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Tqe siihseribp nforms tjie im-m ors of Am li-i . und "' i ■■■■ "8 '. !'■'' ''- nirc U .e:d t ,'tc SÍavery p:t:)i-;i;ions lita! havo it=MieJ (rom the .luéricü.l) pres-""", that lig luis úfdiBsed :iil ihc bwok.-, pnnr.plij:!?. Iracis, priMs e.'c. li;Hy Uelpiigingito (!: AmunVun A!i-S!:ivei-} Sycïèty, aiïïouiitjiig to n&mit eiht thoasnnd dollar, at oJd priors, wliicli he yfíeré fbr .snJe hv Jiis ncrent i'n.ony nuunlity, ' low pnces for cash nh. S.iniples will hc kopt nt his office, cvinor óf Hnover ana Fciinic fitroelF, r.ncl orders will be promtly atLeinifd to. A oaXplogue of.íhc principal pulilicaíufns is .:;)- ncxed, nrïd the pricee p.t aprainst Hiem are the pre.-ent (-educei!) rniiiil piircs. By the l:nníirr or larger qnnnticy, tlioy will bc pcM Io'wpi S8y fr.r lenmd vojumee L' iPi' cenf. dis(ip!inJ : inphlds. tracis nn] pict:irr?, 50 'pef cr't. (üsco'.iht. With cespocjt lo most uf tliem this is below tbe ïirtnal cost t me in cash. TiifV vero not purchafeel with i viw to si'U.atn pörfj b;il '.o sn'jsoivo the Anti-S'avfry cuifc. Si!.:h an opporltmity ha? not preyimisly occurrftil to obtaio Anti Sjavwy publichtioiis al thc.c rednfcd pvifo?, and probably uiil not arrnin. (BE'litors of nwspnpera nre rfqilèsied to ennv this ndvortis.'iniMit at lonsrth for tlinnm'nth.,aml ihoir hills wil! hc pnid itibonks,cir. Pirase send a r.upy of tiie nnnpr pontaioins tiic New Vork. Mnrch l?t, 1S42. BOÜND VOLUMES. Amerir.-.n Slavcry as il ir-, inuslin .rK! Anii-Slrtvery Mital -" A! (-ti loi, by Tres. ücociier, of 111. Col!. ïemo. -; Alton Trials Sluvery Record, vol?. 1, 2 and S pp! 50 I, by Ub. CliiJd 37 J -f Anri-Siai pr, botina vols. ' „pv 33:1'? Bournf-s Picture f Sbivery Hl 011 llie fc?l:ivo tr:nln i ,,.; of Fref.loiii (Clarkpnn's history of slavc irado,) voV. 1, Si and 3 set 1J-' ; Sprar ;; Ghnnning i-n Rlavcry ;' Diuiran uu Sbivery 2) Kman. in the NV. 1. by Thome and Kimlmll miëün '' X)o by do i: bonrds wilh mnp Sá F,r.rmics(it';i!finn rüsroveroi ' Fomitain, nlahi binJing, Gl:ro. 12 I Ü GugtttVj'S V.-issii " :' Grimke's l.orirrs to Miss Brcber Si 1 e Jay?s Inquny .'37 1-2: Jny's View Liglit ■ncL#iXith - ].i;b ofGrnnvilbShnrn 1;' AJolt's B:rMi!iir;il S!;?!fhps 0 IS McMiioir ot Utn-. 1MiML'l llanca 75 Do 'of.Lovejyy n--North Stnr, biles - ';;' Pentisvlvani'i Flall ■ ';' Quartc-riv Anti-Shivory Srapnéifie, 8vo. lOQ ltankinV" Letters. IP-m'). 