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IIOLMANS, Bone Ointinent. THIS Ointment stands aithe head of al! remedies for the following disensos whicli nature is hèir too, viz: - RIIEUMATISM both Clironic nnd inflainitory- Gout - Sprains - Bruises and contructcd TENDONS oí long standing. It discussca nïl tumours - renderr. stiil' joints hfhber by producing a hcalthy muscular action. It nssuages pains in Boils and Abcesses. - Nothingequnls it in s'.Vcllcd and inflamcd Brcasts in Feniales, if appücd in early stage, prevents s'ippcnuion or matter ibrming, and gives in nü enses inimediate case from pain. Certificatcs of this fact could bc given ïf necessary. This remcdy is oflercd to tlie Public wiih the full that it fat" excels the Opodeldoc's and Linimcnt3 of the piésènt day, for the above diseases. A trial is onl wanted, to give it the deckled prefereuce to every thing else. Mnny Physcians ot eininencc have uscd this oiötment nul extols its merits. n9 The abovó cinlinciit is for saté wholesale and retail by L. BECKLEY. An n Albor, (lower town) June Ióth, 1842 9 TO PHYSICIANS AND COUNTJtY" MERCHANTS. THE subscriber invites the attention of Phy eicians and Country Merchants, to his present stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Bye Stuffs, Varnish, Brushes, &c. &c. comprising one of the lurgest and fullest assortrnents brouht Lo the country. ïu his presrent stock will be found: 100 oz Snlph. Quinine, superior Freuch and Enylish, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpenter's WitherilPs Extract of Bark, 1 bbl. Powdered Rhubarb, 1 Chest Rhubarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdered Jalapa 50 lbs. Calomel, 3 casks Epsom Salts, 15 casks Fall and Winter straincd Sperto Oil, 40 boxes Spcrm Candlea, L000 Jbs. White Lcad, dry and ground, 4 casks Linseed Oi!, Dentisls Instruments and Stock Gold, Silver and Tin Foil Platina Ware, Porcclain Tceth. A general assortment of Patent Medicines, all ofwhichwill be sold on the most reasonable terms. PIERRE TELLER. 159 Jeflerson Avenue, sign oï'the Gilt March 13. Mortar, Detroit.TAlLOItING BUSINESS I AM. NOBLE, would respect fully in for ni tbc citizens of Ann Arborand its vicinity. that he ias oponed a shop in the Lowcr Tovvn, irnmedfatèlyioyer the late mercantilè stand rf Lund & Gibson, and opposite the slore of J. Beckley & Co., whorc he is preparcd at all times todo work in his line, with piomptness, and in a neat and durable manner. Particular auention wijl be paid to qiUtin't; garments. Produce will be taken nt the lisHn] ji'ri ees, for work dono at his shop. l'hese who have cash to pny for services of thts kind, are particularly invited to cali. Ann Arbor, April 27. 1842. tf DR BAN IS TER' S eATSIAB.T2C P1Z.I.S. THIS pill has not only been used by myself, but by a number of Physicians of high stauding. both in ibis and other States, to great advantage. By the frequent and repeated solicitations of my friends, I liave consented to ofier ihem to tbc public as a most efïïcacious remcdy for all thosc bilüous diseasees originating in a ncw country. The above pill is for sale wholesale and jetaü ky L. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor. (lower town) June loth 1842. 9TO CLOTHIERS. npHE subscriber is just in rsccipt of a furJL thcr sunpJv of Clothier's stock, consisting of IJ ACH NE CAE DS rf ivnj deéèript-m; CLOTHIEIVS JACKS. AT TIN KTWARP, CARI) CLEANSER8 and PICKER8, SHUTTLES. REEDS, KETTLES. S'CÜFJVS, PAUSON'S SHEARJNG MACHINE, EMERY, (crcry sizc,) TENTER 1IOOKS, PRESS PAPER, ioscfhcr wïtk a iocU sclcccd as.'ór.'ment. ofDÏE WOODS.aud DYE STUFFS of the very best growth and manufacture. These goods (coming ns they do direct from first hnnds) the sr.bscriber is enabled to sell lower tlian nny other house Weit of New York, hc ihcrefore solicits the atlention of (irms in the clothing theexatnination of his stock and picea before going east or purchasing eisswherc. