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New Style Of Murder

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- The idea. of puttingï man hito a ditch four fcot dcep, lor the purposo oí getting a fair shot ai hirn, must be a Southern nenl ín dueiling. We read ofnoihingof .o kind ín ihe tlaysofancient chivalry. Forour pact we do not see what pleaaure thcic could bu n siiooting a coward under such c:rcuinstanccs. 'A ducl lately too!; place betwecn Mr. Feil, editur oí thc Vicksburk Seminci, o mi Mr. 'J'. E. ftobHis Fall was shoi in the liglit leg. Ín a prQ.yJo.U6 duul betwten n.u same individuais, Fall tired belore the word and then dodgud. iJc was not permicted to avail hiniscll of this lattei privilege m this duel The Iricnda of Mr. ituimis, knuwing Puli's dotlfiing propensitiesi inbistüil ilint the partics sliuuid iight in a narrow diteh tour fcet ducp. So poor l'all had no other means ui escape excepj by turning and running in a direct line." - Luuisvilli; Journal. OWe lately published soinething übout gambling, and its oxtor.sive prevalence aniong sla%reholdeis; Look at this picture from the Methodist Reformen Let the younjr n;an who hr.s :ndu!üe'J in '.he practices pf gan.büng visit our Southern cities, and then se ií he wouid not view ït - in all its Icatuies and -shüdes - supreniely wicked, and the ó'íic pl human happiness. Jet him see those who :nuke it their business lo go fidm one city to onother, ,rom ono Steahiboat loanotber, (ortlic purpose ui iiiaking uióieyto clothu afid teed themselves - and lilis, by indireci sicaiing!- which 1 could provo il ïiy liiüiis would allow. Yes! mark tho Oinaciatèd coiintenrintíes, the woaiy eye - (]uivering lip and hand!- hear their horrid imprecations; :heir menaces to each othor! buhold the frequent stabbing - imdftight inurder! - and then see if tüat young man would notacknnyledge gumbling o be one of the voorst o! practices!Qr'We havo received the sdcond munber of the "Millenaiïan, r,nd Literaí Interpreler of Prophecy," publihed at Boston, the object of which seems to be to show tlmt ihe second coa'ing of Christ will tuke place nextyear - or n 1C47 - or vcry suon. We fay Amen to his coming - tho soo:ier the befter, ln the mean titile, bov. can his friendo be botter employnl ihan in freeing tho lave, a;iil n;iniátering tö thöfé who ire siclc, mJ in prison, and linnory, and naked, and robbed, and suppiyïng them wilh the bread of Ufe? Has le not declared our trjntment of Ihom shull be the very test, by wliich tve bball be judfjcd at his final coming? (CDr. Dalcho of S. C. says the celebrotion of the 4th of .Ju!y belongs excltibively to tho whhesi thenegroes had no concern in the Ameritan Revolut on, and tt is improperio allow thesf people to be present on the occasions if its ceiebraiiori, aa by listening to the speeches inhde o those anniveríarips,ihey imbibe falte notions of their personal rights. - i Such is iho -leeplefs vigilance wilh whtch these tyrants waich tlieir Viciüns!Mr. Á. VVíIley wriics i.) tiio Libterty Sinndrird thm Im sh;il) oppose tiie ejeciioij ol Ilenry Clay to the nesidoncy - because liéis, lst. A sl-tveh;)!!der; '!d. A nuirderer: 3d. A robber: 4th. Art Brieroy to tramen riglus; 5th. A despot; 6rh. - A devoted supporrer of slnvery, and 7ih - A or.:s:.lent ot" iho Colonizalion society. Mr. Willey is a peniur. He could tendí Tom Beatón a ncw IcBson n the art óf humbu. .Mr. Clay niust inakc his peaco wijh Mr. VTi!ley, or he is a ugone cooü." Wü cut the prca ding ftcin tlic Detroit Ad: cr tiser. It wil) be sccn ihat the correctness of.tll the specificntions is not dcni.ed. We will merely retnnrk, that U the Editor thinks the ohargea againet Mr. Ciay'e raoral characfer can be passe.í oíF With a lavgh anJ a sníer, by calling them a humlmg, he gieatly mislakes the feelings of the religious part ofeommunity. Such a course may suceeed wcll with bnr-room poüticians. but we irus'. th:it the Chrisiinu comrnunity ;ire not preparo'.l to regard all fhe apecifmations nbove as a matter of indifleiencc. Mr. Clay has a'tempte'd to miirdcr a fellow being. but was unsucccssfu!; and yei for that ai'.empt, ií cotnmitted in Michigan, lie would be liable to twenty years' impris■mment in oufStnte Prison, in company wiih rogues :ind felons, and be incapable of holding títiy office of profit or honor. Is such a crime nothing more than a hnmbvg?


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