100 pp. ftibt nñd wnn in. Boston _. -SlaVcrv-nCpníninjng IVr-lnrntinn ot hentímentsan I Con-imf" 9nhc Amor' A. S Socjply: YcsVy'sTríót;?jrt.t9 Ölnwrv : Dons thp BU' ennctinn Slaverv? A.'.l.tnil-Syno.l of Iv-niticku Ñiüuivle pf'Anws Drc-sor, W.liy work f o; the Shvc? bouíul in ono vol. I" Shve's Frion!. &Q. voU 1, 2 and 3 -0 Tlmysons Rcception ir. Grent Bntain, Tosümm.y ofG-ul n'rlnst SÍáVery, I3mo. 2 Whráíiv, "Ptójis Slcnioir f West in'üeV, by Professor üovpy VVest índisr, by fjaívey iïj] Sturge WeJJey's thnugíita on Slnvory. in inuslm, v.iili portraít 1-1PAMPflLETS. Scts A. ñ. Al manaes, from 133G to 1G41 ir,cl"Live í3j 1 2 Afldross to thr Free Peoplc of Color i Anr.icnt haiulnrirks Apdlosry For Abolitionists 3 Amcricñn Slvery ns It If--- Ihe Testimony ot'a TliousnndAVit aosos -: Adi'.ross o Richt of IViinon 2 Aü(rtssto Sonaturs anu Representntives oftho freo St oír-a Address on Klavory (Germn'n) ! AddTess otCóñgrsgatjonal Union of Scothnd ; . ' Aödress of Nnliniml Convent ion (Ormnn) 1 Ann. Ren. of N. Y. eof Vigilam-e 25 Do. of Mass. A. S. Snriety 12 1-2 Appcal to Women in the noininul]y free States G !:"J AiHhcntic Aneciloíee on Amcnc:in íbvery 2 Ailflress to tlie Church of Jesús Clirist, by ttic Evni'p-'lical Union A. S. Society, New York city. 4 Anu-Slaverv Gntechiflm, by Mrs. Chad P 1-4 Adnms', J. Q,. Letters to lijs Constitueñ's 4 AJ.ims', J. Q. Speech on the Texas Ques. 7 r til i tion . i'1 Renortp of Am. A. S. Society, 3i!, 4:h, 5than.lG-h '2 I"2 Aniiunl Rftpórts of N. Y. city Ladies A. S. S.icioty ñ Áppea] to the Christen Women of the South :i B'bln :irrln.--t Sl.iVPrV qpll??ction.ofYIuabio Documenta 6 l--i Biniey's Leitere the Cniirches Birney on C(l"iiií:itiun - ChAttel Principie -" Snmmary of tho New Testament argument onSlavery, by Boiiñli Grrori Chipma.vs DiPCoursa Channinír's Letteis to Clay Condilion of Freo P&QTile of Color 9 Crn!v!:ill. ReuVn. Trial of . 6 bisertatibn "ii Servitude í2 1 -ï. Dickinson's Scrm -n S Üoes tho Biblo sanntion SJavory? i n,. rtfént. nnd Constituí ion of the Am.A. S.Snni'ly , ! DirciK ;-r. between Tliompson and Urcckinritl3fr . DreKser's Narrntive l' ExtintriiisUer Extinpnishí?4 J Elmore Corresponlpnco G: (lo n b ecís 4-0. 