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggigt, 139 Jeifcrson Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit. TÉSTATE OF JACOB LAWTON DE Hd CKASED.- JYoüce is hereby given, that the ündersigned h.ive proved tho lust will anc! testament of Jacob Lawton, deceosed, and have taken letters Testamentary thereon, and have given bonds nccording to law. All persons irdebtcd to said estáte are requested to niake payment without delay, and all persons having claims against said estale are requested fo present the same to the subscribers, well authenticated. for payment. GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'CÖLLUM, Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Lawton. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1S42. 3m TEMPE1ÍANCE HOTEL, BY I3OÏ5ERT& TERHUNE. (COKNJCR OF SIICHIOAN AND WASHINGTON AVENUES, DiïTKOIT.) npiIE above House is pleasantly siluated near JL the Central Railroad Depot, and is now u n (iurgoing thorough repairs. The rooms are plea s ant, tb.; Bids and Bedding all new, and the Table will be suppüed with the choicest oí the niarket, and the proprietors assure those who will favor thern with their custom, that all pains shall be ta'ven to make their stay with thein agreeable. Fakk, very loio. and accommodalion good. - Carriages to convey passengers to and from the Hotel free of expense. Detroit, Apr;1 1S42."ECONOMY TS WEALTH." T lIIE StiDscribcrs will pny pay two cents per X pound in Goods or Paper for an quantity of good clean SW1NGLE TOW, delivered at the A'nri Arbor Pnptr Mili JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, April 27, 1842. tf DR. J. B. BAVNES, PHYSICIAN AJN'D SUHGEON- Mnuse and Office, -x few doorssoutli of the Lafayeite House where hecan ie fouud nightand day. Ann Arbor April 20th, 1842. NEW GOODS ! ! FDENJSON hus just received a complete stock of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES AND CROCKERY, which vvill bc sold very ciie.ip fur money or most kinds of produce. Descripiinns and priccs will be given at thcStore. ( Ann Arbor, Juae 1, 1842.ESTÁTE OF ELLEN W1LJVI OT DECEA. SED. Noticeis hereby givcn thnt tho indersigned bns been nppointed by the Hon Scorge Sedgwick, Judge of Probate in nud for he County of Washtcnaw, administrator on the state of Ellen Wiïmot, late of Salino in said Jounty, and has givcn bondaaccordingto law.- 11 persons havingdemonds against said estáte ire roquested to present them for adjustment, and ill per8onsindebicd to said estáte are requestêd to uakc payment without delay. ISRAEL WILLIAMS Ann Arbor, June 30, 1842. 12- 6 w T R WALKER respectfully infornis his J friends and the public in general, that he has rcccntly commenced business, in the tailoring unisone dooreast of Bower's dry goodsstoie where lic is prepared t0 execute orders' in thé neatest and most fashionablc style. Garmontswill be made to order, in strictcon' formity with tl ie present prevoiliug fashion and taste ot the day, and warranted to fit or na' charge. Ladies' Riding Habits made in the latost 3New orl or Philadephia fashions. Friends, or Quakers' garments will be niada in the neatest and plainest style. Cutting done at shortest notice All kinds of Mihtary Uniform and undress coats andpanlaloohB. made agrceable to lienrcBent military or regimental order. . . , _ : n H. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25th. 1842. nl4- 3m. LUMBER constantly on hand and for aal. hy F. DENISOÑ JunelO, I842i f { T) ARSON5S SHEARING MACHINES X -Theo. H. Eaton & Co, 138, Jcfic'rson avenue, arethe sole agonts of these very cel ebrated machines. 