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To Families & Invalids

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The followiüS indispensaWe family I dies mayhe foutul at the villaje drug stores, aud soon at every country store in the state. Remember and never get them unless they have the fac-sünilc signature of yvikC-y on die wrappers, as all olhcrs by the same ñames are base impositions and counterfeils. If tbe merchant nearest you has them not, urgo hm to procure them at 71 Muidcn-lanc, tlie next time he visita New York, or to write for them. No family should be a week without these remedies. BALM OFOOLUMBIA.FORTHEHAIR, which will stop it if íalüng out, or restore it on bald places; and on.chüdrcn make it grow rapidly, or on thosc who have last the hair from any cause. ALL VERMIN th'at infest the heads of children ín schools, aro prevented or killed by it at once.- Find the name of ■tévío oa it, or never try it. Eemcmber this always, RHEUMATISM, and j positively cured, and all slcrivelled muscles and litnhs arerestored, in the oíd or young, by tho Indian Vegetabí-e Eldcik and Nekve and Bone Lini-ment- but never without tliename of Comstock & Co. on it. ■■■] iré wholly preventocl, or goverucd f the attack has ;omeon,iíyouusethe only iruellAVs" ;:om I ind cvery tliiig rclicved by it that admi's of anouu I ,vard appüeaíion. It acta like a charro. Uso it. o IIORSES thnt havo Ring-Bone, Spavin Wind-Galls, &c, are cured by Roofs' SrnciFic ; and FOUÍldered horscs enürely cured by Eoofs; Founder Ointment.' Mark this, all horsemen. Dalley7s Magical Pain Estractor SalVÖ.-'-The most cxtraordinary remedy over invented For all ñew or oíd I and sores, and soreg g It has deUghted ' thousands. It will take out all pain in ten minutes, and no failure. It will curer the jQSSSÍLIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. . better and more nice and useful article never was i nade. All should wear them regularly. LIX'5 TEMPBK AIÏCE BITTERS : n the principie T substituting the tonic 'm place of he siimulant principie, which has refermed so many Irunkards. To be used with LIN'S f! i'PILLS, superior to aft Dthers for cleansing the systcm and the humors ing the blood, and fcff all irregularities of the bowels ! nature, thus :] DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY tv-ill eflectually cure sick headache, eithcr from tho rCTLI3jA5áKa or bilious. Hundreds of families are , IlilfTifinifi3 using t with great joy. o DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH, for the certain prevention of Jj L or any general sickness ; keeping the Btomach in most perfect order, the bowels regular, and a determination to thesurface. BJHWBBHI pains in the bones, hoarseness, and RtBMS if are quickly cured by ït. Know this by trying. CORNS. - The Frehch Piaster is n sure cure.■ , , (- . - lair any shade you v.ish, but will not cuior the skin. SARSAPABiLLA, cqmsoqs com. ?OUND EXTRACT. Thero is no other prepara-, ion of Sarsnpariila that can execed or equal tliis. ' [f yoa are sure to get Cokstock's, you will find it superior to all others. It ocs not require pufilng. CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positivo cure for the piles, and all ex:criial aiüngs- all iaternal irritations brought to ihe 8urface by friction with this Balm ; - so in coughs, swelled orsorc throat, tightness of the chest, this Balm applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once.- Fresh wounds or yld sores are rapidly cuied by it. ov.i',1 ;■■; vent or cure all incipiunt ■ ■ i:on, iifiTf .i tam1, and is a deüglitíul remeUv. iíemember the name, and get Comslock's. ■ r-T" """■"■ - "TH -----.- will eradicate all KV ■ '1 '!1 c'"iWrcn or adulta with a, certainty quite astonishing. It is tbc samo as that made by Fahnestock, and sells with a rapidity almost incredible, by Comstock $ Co., New York. TOÓTE. DBOPS. KLINE'S- cure cffectuaüy. Ent. m! acrnTdïn tos ft ptvíS? By applying to our cgents in éèch town and village, papers may bo had free, showing the most respcctable namc3 in the cosntry for these facts, 8O that no one can fail to bëlieve them. Be sure you cali Tor our articles, and not be put ofl' with any stories, that others are as good. HAVE THESE OR NONE, should be yoiir motto- and these nevar can be true and genuine without our names to inent. All these articles to be had Avholesale aud retail only of us. MdMiü Wholesal Druggistfi' 71 Maiden-Lane, New York, and of our ngents. in. tí. 5c J. W. Majnuid, AgeiTtá, Aun Ar , bor, Micfa. iil5-1y.


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