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Ind urna- Tn thig State, the Whijs have a majority of 8 in the Señale, and in the Housr the Demócrata have a tmj mty of 15; whi ch is a largo gain for the Dvmtcratg. dlabama. - The majority of Üie legislature piecíed, is Democratie. Louis lana. - Tbe whjga have n majoritvor one in the Sonate, and five ín tho House. Al. exíinder Montón, the Democratie candidato, is elect ed Governor by a majority of 15,000. JYorih Carolina. - Both branches of the the léjTislature were carried by the Democrats ' Krntucky. --The Whigs have carried the State,-j)Ut with a decrea sed nutjority, andlarge increaso to the minority of Demoerals. Missoiirihas gorïe lurgely as usual for the Demacra ts. Illinois. - Tp this State, so far ns has been apcertained, Judjre Ford s majority is nbout 8,000. Tue legisluture, by a very large majorty, is Democraiic. These politica! Weaihnr-cocks show which way the wiml blows. The Ohio Free Press, i vvhig pnper, remarks upon tiiese disasters to its party as follows: "It fe pniriful to pifblish such unfavorable accountg, bnt it vvould be tinjnst to tbe whtg party to withhold them. We pfublish the fee 8 ns we find them. It is not yet too late. If the Wbïgs will but reflect upon the cause of these disasters, thev may yet turn thé tide nov t-etiingso strongly ogainst them. Ifthey will nol do this - if they still persist ín pushíng forward the name of Henry CÍay,nl every meeling of thn party, and indentiiyin? it with tho paity,let them not bedisáppointed if ihey find as grpat n falling off' in Ohio as irï the States just named." - West. Citizen. Slavrry and the Church. - A preacher in the d cnomination of Disciplcs or Campbellites, in Ohio. has been notifiett to appear beforethe chureb authorities, nnd answer to the charge of having publicly taught the following heresies: 'Mst. Tbat Slavery isa sin. 2d. That those who hold msn ín bondage as Blaves are sinners. Sd . That slave holders are not wortby of the name of Christiam 4th. That thosa who hold slaves arehypocrites and oppressors."Benviy of Liberty. - A subscriber to the Spirit of Liberty, who has been a post-map- ter in Virginia, writes to the editor of that paper ns follnws: 'I wmild say tö you, in' great haete, that, if yon send nie any more "Spirit of Liberty,'' yon must direct it to me at . You must not pay "Postmasier at :" for, by reason of thé "spirit of Liberty' the spirit of slavery took the alarm, and removed nie from the post office. , In óonséquence of my receiving the paper, I om not ó'nly turneó out of office. Uut am threatend with a term in the ptímtentiary H ín" haste, ■'' ' .' Abel Broten Jlrrcsled.-Ofñcer Mirik sèrved proces on Mr. B;uvn, son Moiuloy morning last, on two !mdiclment{: one for a libel on Hpnry Cloy, aiíd r.nother for síundering the Grand Whother thiá move will give the dear friènds of Henry Clay , any grèat advantages towanls séenring liis eleclion to the President}-, the facis in the case when developed and urne alone can determina, üur own opinión is they will not be so entirely pleased with their efrbrt as ihcy may have imagined. -Albcïny focain. Great incredse of business ai Jllbany'. - During an ab.-ence of 12 flay from this city, no less than twenty srx fusiTivks frnm oppression, were fnrwarded by the "Vigilance Commiltee' of Albany, to Cauada. Thcy are now we trust, safe frotn Va. and Md. Robbers. - l.B. The Genesee Farmer has a cut of a rháchine for sowing all kinds of grain by horse potvtr. A horse is hnrnessed irr a plain vehicle wi th two common whéels, on the axle of which a chnir is fixed, in which &its a man with whip in htfnd;and the m'ovemerit appears to be a fast walk, or a slovv trot. Otie or two bus ieb of grain are placed in a box on the shiifts, midwáy betweenthe man and horsp, and machinery by th motion ofthe vvheels seatters the seed, as from the hopper of a oom mili. The nmehine costs $40, and 2r acres per day may be sowed with it. (tA Fhiladelpha correspondent óf the Tribune; speaking of the snils instituted againfet the Conntyor damages by the destruc tion of Boneficiai Hall and the colorpd Church, says; "not a qnesiion exists the full amount of damoges will be recovered."dC?"We nnderstanrl that abotit one half :f the 500000 ncres granled to this state by :ip land bil], have been selecred. The selections have been mad in the Grand River iralley, n the norlh side of (lie river but ivithin twenty or thirty miles of ït .