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Enlistment Of Colored Citizens

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One of the most marvcllous exhibitione of slavcholding inugnunimity and courage,iook place in the Senate, July 2U, in debate on the hifi, to regúlate enlistments in the naval service, of the United States reponed by Mr. Bayard, of Delaware. It stlni3 described by the correspondent ef the New York Express. 'In the extreme heat óf ihe weather. some one of the Senators trom the Souüi, whose olfactories were highly sensitive, discovered thai percliance, unless shut out by a "be it euacicd," &a, some -negro niigln be enlisted ainong the sliips crews, or the Marino Corps. The idea haunted Mr. Calhonn of South Carolina, and Mr. l'agby, of Alabama, A 'hiigger" at the cunnon, on deck, or at mast head. Monstrum horrcndum, cui lumen ademptum. The idea was not to bë tolentied tor a moment, 'it is a great queslion,' cchoed the man ironi Alabama. 'h atiects our institutions.' said the Senator from South Carolina. -I wiH never consent to it,' cried Mr. Bogby, withnsiguiücant sweli of vuict-, and pointing of his iingers. 'It s a vury little question, and I hope the Senator irom South Carolina wilt not make a great one of it,' saiil Mi . Arcber. 'Not a litüe question sir.' said Mr. Calhoun. with hie eyes flashing like a coinet. - Mr. Archer was disposed to yield to the anieudment, whtch was tlint no neyro should be unlijtcd. So was Mr. Bayard of the Naval Committee also."Mr. Centón roso like a ghost from the ground and with solenin pauses and all the gravity ol an owl said tbat ho would never consent that a black man should serve upun land or sea ín our National service. And then tho Prince of Humbugs suuk ín lus seat like a ghost again into the earth. .Mr. Woodbury roso and 'ditio to Mr. üurke.' lie, too, was horrilied at the 'niggars.' Had never seen one on a jury - never seen one in a company of troops - never seen one who would stay willi a white servant, &c. &c. ';Mr. Siniih, oí Conn., discovered a mare's nest, and wliat ihink you it wn1 Notliing inore and nolhing less than tliat negroes had been einployed in Hhodo Island to put duwn the whitesl r. Smith referred to thc noble band ol' negroes in Trovideuce who had volunteered to protcct(!) thc ciiy irom the torch ot the bam burning incendíanes when the troops ot'the State were iiiuétored at Chepnchet. And bo the deba'e went on. Gen. Phelps, of Vermont. renrndins: the Señale that the policy proposed was a bad one. and citing the victory upon the lako with Mcüonough, where one-half of the sailors wore black. A like example was given by Mr. Clayton, ol Delsware, in the case of the Wasp and the Fiolic, where the negroes fought likc bull-doga. Mr. C'aHioun, liowever, carried his proposition, mriny thinking it a little matter, and yieldhïg, and others ofno importance whatever." So, thc Senatc of thc Unned States have gravely and aolcmnly resolved, tliat no blacks t-hnll bo enlisted in the army, navy. or márimj coros, exceut in the criDaciy of servanta, cooks,


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