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GREAT BARGAINS. -R. Banks respectlully informs the fnrmers nnd others visiting Detroit, that he still con'inues at his oíd siand on Woodbridge st., adjoining Wardell's block, aud kceps on hnnd a general assortment of HE AD Y MADE CLOTHING, whieh he s determined to sell chcaner than the clie ipr.stfor C.s;i. R. B. has jast recoived from the Enst nn assortment of Cloihs, Cassimeres, Satinetts and Vestmgs, which will be made up 10 order in fasluonable style at short notice. „ . „ BANKS. Detroit, Scpt. 5, 1842. 20-öm FASHIONABL.B Sïals, Caps, & Bonncts AGOOD assortment, at the New-Yurk Cheap Store by D. D. WATERMAAN Ann Arbor, May J6th. 1842. Ijtitesl from JYevo York. WIJOLESaLE AxD RETAIL. HBECKER would announce to the citizene of Washtenaw that he hns just received and is now opening at the New Brick Store, (Lower Tuwu) a full and complete assortment of" GOODS, CONSISTING OF DRY-GOODS. GR0CER1ES, CROCKERY HARD WARE, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, -c. c, all of wliich being purchased at the present lom prins in New Yurk - will be sold at prices to suit tho times. The public are invited to an examination of his assortment beforo purchasing elsewhere. An Arbor, Aug. ], 18-ig.- . - , - ' -mi- - wag YPSILANTI ACADEMY A'I) T E AC KERS' SEMIJYJRY. HH. GRIFFEN. Principal, who formerly had charge of ihe Teachers' Scminary at Aun Arbor. and nlso at Grass Lnke. The nhnh term of this Inatitiuion w!II commence on Mqndajr, August 2G, nnd continue 11 weeks. Whilc this school is equally open to nll ot both se.xcs, who wish to acquire a ood education, particular attention will be g'ven to those preparing to leta'i. The langunges not bcing taught in this öeminary, the more exclusive and uninicrrupied attotition will bo civen to impart a practical knowledse of the Er.glish branches.Apparatus.- The Tnstitulion is Airuished with Chemical, Philosophical, and Astronómica! npparatus, Surveying Instruments. Gconictrical solids, &c. &c. tü the nmount of $3J0. Tttition. - Vrom $2.50 to $3,50 tor Reading, Orthpgraphv) Gcogmpliy, Grammar, Arithnictic. VVriiing, Book-Koepibg, by singlo entry, l)c clamation, and Compositioh. From $4,50 to $5.00 íbr Natural, Moral and Intellcciunl Philosophy, Astronomy, Ithetoric. Logic, Chrroisfy Algebra, Geometry, SurVeying, Civil Engineering. Book-Keepinc, (doublé entry,) &c. &c. Exlra Branches. - Weteoünto and Chinese or Theorem painting S:,0Ü each for Íí lessons taught by Mrs. Griffen. Competent aid Ins been secured in teaching. The tuitionis tobe paid at the middle of the term. No deduction for nbsenco will be nindc. except for protractod sickness, nnd no one will be reccived for less thnn fivé find a half weeks. Board, including room and wathing, for $1,50 per week. Several ladies and geni lemen can pay lor their board in good fjniilies by labor. ror turther particulnrs inquire of the Prinri-.inl Ypsilanti, July 21. 1842. lb-vUNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE. J. I,AIB HAS just opened his store one door west of the Pest office in Ann Arbor. He will be constantly receiving boo!;s from the east and intends to keep on hand a large assortment of the choicest Books, Síaíiona ry, SCHOOL BOOKS, and has already a large quantity of the Mossachusetts School library, ihe best work of the kind ever pubüshed. Ann Arbor, July 3Oth. 1842. CTPieasecall at the University Book Store. J5-6w JIT. LUND s now receiving direct from Boston and New York, a large and well selected stock of Merchandize. conbisting of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, GR0CER1ES, CROCKERY, % GLASS-' WARE, DRUGS # MEDICINES, NAIL8, ORADLE AND GR A SS BCYTHES, BOOTS AND SHOES. $C %C. which ho offers for sale chcap for the rcady. Dated, Ann Arbor. May 9, 1842.CLINTON SEMÍNARY. THE fall term of this inslitution will commence on Monday. Aug, 15, and continue 12 weeks. Tuition, for studies pursued by smal uhildren, $2.5')- for conimon English bi anche $3,uO- for Latin, Greek, French, Hebrew Chemistry, Astronoiny, Algebra, Geonietry Book-Keeping, Moral and Intellect ual Philoso phy. $4,00. h is very much for the students advantage to enter at tlie beginning of the term, and yet those who enter afterwards will be charged tuition on ly from the time they come in to the close o the term. Tuition to lic paid in adrance. A convenient and commodious building in a picas ant and retired location has been procured. Board, uicluding room tnd washing, may be had in good families at 1,25 to $1,50, or rooms may be hired and studnts board themselves at much less expense. Pairons and friends are respeötfully invited to visit the school at Rhctorical exercises, which occur on every Wednesday, P. M. A short lesson in vocal music forms a part of the daily exercises, "Juvenile Songs, by Thomas Hastings," has been lecently introduced. We are happy to be a'olo to inform our friends, that we trust the school will oe rendcred more valuable than heretofore by the addition of the services of Mr. James S. Smedley, A. B.. who will commence his labors as teacher of Hebrew and French at the opening of the next term. From Mr. Smedley's experience .md sutcess is a teacher, together with his known chnracler for piomptncss. energy, and industry as a scholar, we feel confident he will do much towards rendering the school what we wish it to be, n place where the physicnl. intellectual and moral powers of the youth of both sexes shall be trained for future usefulness and respectability, and happiness and heaven. GEO. W. BANCROFT. Principal. Mus. I3ANCROFT, Assistant. Clinton, July 5, 1842.


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