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Graham's Magazine, And Gentlemans' World Of Literature And F...

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[The Caslutand Gentleman' s Un'.t.-d.'] A new volume untler the above title, of the well established and Fashonable Magazine. The Pliiladelpna CasUet in conjunction with the Gentleman's Magazine, haa been every where pronounced to be the most readable aud popuia of the day, wil' be opened on the first day oi January, 1842. with an array of contributors securei! by the union of talent, of (ame, which no periodical in the country can boast or pratend to revile. The December number will however. boa specimen of the new volume. The volume will be opened with a new and bcautilul type, the finestwhite paper, and with the iirst of n 6cries of cmbellishments unsurpassed by any which have yet nppearcd in nny Magazine. The stylo of elegance the beauty and finish ol these illustvations. and the evtensivc improvements which will be made in its , typornphicai appearimce, and abovo all the tone ol I its literary department, by the brilliant array of contributors, vvhose anieles have enriched the paííes of each number, will ve it a characicr,ond to no Magazine in the Union. The diameter of the anieles which shall appcar in its pages, will be equally rem ved lrom a sickly ■ niontality, nnd irom an effeetation of moralitv.bui while a true delineation of human nature in every variety ot passion is aimcd at. nothing sh; 1! c found in iis pages to cause a blush upon the check of the most pure. The Literary Character will he snfficicnt'y guaranteed by the reputation of both VJagézinef tlius unitcd. i'or years past. Writers of the iirs1 rank have been regular contributors to thcir pages, and the tales and skett-hes published in il o have been widely' copied nnd reao!. and iho filTOi and independent tone of the criüeisins. upon the current literature of the day has been every where approved and eommende, The list oí" Contributors embraces the name? of most of the principal writers in America, wilh a respectable nuniber of English authors. In addition. the diftinguished services of n host of anonymous writers of no ordinary abilit'es have given worth and character to the pages ol the Magazines. The series of well known nautical papers entitled " Ciuising in the Last War,'' have had a run, unequalcd by any series published in any Magazine, lor ycars. The author promises to open the first of a nciv series of " Tales óf the Sea." and froin his known abililiesaa a !cpii-tor of sea scènes and life. much may be relkd upon trom hini in mafntaining the popularity ol the Magazine. Papers may bc expected during the voljmealso frorn the auihorof the well known anieles entitled "The Log of Old Ironsides." - The author of ' Syrian Letters.' will also end his powerful and graccful pen to sustain and inciense the reputation of the work The valuable aid of the author of 'Leaves from a Lawyers Port Folio' has also been securcd - and we may expect somehirtg still moro thrilling irom the spaciou3 stores whicli a long life in the profession has enablcd liini to amass. Anoccasional Chit-Chat with 'Jeremy Short' and ' Oliver Oldfellow' is also projnised with a vuriety ofchoicearticles inprose and verse, from various wriiers of celebrity, as contributors to the prominent Magazines of the country. The Editors of both Magazines continue their services under the new arrangement. iVith such an array of talent, a Magazine ofunrivallcd attractions, inay safely be promised the coming volume. FASHIONS AND ENGRAVINGS.In conipliance with the almost unanimous wisli of our lady subscribers. we shall. the cnsuing volume, furnish thcin with a beamiful and correct plate of Fashiona, Monthly. a feature, it is believed, thatwill neitherbe unwelcome nor unpopulnr. These lashion pintes shnll be drawn f rom original designs froni Paris and London. and may always be depended upon as the prcvniling style ín Philadi'lphia and New York for the month in which theyare issued. These however, shall in no wise interfere with the regular and choice cngravings and mutfic which accompany each number of tlie work. The splendid Mezzotin c enirrtvings from the burin of Sartain, which have been so justly sdmired, will be followed during the volume by sevcrnl from the same hand, while the steel engravings in the best style of art from interesting secties shall still enrich the Magazine. The choiet pieces of music for the Piano and Guitar shnll ccompany each number of the work.TIME OF PUBLIC ATION. The work will be published on the first of thc month in every qunrter of the Union. The most distant subscribe)' will consequently rnceive it on tliat day, ns well as those who reside in Phihidelphia. In nll the principa] cities. agents have been established, to whoiu ilie Magazine is forwarded prior to the time of issuing it. so that they may be delivered to resident subscribers by the first ol the month. Tliis is an important arrangement to distant subecribers, who become tired. importúnate and eventnally discontinue many works, in consequence of the great delay by publishers. TEIÍMS - Three Dollars per annum. or two copies yearly for five dollars, invariably in advance. post paid. No new subsciber received without the nioney. or the name of n responsible agent. For the accommodation of those who may wish to subscribe for either oí the following Philadelphiaporiodicals, ihis LIBERAL PROPOSAL is made. Five dollars current money free of postage. we will íorward Graham's Magazine, and Godey's Lady's Book forone year. Addresspost paid. GEO.R. GRAHAM, South west córner of Chestnut and Third Street Philadelphia.


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