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Selections: Oration On The Fourth Of July, Delivered At Pont...

Selections: Oration On The Fourth Of July, Delivered At Pont... image
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We have rcceived a copy of tliis oralion, wliich s well written and ealculated to produce a rig'jt view of the present situation of our nation. Wc oxtract the ioHmving res- pecting elavery, as a specimen of its cliaracter.Among the many giant cvila wliich lnvc been the source of deep griet" to the philapthropiat aurl christian, aml the cause of' strife botwoen pcveral states of tliis confederacy, is the institution of slavcry, dcfined by its ownlaws, tobe the clainiing, holding, treating of one mair as property by anolher. The ujifortnnate class upou whom this systcm is operativo, mnnbers abont thrce miilion., mosN ly resident in the southern statcs. In proof of its anti-republican charade: as a theory or practico, as an abstract or concrete, I point y ou to the declaration of independence. a document which' aslonishcd the world and mnde tyrants tremble, as wc!! by the power of itstrnth, as the lóftjnéss óf its raarriy tone. "Ve hold these Iruth tobe sol evident tljat a!I men are cmated free and equa],and endowed vvith certain inalienable nghts, nfnong wliich are life, libnrty nnd the pursuit of happinesa." To all th's slavory is aritugonislic, ns ia proved by ita blood-stainod dceda in minmrous individua! instances, its donial of persoual, civil or religious liberty, or the choice, by its miserable victim.s, of thcir own pursuit of happiness. Trve reptibücmiism accords wit'h, becatise it is drawn from, the inalienability of btiman rights; but as slavcry alürins their aIienability, and practif;es tóéordidgly, it must be at warv.iih the genius and spirit of the' fuodamental doctrinos of American freeoom. And if farthef proof of' ris anir-ropublican character were wanted, it is to be secn in the ever abidingwretchedness of the rice and rotton fields of the soutb, the lying codo it has enacted to settle the injured honor of its chivalric sonp, the cruslied energies and quenchcd intellect of the hapiess and the leprosy with which it has sniitfen the naüonal coiiücils, and the church of God. To unmimbrrcd wocs it ha9 given birlh, lighted the flras of discord in the church and state, sent the jeers of Enrope thundering over tlio billows, and now londly calis for the 'cxtermïriating thmidors' of the God of justice arainst uk.A system, therefoif, likc this, which wogea War upnn the inalienable rights of three millions of humnn beings in our ver}' midst, and is Ihe cause of evils so wide-sprcatl and disaslrous, must be anti-repubJrcan in its evory feature, and, sooner or later, if persisted iñ, bfíng tipon us the heavy judgments of God which shall break the Union into frngments, ond comminglo in one terrible ruin its glory and grandeur. The eontinuance of sWery, thcrefore, whether in théstntes or at tlie nntional capítol wiiere the emblematic eaglo spreads his b.road pinion.s, and the stripes r.nd 6tars that Heat proudly in thé bland b reezes of heavenj fearfully endangers the existencc of thisgreaf republic. The voice of history whicli speaké tp us from the hoary past bids us beivdre! - i Domestic tyranny was the fatal rock upon which many empire of aneient timos, were fiercely dasiied. Rome and Greece, onc'e the patrons of scienccund (he art?, and the radia-" ting points of the world's wisdom, long si nee went down the political m&Istrom sf destruc-' tion, nnd their splendid ruins now )ie scattered along the fhores of antiquity, as a wam-' ing öf the ead doom which awaits the haughty oppressors. And Tyre - the queeu city of the sea - which ''traded the persons of men" in her markets, was long asro made desolate, by the feil judgments of lieaven, and she ia nowa barren rock upon which the fishermarï spreads lus nets to drj'. And upon Egypt, for her wicked oppression of Israel, God let loosc the Etorms of lus wrath, whelming in ruin tlie cities of the Nilc, and rolling the wa?ós of his vengeance over the Delta of her boast. "■JeiTerson.


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