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Anti-slavery Publications

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Theimbscijbej infprmsthe picmberspl AP; ti-Slavory Societie, r„.d all persons wbo öbBire to read the Slavery piibhcations tl .u h.we issued fróui tbe American press, hc has purcbd the books, pamphlélj tra ts, prints latcly the 4rfcan Ant.-Slavcry Society, aiuouuting to aböut eifflrt -thousahd dollars, at old priceej which he ofleis for eale bv Ins agent in nny qua.nljty, at loic , vrices for cash ouh,. Samples W ill be kcpt nt his office, corner of Banover ana fechante sfreets, and orders will be promtly attendeU to. A catalogué of' t lie principa] publications isonnexed, and the prices put Bgainst them are ti.e preeent 0-educed) retail pirices. By ll-e lnndred or brer quantiiy, they will be sold lowci - say lor bfrund voiuBJes 25 per cent. discount: in patnphlds, trads and piclurrs, 50 per cent. discount. VVith respect lo ioèï of theni i this is below il:e actual cóst tfl me in a&eh. -iwy vere not purcliascd hh aio toseUata porfitiuttosubserve.the Aiiü-S'uvrry caosc. KtioJ, au opportunity has not preywosly occurred to obtnin Anti Sloveiy publications ai these reduced prfceá, and probably vi:l Dot agnm. QEditoTBnwBpnpers are Tcquested to copy this pavertiM-ment nt Jength for three monlhp,and their bilis will be paid in booketc. Please send a copy of the paper contjioinff tbe advertisement, LbWla iaiiíhn. New ïprk, March lst, 11 BUUND VOLUMES. Slavery as it if, muslin 5 Anti-Slavery MíÍimiíiI ' L0 Alïon Riots, by Pres. Beechcr, of UI. Coll. -12mo. 7.' Alton Trinis - ' 7;' Slavery Record, vol?. 1, 2 and 3 set 50 app . S71,;J s];;very .: :: ■■■ iner, bound vols. ö Beauties of'Plu!; ■■'■ Si5 J 3 Büiirnes Picture of Sluvcry f f Bnxton on the Slave trndc _ l! CabiJif -T ■ JFre c'tom Clarkson's hic-tory ei the el vp 11. 1 e,) vo'.f. 1, 2 and 3 eet 1,00Eh!co Kirar 2J Channirg nn Slavery -; Duncan un Slirsery -J Emaö. in the W. 1. by Thome ana Kimball mnslin ;. lr 130 by do m boards v.ith map 20 Enemies of 'CoTistitution discoveied 50 Fountain, plain bindiüg, 64mö. 12 Wj Gustavus Vassa j0 Jrimke's Letter? to Miss Beecher 37 1 2 Jay's Inquiry S7 1-2: Jay's View 50 Light and Tru' h J Life of Gnmviile Sharp i-J Mbtt'sBiograpbical Sketches S7 1-2 Mcmoir otRev. Lemuel Iiaue3 75 Do of Lpyejóy L 1-2 North Star, gilt edges ■ 1-' Pennsylvania Hall 7i) Qnarterly Ajiti-SÍayery Magnzlne, 8vo. 1,00 Rankiu's' Letters, 18mö. 100 pp. Right and wronij in Boston 20 ■Star of Prt edbm, niuslin " 12 1-2 Slavery- containing Declararon of Sentiments and Con.-itution of the Arner. A. S. Society: Wesley'a Tboughts on Slavery: Does tfieBible sanctiorj ?avery? Addreis to the Synod of Kentiscky, Naíátive of Amos Dresser, and Wh y wotk fo tbe Slável boiüid in pne vol. 2-5 'Slnve's Frien.: SCmo. volg. 1 , 2 and 3 set 50 Songs of the Freo , . S3 1-3 Thoir.pions Reception in Great Bntain, 12mo. 20 Testimoriy of God npoinst Slavery, lCmo. 20 Vheatly,Plii:!is Meinojr of 2 West Indies, by Professor Hovey 50 "NVest Iiiiiies, by llarvey and Bturge 75 Wes-ley's Thoiights 011 Slavery, in muslin, wilh portrait 12 PAMPHLETS. Sets A. S. AlmahacB, from 1GS6 to 1841 inclusive 7 1-2 .Address to the Free Pcop'ïs of Culor Ancient Laiulinurlis 8 ■Apology for Abolitionits S American Slavery as It Is- the Testimony of áJThofnsand Witiiesses S5 Address on Right of Petición 2 Address to Senators and Representalives ofthe free States 1 -Address on Slavery (Germán) 1 Address of Cong'regatiprial Union of Scotlnntl l Addreés of Nationnl Convention (Germán) 1 Ann. Rep. of N. Y. Connnitti e of Vigilance 25 Do. of Mass. A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appeal