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The School Library

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!y Marsh Capen,on &, VVcbb. Boston. leUO. This is the tiüe of a series of works now publishing under the supervisión ofihe Board of Educationof Massachusetts. Mr. Lamb, of this villnge, ns willbescen in our advertising coiumns offeis for sale all the volumes which have yet been pubüahed. biing twönity-rfivfi pi the 1-irger size. and twelve of the juvenile series, which can be had pep-ir-Htely or together, for about twenty-sev-en dollars. We have looked over the volumes with som e attent'on. aid an say that they ai e super or lo any eelecüon of the kind we hnv-ö seen. - Tliey conipiise .'ilinost evcry flepariment ut hiatorv. scieuce nnd the ans; but we were panícula:!}' snittil wiih the Biographioal sketehes. - There are twö volumes entitled, "Pnrsüit oí KnowWgo under Difñcnlitca," Compíléd by Prtejdent Wylnnd; wliitíh every jouth onght to rond. As the onnual meetini-sof the school distriets will soon takfi place in all Darte of the Siate. when arransemetus will be :nade tor purchasing school librnries. we reeommend this selection to the attention of the trustees (CLeavitt writes from Washington that M-. C;iÜMun and his frinnds nre, ly at woik to seci'rc hini the nomination tbr ih Presidenoy wull knnwing thnt t'.is is his last ch.incc. They are determincd that his cl iins ahall not not Öe posiponed for an consideraiious wiiatever. - The coniest will be Ue'weon hiin and Van DurenEFTlie Washington Globe thus announccs the Deinocr:itic creed: "All at this moment c:"ncur in opposilion to n National Ban'i - to a uiti.inal dei 't - to a 'ij iscn'ialltj f'or protection - lo inlcrrtal improve mcnsliy ihs, Ntitionrd Goz eminent - TO ABOLITION - to distribntiön - to Federalism in all its shnpes. All agree to Tcduction of expendí, tures - to reform i:i ihr citri-ency - to admiai; trative rcforms in all departments - and to [hc inninienance of the Jèffersontun inu rpretntion o; the constitutional powers ol gopernment." ftDo not forget the County nnd Senatorial Conventions at Ann Arbor on tlie 31st. Let there be a general uttendance from every town. O"A new thrernena the slaveholders. By the iaw of Congross, each legislaturo shal; raake Coiigressional disiricts of contiguouslory. The queation ariscs, eliall these üiatricta bo determinod by ihc white population. who alone eXferciae politieel power: or shall the apportionment be made ly fedurnl numbars - i. u. by ndc-íñMiá ol the stavjeatoihe niunberofthe white po)uaiuo. As oniy a sinall jortion of tiiu wliiics are slavchohlers, t is obviüus that ii ihe whitcd .ilone elect their members, without reforence to tho slave poi)nl:uion, in nany districts the aon-slaveholding interest will large'.y iedoiiiina:e. The question is already discussing ni Suuih Carolina. Ilon. (!)T. F. Marshall has written a letter io the National Inieliigoncer, justifyfng himself ibrfighting the duel with Col. Webb - repudiatmg the interierence of rnij'isters of religión into his ailairs of honor, and lamcn'.ing the good old daj-s of chivalry. which pi oduced sueh noble characlers as Sir Philip Sidney and Chevalier Bayard.


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