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Poetry: Our Country

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Righteousncss exalteth a nation, but sin is a ïeproaeh to any people - Prov. 11: 34. When the righteoiis are in authortty, the penple rcjoice; but when the wicked beareth rule tho people mourn - Prov. '9: 2. O nation most most favor'd! not slumbering lie Lest th' doy of thy glory flit suddeniy by; Awnken to dungers to duly awake,: And th' rod of oppression will epeedjly brenk. Think not ihou art safe in thy bowcr of repose While th' man is languishing under hiswoes. Your fates aro involv'd by a solcnm decrce, And th' power that confines hini, must prostrate thee. The laureta and wrealhs thou so proudly hasi worn Guard well, or theywill soon befndedand torn; Ah! sure thou wilt never ingloriously yield "VVhat lieroca liave bonglit with blood on the field. Where now are th.y worthies who gave thee thy laws, And wlieie aro thy inartys in libeity's cause? Sliould tliey enter the halls of ihy statesmenogain, And silcnt spectators unnoticed reninin, Wherc oaihssacrilegioiis oft b:tnk on the ear, And tli' impious man may unMushing appe;.r, Where th' cold hcarted champion of elavery standa, And Hcaven dnring felon, with blood on his hands, Say, would they not spcedily wish to retire From n erene whcre had périsiied thcir fondest desiro? Return to tho pnth where thy fathers have trod,Be true to thy country and true to thy God; "While Providence places a trust in thy hands, The hunest discharge ofthat tni3t he dcmands: His counsel should guido thy delibérate choice, Tlie righteous exnlt, and the land shaü rejoice, But if thou wilt pass his authority by. C;inst thou on his favor and blessing rcly? Consistency bids thee íorever forbeur To ofler ior ruler. or country, a prayer. Shaü those sit in power who would blacken tliy name And bind on thy fair brow Atr.erica's shame? Shall virtue he bleeding, and truth yieid to mighf, Whüe Freedom e.xpands her fair pinione for flight? Ye winde breathe it not, let not Europe bc told That the pilgrims' deaccpdents iheir birthright have sold.Deern not the allusion unworthy a thouglit. Wc boast of our country, nor more thnn we ought; Our land wiih the fuirest on eaith niny compare, But th' curse of Jehovah is lingeiing there, For bold infidelity stnlketh abroad, Oppression unblushingly wieldeth th' rod, Impiety spreadeth a bliglu o'er the land, The Lord is dishonor'd and wrath is at hand. Iown low in the dust, ye that fear Ilim and cry That th' signs of his wrath may pass harmlessIy by: Ye servan ts of Got?, on yourcensers lay ho!d, And 6tand in ihe breach as did Anron of old, Ünceasingly ofTer the incensé of prayer, And Mercy may look on our country and spare. Gutah! stand aloof frotn the tentsof his foea Lest vengeance descend, and ye ehare ii their Woes;When wickedness triumphs, know (langer is nigli, If Korah must perish, Iet Israel fly. Salem 4th Oct 18-12.