to Woracn in the uominalïy fres States 6 1-4 .Authenlic Anecdotes on American Slavery L Aédress to the Chlirch of Jesiis Clirist, by the Evahgelical Union A. S. Society, New York city. 4 Anti-Slavcry Catechiem, by Mrs. Cliild 6 t-4 Ad; ms', J. tl. Letters .o hijs Conatituènts 4 Adiim-i', J. Q. Speech on the Texas Question 12 1-2 Annual Eeports of Am. A. S. Society, Sci, 4th, 5th and G'h 12 1-2 Annual Roports of N. Ladies" A. S. Society s Appeal to the Cfaristain Women ofthe South S Bible against Slavery 6 Collection of Valuable Documents 6 1-4 Birney's Letters to the Churches 2 Birney on Colonization 2 ■Chntiel Prinrinle- a Summarv of theNew Testament argument on Slavery, by ISeriah Green 6 Chipman's Discourse 3 Lettel s to Clay 6 Conditif)!) of Frce People ofCulor 3 Crandall, Rcubcn, Trial of 6 ■Disscrtatitj!) on Servitude '12 1-2 D'ckinsort's Serm-'n 3 thé Bil tión FJavery? 1 Der. 6r$erit. üncUConstitutipn of the Am. A. S. .Society ] Dif eufsiun betwecn Tliompson and JBreckinritige 25 Dfeaser's Narrativo 'Exlinguislier Bxtingftiiehed S Elüioie Correspondcnce C: do in sheets 4o. 2 Eojancipation in West Indiës Thome and Kirohall 12 1-2 Emancipation in West Indics in 1353 S Freedorn's Dercnsc 6 Garrison's Address at Broadway Tabernacle G Guardian Genius of the Federal Union C Genei ons Planter ö GiileU's Review of BnslinelI's Discourse 6 Iminodiate, not Gradual Abohtion 12-2 Jay's Thoughts on the Duty of the Episcopal Church 3 Liberty, 3vo. L:; do; 12mo 15 Morris'ë Speech in ansucr to Clay 3 Mahan's Rev. Jolin B. Trial in Kenfucky 121-2 Jlartyr Age in America, by Harriet Martineau Modern Epediency Conüiderod C Power oi Congre33 over Ihe District of Columbia 6 1'4 ■ Pleafor the Slave, Nos. !, 2 ond 3 S Procecdinys of ihe Meeting to form Bioadway Tabernacle Anti-Klcveiy SocietX Pro-SIavcry Riircl Code of Ilcititoner Moaes ísiurativc ci a Fugitivo, 1 Slave '- - liohts of Colorrd Men V l' Luggles's Antidote {liiand VVrongin Doston 12 1-2 ïlavery Rhyroea 5Indort Speech in Congress in 1833 MhiM.'s Gerritt Letter o Jas. Smylie Do. Letter to licnry Cl;iy 6 31aVehoíding ínwiriably Siuiül, "malum in ,ry' Soulbard's Manual Star pf Frcedorrí Sehmucker'nd Siniitfs Letlers Sl;:ciiul(k'i's Prayer Slaveholding Wcitreíl i? S!avery in América (London); do. (ermony) T!n Mártyr, by F.crinh Grecn 6 XñÍJigs for Nor.iern Jiieii to do S f Colonizution, by Rcv. J. Nr.uree 4 Vicw.s of. Slavery and Émancipation, by SJarlioean 6 Weslcyan Anti-Slavery Review L' War in Texas, by Benjamin Lundy 6 VVhy work for the Shive .1 YViisnis Address on West India Emancipaticn 4 TRACTS. No. 1. St. Domhago, No. L, C:i?tc, No. 3, Coloniza tion, No. 4, Moral Coíjditjori of the Slave, tío. %'VJkt e Aboliíion? No. G.Tlie Ten Conimandments, No. 7 Donger and Safety, io. C, I'ro-SI.-ivery Bíble, No. 9, egainst Cokw, T-'o. 10, Nortberñ Dentera m Slaves, No. ll,dlavery and Miseíons No. 12, Dr. Nélson's Lecture on Sluvory. The abqve Txacla are sü!c! at 1 cenleaeh. PRIN'fS, ktc. llluátraliona oflhc Anti -Slavery Aliñarme fer 13íO 3 The Ernancipafed Fnnnly 2- Markot oí' A menea í3 L'orrefpondence bttuccuO'Connel and Stcvéóspn Do; do. Glay ap'd Calhpun 1L 1-2 Printer's Picí:re GalTerj? 2 Leíer paper, stamped wiíh print of Lovejoy , eheet i Do. wiih Kneelin? Slnvo shcet 1 Prayer for SÍ ves, with'Muáio, on cards 1-2; Potruit of Gcrrit Smitii í)0 j In nddition, are the followinjr, tlie proceeds : ofwhjch wiH go mto tbe Méndian funt!. Aigument oíllon. J. Q. Adams in the care ót'tbe Amistad Afrícáns 25 . Argument of Roger S. üahvin, Etq. do do Í%%& Trini of the Capíives ofthe Amistad 6 j Connrrestñonal Document relaíiñg to do. ; Portrait of Clinqtiez 1,00 March Sd, 1842.


Signal of Liberty
Old News