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GilKAT BARGAINS. -R. Bnnks respectfully informa the farmers and others1 visiting Detroit, thar he eïill cbntirrues at his oíd stand on Woodbridge st., adjoining Wardell's block, nuil keeps on hand a general assortment of RE AD Y MADE CLOTHING, which he js determined to sdl cheaper tíian the chèipcstfor Cash. R. B. has just recéivéd fröYri trie East atï assortment of Cloths, Cnssimeres, Satinetts and Vestings. Which will be mtfde up to order in faohronable style at short notice. R. BANKS. Detroit, Sept. 5, 1812. 20-Gm FASHIONABLS ISats', Caps, & Bonncts AGOOD assortment, at the Nev-York Chcap Store by Ü. D. WATERMAN, AmiArbor, May 16th, 1842. JLatest front JYew lTork. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HBECKER would announce t'o tbé óitizens of Washtenaw t-liat Jie has just reccived and is noyv opening at the New Brick Store, (Lower Townj n full' nnd complete assortment of GOODS, CONSISTIKG OF DRY-GOODS. GROCERÏES, CROCKERY HARD WARE, PAIJYTS, DYE-STUFFS, $c. ra all of which being purchased at the prcserit Imr prices in New York - will be sold at prices to euit the times. The public are invited to an exnmination of his assortniem beforo purchasing elscwhere. Ann Arbor, Aug. 1842. STRAYED OR STOLEN. From ihe subscribcr on the 9'th day of Jnly. uit., a large yoke of otfen"; olie a Hght b'rindel. with white on his flanks; the other a dark brown or black, with white face, and eorne white on the rump. Whoevcr will return said oxen, or ivc iafonnation where they may bc fonnH, sli;ill be liberollyrewardcd. Lodi, Aug. J7th, 1842. I. ESTEY.YPSILANTI ACADEMY and TEACHERS' S E M I JV A R Y. HH. GRIFFEN. Principal, whq formerly had charge of the Teachers' Scininary at Arm Aibor, and also nt Grass Lak e. The ninth term of this Institiuion will comnience on Monday, August 2G, and continue 11 weeks. VVhile tíiis school is equnily open 10 nll of both se.xes, who wish to nequire a good cducation, particular nttention will lui g ven to those preparing to teicli. The laaguages not toiog taught in this Seminary, the more exclusive anti uninterruptcd attention will bc e i ven to impart o practical knoivlctlge of the Englisli branches. Apparalús. - The Tnstitution is fumished wiih Chemical, Philosophical. and Astrononiical nppnratus, Surveying Instruments. Geometricul soliils. &c. &c to ihe amount o: $3)0. Tuition. - Froui $2.i3O to $3,50 lor Reading, Geography, Graiumar, ïiihmetic. Writing. Dook-Keeping, by single entry, l)c clamation, and Composltiufí. From 4,50 to $5.00 for Nniural, Moral and IntellectuM Philosophy,- Astronmny, Rhetoric. Logic, ChiMnistry, Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, Civil Engineering, Book-Keepinc, (doublé entry() &c. fcc. Extra BrancJies. - Mczzoünto and Chinese or Theorem painting' $3,Ü0 each for 12 lessons, taught by Mrs. Griffen. Competent aid has been securêd in tenching.The tuition is to be paid at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence will be made, except for protranted sickness, and no one will . bo received for less thnn five and a half weeks. Board, including room and wa?hing, for $1,50 per week. Several ladies and gentlemen can pny for their board in good familias by labor. For lurther particulars inquiro of the Principal. Ypsilanti, July 21, 1842. 15-gw UNIVERSITY BOOKSTO11B. J. LAMB HAS just opened his store ono dopf wésft of the Post office in Ann Arbor. He will be conatantly receiving booka from the é ast and internis to keep on hand a large assortm ent of the choicest Boolts, 8tationary, SCHOOL BOOKS5 and has already a large quantiiy of the Mossaehusetts School library, the best work of the kind ever published. Ann Arbor, July 30th, 1842. (CTPlease cali at the University Book Store. J5-6wNEW GOOB3S. JIÍ. LUND s now receiving direct from Boston and New York, a large and wcll Jelected stock of Merchandize. consisting of 8TAPLE AND FAÑCY DRY GOODS, ÜROCERIES. CROCKERY, 4. GLASSWARE, DRUGS MEDICINES, NAILS, CRADLEAND GRASS 8CYTHES, BOOTS AND SHÖES, 4-C 5C. vvhich hc offers for sale che.ap for the ready. Dated, Ann Arbor, May y, 1842. CLINTON SEMINARY. THE fall term of this institutjon will commence 011 MontTay, Aug. 15, and continue 12 weeka. Tuitiorr, for studies pirrsued by small cbildren, .$'2, 5:) - for connnon English branches $3,uO - íbr Lntin, Grèek. French, Hclirew. Chernistry, Astronruny, Algebra, Geömetiy, Keeping, Moral arrd Inieilectaal Philosopby, $4, -00. It is very miichi fcr th'e s"tudentL adviihtnge to enter at the béginning of the and yét those who enter afterwards vill bc chnrged tuition only from the time thèy comè in to the close of the term. Tuition to bc paid in ádvafíce. A convenient and cornmo'drous building ïrr a plens ant and ret'ired location has been procüreíí. Board, including room f n'd waöliing, mny be had in good families at 1,25 to $1,50, or'fooms may be hired aríd stud-ents board thémeclves at much lesa expense. Patrons and fricnds.are respectfully invitad to visit the school at Rhetorical exercics', which occur on every Wednésday, P. M. A short lesson in vpcal music forms ", part of the daily exercises, "Juvenile Sonès. by Thomas Hastings." hac" been lecently introcliiced. We are happy to' be able to inform our iriends, that we trust the school will óe rendere.l more valuable tlian heretofore by the rfddition of the services of Mr. James S, Smedley, Á. B., who wiil commence bijlabors as teacher of II eb re w and French nt the opening of the next term. Ffom Mr. Smedley's experience ,iña success as a teacher, togeiher wïth his knowü charactei for proTnptne3s. e:-ergy, andinJustry as a scholar, we feel confidont he will do' much towarda rendering thn achool what we' wïfih it to be, a place where the physical. intellectual and moral powèrs of the youth of both eexes shn]l bó traincd for future usefulness and respectability, and happiness and heaven. GEO. W. BAÑCROFT. Principal. M'rs. BANCROFT, Assïstant. Clinton, July 5, 1842.


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