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Anti-slavery Publications

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The suhscribei informs the members of Anti-Slttvery Societies, and uil persons vvlio deBlre to read the Slavery publications that have issued from the American press, that he lias purchased all the books, pan.phlels, tracls prints etc. lately belonging to the American Anti-Slavery Society, aiuounüng to about eight thousnnd dollars, at old prices, vhich lic offers for snle by Iris agent in any quantity, at low prices for cash only. Samples will be kept at Jtis office, corner of Ilanover ana Exchange streets, and orders will be promtly feltended to. A catalogue of the principa! publications isanuexed, and the priocs put against thom are the present (reduced) retail prices. Uy the hunlred or largcr quantity, they will be sold lowei - say for hovnd volumes 2;' per cent. chscounti in pamphlets. iracts and piclurcs, 50 per ernt. discount. With respect to inost of them this is below the artual cost to me in cash They were not purchased with a view to sell at a porfit but to stibserve the Anti-S'avery cause, Suoh an opportunity has not previously oecurred lo obtain Anti-Sluveiy publications at these reduced prices, and probnbly will not again. OIEditors of newspnpers are requested to copy this ndvertisoment at lengt Ii tot three inontlip,and tlieir bilis will be paid in books, etc. Please send a copy of the paper containinjr the advertisemrnt. LEWIS TAFPAN. New Vork, Mnrch lst, 1C42.DOUND VOLUMES. American Slavery as it is, muslin. 50 Anti-Sluvery Manual 20 Alton Riots, by Pres. TSeecher, of 111. Col!. 12mo. 25 Alton Trials 25 Slavery Record, vols. 1, 2 and S set 50 Appeal, by Mts, ChilJ 37 1-2 Antj-Slavery lüxuminer, bonnd vols. 50 Beautics of'Philanlhropy 33 1 S Bmirne's Picture of Slavery 50 Buxton on tlie Slave tratle 50 Cobinct of Freedom (Clnrkson's bistory of the slave trade,) voli1. !, 2 and 3 &et 1,00 Ciiloe Spear L5 Channmg on Slavery L5 Duncan on Sluvery 25 Eman. in the W. J. by Thomc and Kimball mnslin 50 Do by tlo in boards with tnap 25 Enoinies of Constitution discovcre 50 Fountain, pluin binding, C4mo. 12 1-2 Gustavus Vassa 50 Griinkc's Letters to Miss Beeclier 37 1 -2 Juy's Inquiry 37 1-2: Jay's View 50 Lightand Tiuth 20 Life of GranviJJe Snarp Í.5 Mott's Biographicnl Sketches H7 1-2 Memoir ofRev. Lernuel Hanes 75 Do ofLovejoy 62 1-2 Nortli Star, gilt edges 33 1-3 Pennsylvania Uull ■ Quarterly Anti-Slavery Magazine, 8vo. 1,00 Rankin's Letters, lüino. 100 pp. 20 Rigbt and wrong in Boston 20 Star of Frecdom, unislin 12 1-2 Slavery - contuining Declaralion of Sentiment? and Consiitutron of thö Atner. A. S. Society: Wesley's Thougbts on Slaver : Does the Bible ennction Slavery? Address to the Synod of Kentuckv, JNatative of Amos Dresser, and Whv work for the Slave? bound in one vol. 25 Slave's Friend, 32mo. vols. 1, 2 and S set 50 Songs of the Free 33 l"s Thompsons Reception m Great lintain, 12mo. , . Testiinony of God against Slavery, I8mo . 20 Wheally, Phillis Memoir of 25 West Indiep, by Professor Hovry 50 West Indies, by llarvey nnd Sturge 7j Wclev's TJiougiits on Slavery, in muslin, .vUhportrait PAMPHLETS. Seis A. S. AlmanacB, from 1836 to 1841 inclusive Address to the Freo Pcople of Color Anciont Landmarks Apology for Abolitiomsts Americnn Slavery as Itls-the Testimony of a Thonsand Witnesses AddressonRightof Petición 2 Address to Senators and Representaties of the free States Ad'lress on Slavery (Germán) 1 Address of Congregaüonal Union of : Addrfss of National Convention (Germán) 1 Ann Rep. of N. Y. Coramitteeof Vigilance 25 Do ofMass. A. S. Society 12 1-2 