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-The following picture ofern dcmocracy is statod to be from the Nantuckci Iilander, a democratie paper. " IVith aiio honorable exceptions, thr, lende s of fhc, democratie ptirtij are among the most. contcwptible of crcatr.d. crctiturcs. actual, libela on humanity, and poitticul Idas p'iamcrs against the digniuj of Heaven. Willt t!ic icords offrecdom forever on their Ups, ikey nevcr let slip on opporti'ntty 'f showing that their seivice is Imtip serri:t; and to their etr.mul disgrace be il said. the democratie party si {Mm fails ioappVmd and "p l'old all stik manifeitations of an uttcr want of deep-scatcd principies.' ' This sounds like strong lnnguago, and such it s; but there is 'more truth than poetry' in it. - That the party, as. such, seldom fails to applaudandi'phoid the tervility of the leaders, ie too true; but we cannot tliereíorc come to the conclusión that all ;he votera of that party are abeolutely corrupt and without principio. On the" contrary, we believe that a considerable portion of ihem will yei becorne supporters of the gen uine liberty principies. But wo confesa that the utter hoartleasness - the ïndifference- the base sulmiission to slaveholding dictation - tho servility ol spirit and degradation of evcry independent feeling inanifested on most occasions, by the acts of ihat party, have greatly imptiired our zeal for iheir regencration, and causcd us to say lesa rea;ec:ing their delinpjenciea than we othcrwise -hould., havingsirong whig predüections have surmiáed froni oar comparativo silenco respee. ing that party, and ihe mticli wo have buen obüged to eny, chiefly in seli-defenco, respr cting the whigs, that our on!y or piiiicipnl object is to build-up' the demncralic party. Tliis idei 3 aa. surted or Jnsinuated in several Whig papers Bfct ná cvilence cui be brouIit to substantivo i ts correct ncss. We have no sympathics with Iiedom.icraticpnriy vKf.evcr, which wonhl lead na to suppart it, whüe it pursues its present ■ourse. "Oppnsition to Ahulition" is put forth 11 the VVashington Globe aa one of its leading irinciple.s.find we cóneeivo tlie prty t.j bc unwor■hy of the support of an bontst man. and the s;oner it is ovurthrowii, thn beit er for the country.EfThe nníiivursury oí the Indiana State A. S. y.)cie;y wns fargely atiende! Between one and w.) thousami wero present, nnd thu assembly vas convencd four days. Eílideiu mc.isurcs veré taken to esiublibh a p-pcr wbich êhall adíente tho anti-slavery cause in all its bearings, !itical as well as otherwise. This is the ri'r(lt urse. E-icli State should have ont efficiënt ■ :berty paper, and no nore, tul it can susiain it i SF. A Stat? Convention was held at the samo i:ne, autl a Central Cúmmittee nppoimed. L. '.ur Demming. ol" Tippecnnoe County, and Stephen S. Harding, of Ripley, we re uominated for jovcriior and Lieútenani Governor; and tlieir namei appe:ir in conjunction wiih those of Birncy and Morris nt tho editorial head oí t!ie Advocato and Chroniele- thus adding one to the list t ;he Liberty paper?. At the anniversaiy, a commiltee was appointed to report a pc-tition to Ilcnry C!ay, reqnesting him to li'jciate hts slavgs, or to assign reasons for not düiiig it. The comniit:ce are to present it to him wiien he visifa that Öt.ue on his return frojn Oliio. In rap'y to the charge of the Wliigs, thatsiieh a peution was au insult to Mr. Clay, die Advocate siys: ''for a man who holds fifty üf his fellow -crentüres m absolute elavery, tu iravel over llt country making eloquent orationa in favor of liberty and equal rights.. and seelung the sufTragesofa frecpcople, iscuiinsuU to coin' . inon hoiiesty and cotnmon sense." [CTSoine cf the VVhiga of New York have propnsed Mr. Seward as Vice President, in connection vith Mr. C'ay for the Prsidency. Tho Evening Jo.irnal says hc dèèfinèithe proflered honor. Ho prefers not to be hiiclied into that 'team. By a close estímate, is has been found that. if .he lan.l fund was equally dividüd aiuongst tho people of the Uniicd States, cach one would get !ta!f n ccr.t. - Et. Fuprr. ttZFIt is staíed that a Caliioun paper, cal'ed the Spectator, has been started at Washington. which lias fora leading nrincipls, that it is the duüj of Üie General Guecrumcnt to svpport slatery in the s-' Sinics.


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