrr ín v.liieh the bfficers of tliis Goverprtiein iü've ntlrmptI, nol o:.!y to rnake us, in onr riui.iónn] c.;in;i'-i(ir. slavebo'.dera on'1 fl.ivetnidi.'ry, bui io inake lUetrêettcn of.lJie Sutil) i:iv Uiií pyrcliaser lor fía vea wtficfi he cobiil nut. rutcli", I wi;i ï"r ïeoyc t'i givelhojinion oí ihe Cominiioner pf itïdiaD Aityiri', n 'lis own words. ]n a otter to ihc hüiiora'le ecréiary ol War, datcd July 1,1840. sprnking of thrse negroès lie saya: "Any a'icmpr Wenforcing1 a cltim tn Kiem un der the Crrck warriors, would, perhap.% hnve resuUed in a conflict; and u.i the linzard of miHi nn issue prevrrtsd the us.j oi more peunsivé moans, I [hink GerVflfol WV.soti bas n jnst claim on the United Stiltes (o the mmifr hr pnid, and interest ." This, .ir, is the lopric of theX'.immip-ioner of liulian AÍfairs, i)(l thnt snrne opinión i ejdorscd bv tlie hononblf Secretary pP Vr. I Irive Ktfitod. anrl f 'hink have shmvn fnm aitlienlic dociirnrnts, ih:it tle wnr in Ploridn oripi nnierl in atffmpts by onr RxéCHtive nfficèrs f .npp'irt and m.'iitvain siuvcrv; thfit it Keéll rruewp.l anrl oir'ied on for that that th mnnoy ofonr na! ion has boon pnid for thp piirchase ot" fugitivo ïiaiSea and rif Imlinn laves. Tr tliose Í now add ilie fucl that f'm e nfiipers doom it jnt th:it vo shmiM fay forelnvfso'hicri the owners c.-innot obiain.'1 Thgp nro the circnmtanci's wliicli ltvl to the bül for tho relief of Watsou - a ííill pre sented as onoto wliich tlicrc conld be n nbjectinn, and éndeavored to bo tlins smiiíür'c! tlirniiLH: ihe house, illhonh Mr. Qirjnjngs had fo dUtinctly avowed hts (leterininiition to if, but thinks to tlie viilance of o-ar anti-slnvery Prianrls, it haá yet fnifed, The oliiiin of Wntson is now for purchase money ndvanccd, $ 4,601 Fnr in'erest, uboat 3,500. For expenses, 8.500 OaijROQ Tlms the origina] advanee by the gpvèrnment has swelledfíorn 3,000 lo $21,J0Gr. and i we are a-ked to pny not only the'piircliase priie of theslaves, bot interest, nnd tlie expenses ol reoaptnre Sc. Who can teil whnt iwe cxpen-es are, or how mnny fat sums they my continu for officials, Sec. Wonld it not disfrace the nat ion to pny such a bilí, nnd yet we hnve p;iid innny siicti, by the hundred.- pcrhaps. and m.irk my vvords, we will liave to pny this ilso. SJavery has too Orín a grip on us to be tlins evaded. Tliis ins'anre, is but one out of tiio rnany practical iilnstt :,' iotis daily forced iipon us of tho conseqiiences of ihe doprirlnre from rijrlit. As the ovil residís of any violation of God'.law, or of tho great principies ofright, are s'iro cventually to fall upon the perpetra'or. nnd ti) vindícate the law or principie ho on ranrod. by matting his violation the menns of punishment, so the conscqnences of plaverv meet uh in every qnarter, nre Qcnnm'ila'inir the stores of fenrfnl venrrpance. The at tempt to chttelízñ man, nnd to convert God'simnge int'i prnperty, is iijvolvín? h n-ifion in d'lfii'iilfy ntho-no anl afrrond: the röss iíbsurdíly óf the: prhpnsiUon, tfint man is a r.hattpj and ciüi be helrl invroperty by anotlicr is hoijpiog (üificuKv ispon difficuliy, t coms tilt crainst principie aHer principie, nn-1 brini ns fighf"'up in the Hice of eome véi éstnbliHJicil praciicc, tiip Ipffitifnate con.-oq-ient-o of some trutli.or republican principie. The pre.-ent pase is ari intanco. Wln-n Jnup i- gtffd bis mdrr tn-il 'the pfoperty taken' shotilj helon the captors, he httle turesavv tlie hpaP rf trmible to fullow, bu the "property" in thiá ii);nnc", n? 11 tho cave oftlie Creóle - if ihe Amistn;] - of the sn!!e emiranís tol' Cáharia'-nna in many olhers - ;ias taken care of itseü', an! outnijrod nnlnro !ias at once vin(icUnrl it own sovprein Iiuvs, and punished is')ed liiPir, who rcc!desly da red tin ir j '..ion.


Signal of Liberty
Old News