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Pricc of Whoat in Ann Arboi 59 cents per bush-1. Flour do. $3,75 per barre.J. The board of Gommercc. coniposed of the forwarding and commission merchauts of our city yesterdny resolved to charge but ene shilling per ba; rol. for storing and selling ilour up to ]st December. Their forincr rates were for storage 8 cents a barrel. nnd 12J per cent ,'comniissions on sales. The present low price of the stnple of our stato induced this change, so commonduble to tliem. - Dct. Adv. Texas Co'tm. - We learn that 5 bales ncw erop cotton were received in IJouston on the 29th uit., and 5 more on the 3Iet. The lowest esiimate of the erop in Texas the appronching season is 60,003 bales, but it will be more probable 70.000, and many estímate it at 80,000 or 100,000.- N. O. Bee. Alabama. - Fears begin to be enter tai ned that the interest of this State may not be met. Up to the present time t has been promptly paid by the banks of the State; but these banks have become gjeatly embarrassed, and their bilis are selling at the counters eixty per cent. premium for specie. The stock of the State is selling in market at sixty cents on a dollar. The Stato of Permsylvnn ia has advertised all her public worka for salo, agreeing to receive inPoymcnt State Stock at por-thia Stock ranges now, as it is a 5 or 6 per cent Stock, from 40 to i-i- so that tlio temptation to buy s very great. #0 Ümitntion or rescrvation to price is mode „ lie not ice inviting proposals, which are to be sealcd mul rec.ived up to . The works cast bout thirly miWovs of dollars. What the reuU ofthis eflbrt may be, to get rid of debt, and the same time getting rid of the sourcesof inome, rein.'ii ns to be secn.


Signal of Liberty
Old News