12-8 SATTINETT WARPS ON BFAMS " Theo H. E.ton & Co., 138 Jeffersoñ Avenue, offer for sale a lar.e stock of SatS Warps, no m thé New York milis. These Warps are con&.dered superior to any other in the country, and wil] be sold, lor cash, at a small aüvancc' 12-8wNEW GOODSÜ CHEAP FOR CASH. AT the Store of the Subsciiber. a new and splendid assortment oftfEW GOODS at pnces so chenp as to astonish the purchnsers, conS'.sting of DRY-GOOD8, GROCERIES. CROCKERY BOOTS, 8 HOES, AND L ADÍES' SLIPPERS. 811 AKER AND LÈGÏWRN BONN ETS, $C. i-C. Muslin De Lanc at two ehillings por cal icoes at mx cente per yard, and other goóds at pnces to corrfijpond. To be convinccd. just cali and sce the godsand prices. 4)00 pounds good butter wanted: 99399 buahels of house ashes wanted. at 10 cents per bushei Likewise field ashes, delivered at my ashery' nearChiipin'8 iron foundry. N. B.- All kinds of Furs taken in rxchnnce for goods. lL B0WLR. Aun Arbor, (upper town) June 2, 1842. Wool EardF:ngr aiid CJöliT THE Subscribers respectluHy announce to the citizens Anri Arbor and vicinity, that thcy ne pre])ared to card wool and dress cloth for cus toiners. in the best style. and at the ehortrtt notice. Having good machinery, experienced Workmen, and long practico in the business, they have the utmost confidencc that they shall' give complete saiisfaction. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, April, 25, 1M2. "%z tajs of ïtfnftfnfl E&'tnc fotLbtiH JACKSOIÏÏ ÏEMPERANCE HOUSiE:, _BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With Hot and Cold Saths Enst etui, of Main, Jackson, Mit.h.Kiver Raisin [ÏRfSTITüTÈê nniirs lristiíútiórj is located in the town of X Raism, ncar the north bank of the heautiful river whose name it boars, one imle east of tho direct roud from Tcciimsch to Adrián. This cligiblcsitc hns been selcctcd for itö quiet seclusion. ihe fertility and elevation of ts soil. lts pure and heahhful atmoephere. and pleasant sceneiy. There are how on the premisres suitbie rooms or the accommodation of forty stu denis: which are cleaigncd to bs occupied for priyate sludy ahd lodging. Other necessary build ing areprovided for recitations and boarding. EXPENSES. Tuition per Term of eleven weeks, $4.00 Board :' with 4 hours work each weèk 7-?57 llooin Rent-, gg Inciden;a], q Total, J2,95 Tfere will be an additional charge of bhe dolar lor those pursuinp; the liighcr brnnches as rhi losopliy, Algebra. Geoinetiy, Aetronomy, &c. I'orChemistry, Latin, or Greek an addition bF two dolíais will bc made. Scholars are expeeted to provide thcmselves with what furnituré Ihey will nced in tlieir rooms, also, with lights, fue), and waslung- none will heröafter board tliem sel ves. Bills to heseillcdin adVnnce; The school is open to all applicants of suitable age and moral character irrespective of compicjt ion or condition. ETTir, secondterm of Üiis svmmcr ícill coiilmenre Wcdncsday Juli 20li. It is very dcsirable that all who dosign tont tend the school, should be on the ground- havo their bilis setfled, and their rooms preparod before the first day of the Term. Any fürther ih. formation can be obtained at the Instituition of by addressing, post paiU J. S. Dixo.v, Principal, Raisin. Lcnawce Co. Mich. Raisin, May 19th, 1843. n5- 2mNEW SPRING AND SUMMüJj GOOD S.. JUST rcccived and iccefving at the New York Cneap Store, purchased at the present low pnces in New York, v.ich wiJI enable him to seli lovyer tlian ever belbro oflered in this place, a nAnÁZ1 Of French' EnSlish and America UUÜDS. consisting of Dry Goods, Crockery liooka and Stationary, Boots and Shoes, Lookinc jlasses. AIso, a large lot of Yankee Notion, whole .alc and retail. D. D. WATERMAL Ann Arbor, May U, 1842. gvrTHE Subscribers are preparcd to carel Wool forcustomers; having first rate macliines.snd íavmg employed an experienced workman, they ecl confident o( giving good satisfaction to all Mío will favor them with their custom. Thelf íanufactory is two and a hall miles west of Anrt Albor on tho Hurón. S. W. FOSTER, fe Co. Bcio, MayJlth, ÍSÍ2.


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