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Price of Wheat in Ann Arbor 62J cents per bushcl. Flour do. $3,75 per barrel. The New York Journal of Commcrce saya: "The price of emigrant passage between Ñ. Y. and Buffalo, ia about a dollar and a balfj and has been a dollar and a quarter. Between New York and Liverpool in as fine ships as ever svvam, the price is from fotfr tö five dollars, lf we add thé price to Cleveland and Detroit, it would not eáceed a dollar. So that the people of the old world may pass frem their sh-jres four hundred rriiles into tke interior of thé new world, for seven dollars. - We dare say that the provision's for the voynge ofien cost as rnuch ás the paseage; so that flffeeh dollars cover the whole, and leave a dolía? for accidenta. Certainly the owners of ships and tow boats must be dreaming. There is no upe in calling upon past ages to come and see what i dóing now. - They would not believe it if they saw it." It is confidentiy beíieved iii New Örleans that an agency of the Bank of England has beeñ established in thfat city för Ihe árculalion of the notes of that institutiort, and that fhey already form tó sonïe degree a paper rhedium It ís moreover pretty well ascertained that similar agencies are to be established in all the principal cities of the Uüion. So staíes a Philadelphia paper. It ia feared by rnany, thét there' is goin to be a Crash in Alubama. The Banks aré in a very précario'ns c'ond itfon, and their cónrïection vith the State is such, that if the bariks go thèy will Carry the State vith them'.Jackson, Sept. 1, 1842. The prieés of produce are not yet permanently established in oür market- there being but few bmèrs. Good wheat is eelling at 56 cents per böèh'élj artd oats at from 16 to 20 ctíñs. Flou r, $4. Butter brirtgs frofn 8 to 10 cents per lb.- Eggs, 6 cents per dozen.


Signal of Liberty
Old News