-DeL Ad: Rêpubücan &impïicity.A carriage belong. ingr to oncofmir republicana, witb two spruce and smart ïooking1 yoimir men, dressed in livery. wit h q-old bands aroom! their bat, seated vpon the box liasjnst driven past our of fice. ït looks" very nvich like 'hard times," and, upón invesMgatinn, we foumd thnt the owner of iheso animáis and this magnificent establishment had just oblained his discharge under the {rene'ral bankrupt act. Poor man. - F. JJurord; Two h undred shnres of the United States Bank was lately sold at $2 06 per share. The National Intelügencer gives an account of a súbmatine explpsion at tVashington, as followa? ff The explosión was' grand béyond descripiion. An immense body of water, wiln hricks and fragments of ihe vessel, rose perpendicular!)' to a great hciglit. and then descended into the water, ashort distance from where the vessel wa6 stationed; but the vessel had suddenly disappearcd amid fith'e wreek of matter," leavingno trace belund! The scène wasincleeJ a grand and imposing one. The irial appeared to us to be completoly successful. In about twenty a conds aftcr the signal gun was fired, Mr. Colt appüed hi8 poweilul apparatus, (placed fve miles distant trom Alexandri.i,) and. in tTie twinkling of an pye. the vessel entirely disuppeared. The arrangements seeined to have been admirrlily planned--not the least disappointment or lailure to produce the ireniendoua and mi'ghty eflect which was proinised precisely in the nianner and at the time proposed. It is gratifyi'ie to learn that no accident of any kind occurred during, or in consequence of. the explosión. Borrowing. - Mr. JefFerson says: u It is n wise rule and should bo luadaniental n a governmeut disposed to cherish its credit, and at the same time to restnain the use of it within the liniits of iis fncultics, nevèr to borrow a dollar without laying n tnx in the snme instnnt for pny-" ing the interest annually. and the principal within a given term; nnd to consider that tax a pledge io the ereditors on the pubüc fnith. On such a plcdge as thia. sacre.dly observed, a government may alwnys c immand, on a rensonable interest, all the lendable rnoney of their cilizens. while the necessity of an equivalent tax isa sahuary warning to them and their constitucnis against oppressions, bnnkruptcy, and its inevitable coneoquoncep, revolution."- Alb,■ - '■ ■ Beauty- Kondall, of iho N. O. Picayunc, snys: " The fnirest ílowers are oftenest found in obscurity, and I trust my readers wil! not döuW my sinccrity when I nssert thut ihe prer.iest ui l ever u:v was selling wooilen stockinss nt twenty live cents a pair at Holmes' Hole, Massachusetts - lu-r twiri sister in beauty was standing in her b.irefeet irpona mud vaft at Albuquerquey New Mexico, iwth a pumpkin on hor liead." YanLez Invcntion. - Visitera to Bunker Hil monument are now conteyed to.ihe' top'of thnt edifico by a stenm car. wriich will accommodate six persons standing. About four minutes are occupied in the ascent. A band of 400 Texans were deteatcd in a contest witli the Mexicnn f-irws, near the Hoes, on the llth uit., lenvini,' 22 dead and a quantity of irms &c. on the fiVId. A letter says ' the words HJalveston Invincibles' were on the ilags, and yet they fled at the first charge." One of the most eminent oriental schölnrs of the nre is professor Lee, of one of the Ënglish Universiiicp. and yet all his educaiton was acqulred during the moment of hisure which he tbiuid vrhile employed as a journeyman carpenter. fXjf'W'o saw a bankrupt ríotice to a c reditor yeaterddy, wherein the bartknipt's inventory was set down at $16, and his liabilitics ot $79,557 75. Postage on the notice 25 cents. - B. Post. Costofa War. - The Providence Journal says the whole number of persons who have been returned for military services during the recent insurrection is about 4000. The aggregate amount of their pay will be about $23,000. The Land Fund The Madieonian in reply to a correspondent who asks if there is anv mpney to distribute to the States, says: THE WHOLE OF THE LAND FUND HAS BEEN EXPENDED IN PAYLXG THE MEMBERS THEIR EIGHT DOLLARS A DAY."lowá. - The general election for this Territory took place on the first Monday of Augiist. The peoplc at this election were to decide the question whether they will cali a convéntion to forin a State conetitution. We understand that tüis proposition wss rejected by hearly 1000 votes, lowa contains at this time more thañ 70,000 ínhabítants. The democrats have a majority n the Legiölature.


Signal of Liberty
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