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Ei ver Faisin INSTITUTS. THUIS lnsiilution is locntfd in the town .of Jl Raisin, nenr the nortfa bank of the bermiüul iver whose name irbears. o'ffë mile cast of the lirèct roul frotn Teeiirneeh (o Adrián. Tiiis eligióle sito hnfl been stlected fcr iis juiet seclusion. ïlie lertility and elevation pf iis ■oil. i:s pure and heuhhfu: end pleosïnt scen'ry. Rooms. - Thcre ave now on the p-emises suitAe rooms for the accqmmodation of foity,stu Ient8; which are ticriigned to bi occupied for private study and lodging. Other necessojy build ng areprovided for recitationa and boarding. EXPENSES. Tuition per Term of eleven weeks, $fO1 Board i! with 4 hours work each weck, 7,57 Rooi Rent, LS Incidental, 50 Total, 12.95 Thcre will be an additional charge of one dnlInr for those pursuinp; the tiigher branches as Plii!ost;ihy. Algebra. Gcometry. Astronömy, &c. For CÍiemistiy, Lotin, oí Grfeak an addition of two dollars wül be 'natie. Seholars nrc expected to provide themsolves with what fiirniliiie they will nced in their rooms, also, with lights, fuel, and washing - noao will heïeafter board thciu sel ves. Bills to .-bc settietj in advnnce. The school is open to all appücants of suitablo age and moral olmracter inespective of complexio7i or conxiition. dlTÏVc second term of th'ts svmmcr icHl commenee Wednwlay Jul'j 20th. Il is very dtóirable that all who deshrn to at tend the school, should be on the grourid - !bava their bilis setileJ. and tfeeir rooms preparcd, before the first flay of ihe Term. Any fetthér iuformation enn be obtained at the Institution, or by addréssing, post paid. ,T. S. Dixox, Pirncipal, Raisin. Lcnawee Co. Mich. Raisin, May I9ih, 1612. nÓ- 2m NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. JÜST received and leceïving at the Ncw'iork Chnap Store, purchased nt the present low prices in New York. which will him to sell lower than ever before ofiered in this place, a large lot of Prénch, English and American GOODS. cons;sting of Dry Goods, Crockery, Hooi. y and y.a.vüary, Boots and Shoes.Looking Giasses. Also, a lax,c lot of Yankee Notions. wholesolcand .caiL D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, May 11,1842. __8w THE Sibscribers are prepared to card Woo forcustomers; having fiist rate ma chines, and havin" omployed on exporicneed workman, they feel confident' of giving irood satisfaction to all i-ho will favor them with their custotn. eir manufactory is twoand a half miles west of Ann Arbor on the Huron. S.W.FOSTER, t.Co. Scio, Mayllth, 1812.


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