2 Ennncipnüon in West Indies Tliome and Kimbull ll Emnncipatnn in West Indes in 1838 3 Fr-?e(Iom's Defonse c i Gefritfdrt's Addro&s nt Bmadwav T:ibornac!e 6 Gnnrdi'in Öemos f the Federal Union 6 Cwions Planter J GilfeuV Roviow of Bíjshnell s Discourse f. Immedintp, nor Gra.lunl A!...lni-n 12-C Jay'.s Tnoimlits on the Duty oi the Lpia'rornl Chnrch st Liberty', Hvo. 2b: do; I2mo t? Morris's Spppr!) in RD?wer tn Cfoy Mahnn's Rev. Jt'Aii B. Tri u in Ivenfuckv 12 í-L Mortyi Age in Amorico, by llarriet MarMoV rn Rxpëdietjcy Conside-rd . l Pov pr ol Gopgresá ovrr the District of Ccj [-,.. . wty TqUir.öck AflU-SJúvt i) ■■- rio-l.v.ciy Ruid Cocic ctf UcitíR-iper. MoscIv'urrntne oPa Ftgitiyc 1 e 12.-2 ltv.l ■■) Wen 12 1-{ ..:.':■' Aii;!.te Ü ÍJi:::,; a;,.l Wmi:.. f, Dosifin !2 2 2 S!;i'.pr_v itli nies G SJnde' Spcrch n Gongefifi in ÍÍJ.-1S .C5 ïüi'li's Gerritt LrMf lo J;is. Snivüe C J)n. Jwtipr to IJonry Cky 6 SJaycholding IuvacjaWy Büiful, ''iijahiin i ;i pp,'1 G SouUiari.'a Müjiunj l Star o!' Frofiioiii 4 ScliJTinckor niil Smi:h'a Leltcra ü $ hv vi? 1 1 oide r "js Pr.ncr 1 yinv h'l(Tjjihcr W'eiiriü-'il 3 Slayèry in America (Lonon); o. (Cermnnyj 3 'í';"1 .:í;:rtyr, bv IViiali Groen ('. Things ihr Noiyjerp Mn to !o 3 Yicws óf' (.'(■l!i:ii;'.:i!ioii) bv Itev. J. Xr.nrfc 4 Views' pf Sltryery ai)d Êmuncipatio, ky M.---s M.-:rl:ir{-,u G iVrsleyau Auli-SIavo; v lirvimv L.') W'-.w in Töiös, Lv l!ri)j!iniii Luiiily G WliV vvork fbr the Slavt! 1 W'ilsnij's Adtlrus on Wet ludia Emancipiiti('n 4TRACTS. No. 1. Rt. Domingo, Kb. 2-, Gaste, Nw. D, C'ilnnizntion, No. -i. Mora! CnñfJHian ofthe Siavc, No. 5, WhSt is Aíir.];:".n? íTo. G.T'jf) T'.'H 'oninnniliiieiits, Nu.7 DiigfÈotifl ênfeft't jo. 8. Ptu-Si.-iv-w Bflïle, No. a r r linst Color. No. I O, :oi;lirri! i ;:: !--r:= '11 íSl.lVO?, No. I !, :'!.■ iv 1 v :m;! Mis?-ioi)s No. !C2, Dr. Ñplsrií' Loftinc ou Slavry. TiiC ;buve Ti-mc's are uií ni 1 cfíii füic-Jj. PRÍÑXS, r-:Tc. "íwsttrnliritis ofthe Aníi-Siavcr}' Ahnanac í'nr i;;.j S 'i ■! ]]un:irij;ritp(! Fnr.nly L:j 'ljiye Marjíc! ol' Acvnr-i ;3 J;rrcv.uri(!(iKi; bclu ecu O'Connel and Stef)t. (■. GJin'ntld Calhonn 12 1-2 i P.'inter-s Picir.n' (JstHéry Í2 l.c pr pnpor, '::..(j v.ilh piint oí Lovojoy vtifiet 1 Do. ui'li Kticoün Sl.ivo sheel 1 Pravcr fur S'w'f?) wiljs Wiieic, on cards 1-2 P! rail ['fGerri! OitiíUí :0 Im aíiflitínn, :irc lile í"I'ovmír, í!ip proccods of vvhicii wül ero mío ího Mendinn futui. Arrmont oi:fíoi J. Q. Adaiws iu ;hc cape oíjhc Aifli.f'ail Aiucnn.-? 2fj rpnncnt ol' lioger S. Bojwin, Eq.cío i'.o 12 2 Trjft.1 "f'!l:e Caplive? of' tlie Amistad (J poiífjregsfna! l)ocnnicnt rclaíiüg lo do. O PoitMtit i;f Cü-i'ji'cz 1,00 - Ma.fli Síí, 1642,


Signal of Liberty
Old News