AppealtoWomeninthenormnally free Statea . ., „Anlhentic Anecdotes on Amencun felavery s AddrSÏ ï the Church of Jesus Christ, by the Evangelicé Union A. S. Society, Aiui-Slaveiy Cnte'chism, by Mrs. Child G 1-4 Adams'. J. Q. Letters to his Constiluenta 4 Adams', J. Q. Speech on the Texas AnCal Reports of Am. A. S. Society, Sd, 4th, 5th and 6th T v a Annuál Reports of N . Y. city Ladies A. o Society Appca! to the Christain Women of the South 3 Bible against Slavery CollectTon of Valaable Documenta 6 1-4 Birney's Letters to the Churches Birney on Coloniiation Chaltel Principie- a Summary of the New Testament argument on biavery, by Beriah Green Chipmaa'a Discourse ó Char.ning's Letters to Clay 6 Condition of Free People of Color Crandall, Reuben, Trial ot 6 Disacrtation on Servitude 12 w Dickinson's Sermón Does the Biblc aanction Slavery? 1 Dec. of Sent. and Gpnstitution of the Am. A. S. Society Discussion between Thompson and inridge . ,, Dresser's Narrative Extinguisher Extinguished J Elmore Correspondence 6; do in sheets 4to. 2 Emancioation in West Indios Thome andKimball i ao Emancipation in West Indies in 1838 Freedom'a Defense jj (Ji.rrison's Address at Broadway Tabernacle 6 GuardiajD Genius of the Federal Union Genei ons Planter Gillet t's Review of Bushnell's Discourse Immediate, not Gradual Abolition 12-2 Jay's Thougbts on the Duty of the Episcopal Church 3 Liberty, 3vo. ï&; do; 12mo Morris's Speech m answer to Ulay a Mahan's Rev. Jobn B. Trial in Kent ncky 12 1-2 Martyr Age in America, by Harnet tineau R Modern Expediency Considered _ Power of Congress over the District of Co- lumbia : , o Plea for the Slave, Nos. 1, 2 and S Proceedmgs of Mie Meetinj? to form Broadway Tabernacle Ahti-Slavery Sociel Pro-Siavery Rural CodoofllaitiRoper, Aloses Narrativo of u. Fugitive '.3 Sla ve 12-2 Ritrhts of Colorod Men 12 1-2 Rugglebrs Antidote 6 Right and Wrong in Boston 12 1-2 Slavcry tlhymcs Slade's Speech in Congrets in 1838 Smith's Gerritt Letter to Jas. Sinylie Do. Letter lo IJenry Cluy G Slaveholding Invariable Siuf'ul, "nialum in se,' 8 Soulbnrd's Manual Star of Frcedom Sehmuckcr and Srnilli's Letfcrs Slweholder's Praycr 1 SJáveholdinif Weiglicd : Slavcry in America (London); tío. (ücriTinny) The Mnrtyr, by Beriah Green Tilines for NorJiern Men to do Views of Colonizaron, by Rcv. J. Nonrse Views of Slavery and Eniancipalion, by Miss Mnrtinean G Wesleynn Slavery Rpvícw 2.') War in Texos, by Bonj.-unin Lundy 6 Why work for the Slnve 1 Wilson's Address on West India Emancipa tion 4TRACTS. No. 1. St. Domingo, IT(o. 2, Cast c, No. .'), Colonizntion, No. 4, Moral Condilion of the Sluve, No. 5, What is Abohtion? No. 0,Tlie Ten Conimandments, No.7 Danger and Safcty, No. 8, Pro-Slavery Bible, No. 9, Ptejudiee nirainst Color. No. JO, Northern Dealers in Slaves, No. 11, Slavcry mul Misfions No. 12, Dr. Nclson's Lccturo on Slavery. The above Trnots ure sold at 1 cenleach. PRUNTS, WC. Illustralions oftlic Anli-Slavery Almanac for 1840 S The Einancipated Family % Slave Market of America S Correspondence bclwceii O'Connel and SleVenson Do. do. Clay and Calhoun 12 1-2 Printer's Picture Gallcry k 2 Le'lcr paper, stamped víífh print of Lovcjoy sheet , á i Do. wilh Kncclinpr Slave sheet 1 Prayer for Slave?, with Music, on ards 1-2 Potrait of Gcrrit Smith 50 In addition, are the fojlowing, the proceeds of wliich wil! go into the Mendian fimd. Argument ofllon. J. Q,. Adams in the case of The Amistad Afric;u)s 25 Armiment of Roger S. Bulwin, Esq. do do 12 1-2 Trial of the Captives of the Amistad G CongreEsional Document relating lo do. 6 PoiUait of Clinquez h MarchSd, 1C42.


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