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esentative from New York, thus anccd }iis sentiments in Congress, in a :h on the revenue, July 8. ( r myself, I am not a free trade loco foco, was ] clothed wiíh power to do ít, and country whose state of aftairs and public ment were prepared for it, I would estabthree things as immutable as the laws of Yiedes and Persians,ond they are, that all ■eet taxntion should be abolished, ond all burdens of the goyernment be taken from labor and people, and be placed directly on property of the country as far as practica - oll paper money should be excluded; and credit systrni should be purified and renled by the abolition ofeverything like s for debt, making them debts of honesty honor." Mr Da vis declares that he s not think the country is prepared to pi these principies at present, but that ulately tliey will preval j. Jtiil.lings of cast iron are daily increasing i prodigions rete in England;and it appears t houses are ibout tobe constructed ofthis terial. A three story house containing ten twelve rooms, will not cost more than 100, regard being had. to the manner in lich it may be ornamented. Houses ofthis scnpijoR may be laken to picces, and transted from one place to another, at an exïse of not more than L25. It is said that irge number of cast iron houses ar; about be manufactured in Belgium and England the citizens of Ilamburgh, whose habitans have been b".rnt. The Rus3i'an empire at the present day,als more than tnree times the territory of Roman empire in ifs greatest prosperity. ;mbraces one half of Europe, and one third Asia, or about six million square miles; ibited by at least forty different nat.ions, :aking as many different languages. papttíin Stockton has had constructed a ought iron cannon, that will tbruw a ball ighing one hundral and twelvp ponnds. It .s tcsted on Wedncsday at the Philadelphia ivy Yard. The largest charge uscd wa8 ;y-five pounds. A goodjoke. - The Millerites are propheing that the end of the world is to be in )ril, 1843, and yet, at tlie same time in this jnth of August, 1842, they are taking subriptions for a ncwspaper, for one ycar in adnee. Not bad that. Mental Alienation. - Mental alienaiion. cording to the best authoritios, npppars to cur more frequently n Great Bntain than nny otlier country except Norwny, t!ib proirtion in Rngland being one insane person to ery 783 'nhnbitants, and Scollnnd one in '3, white in Jorwny the ratio ü one maniac 551 of the population. Manía seems to inpase ;s innn rrcedes f rom the warm or southn co n tries bouiering the Mediterrancan and proa ches the colder regions of the north.- Italy the scata descends so lovv as lo give )t mre than one insane person in every 3,5 inhabitants. - JV. Y. Tribune. The Farmers of Washtenaw county have rmed an association for the Iransportation ' thcir own produce to the New York mar3t. The cost for flour will be $1,25 barrel, ui wheat in barrels, the same. They have i agent in New York who will on the arrival 'the flour, pay the transportation and inspecon for a cormnission of 2J per cent, the agent aiso to make a remittance in c:iy drafts.- htroit Adv. The Thames Tunnel has cost two millions f dollars. It is 1200 feet long, and is built i the most durable manner, so that it will ist for age?, unless an earthquake should in:rfere with it. It saves three miles travel irough crowded thoroughfares. With the xperience acquired in building this tunnel, it i suppnsed a second conkl be built for one aJf of the money. Wnterloo bridge and .ondon bridge, over the Thames, (stone ridges) cost five million dollars each. Glass Waistcoats. - The very ingeniousliscovery of working glass into a substance esemliling the richest silk, is now being ironght into very general opnration, and in 'nrious ways, such ;is gentlermn's waistcoats ini stock, ladies' Öressea and many otlier irticleis of' decoratinn, in the most splendid )rttorns. It is superior even to íilk in flexbility and softnss, and the durability of it, a )oint, however, of no consideraron with the mut ton niporig wljomut present it exclusivey is, is as a matter of conrtíe, vastly tuperior. n process of time, when the manufacture ias nriivpd at a more perfect state, and all its Jefects are retnedied, and all its wastings dis - :overed, in all probnbility, it wilt cnme within ;he reach of most classes of society, but at aresen its cost is its only drawback, The napnificence of its appearance is quite reTiiirkable, and w'hen used in iny quontity,suh is window ciirtain.-, &cc., it siiould be seen jefore a just appreciation of ils richness and ílegnnce can be obtained.- London paper. American Board. - The next annualing ot the American noaru or r ureign missions wil! be holo a'. Norwich, Ct., on Tuesday, the lSth day of September. next. The receipts of the Board'a Trensury for the first eleven months of the yenr, or to July lst, have reached the sura o'f $300,000!- Y. Y. Obscrvcr. Jew remedy for Hydropfiobia. - Dr. He- ber, member o' the Royul Academy of medicine, Paris, lately communicated to I is socie ty thai jn Greere it is o praeti'.-e to observe the t' ngues of those prrsons who have been bitton bv dogs, berause at the end of eight or nine days thiire apppars on each öide of the tongrue, and near the upper part, pustules, caled lysses by the Greeks. These pust ules confaiii the wliole rabiu matter, and ïmmediatcly they are cut out nnd the wound causterized, which prevent.s hydrophobia. Gpn. Duff Green lately attended an anticorn law conference in London, at which he expatiaied on the happy condition of ourmanufactiiring villapres compared with those of KnplnnH: and lalked about the virtuous and intelligent girls in the factories. At home,he used to condemn these-factories as fatal to iemale virtue . He was introduced to thO con


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