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Mr. Fox. - Dr. Lushington said of this orator. His thoughts carne so thick and fast 1hat they actually choked him. Such a mul titutle of images and expressions arose in his mind ai the same time, that he hesitated in the choice; he boggled and stammercd until utterance entirely f ailed, in some of his most auimated flights; and then he would often, stop and whistle, till he could arrange his ideas. Since the adjournment of Congress, the number of applicauts for oiBce at the President's house, has gone down to three hundred a day. Russian Steam Frigate.- The Kamlscbatka, built in New York, has given much satisfaction. A letter from the Engineer states that llioy have beat all the steamboats in the Russian Heet.Red Sea and íht Mediterránea.- Mahemet AU determined to execute a íavorite pro' ject of uniting the Red Sea with the Mediterranean, and for that purpose has wriüen to Mr. Burnel, the eelt brated engineer, to undertake the work. This junction is of the bame distance as the contemplated and equally important project of uniting the Atlantic ond the Pacific by a canal across the isthmus of Darien, with the exception that from Alexandria to the Red Sea, the whole country is level and 6andy, conëequently the excavalions will have to be carefully made, and the bünks finished and 6upported by Btone work. The oíd canal could only havo carried boats of light draughts, but we believe this is intended as a ship canal, and consequent ly will be one hundred feet in width, and twenty feet deep which will allow bteaniships and pretty gooè sized merchant vesscls to pase through.Gert. Murphy, of Ohio, is going through the State advocatmg TyleriBm. The Constitutionál says that not Isss thnn eighty thousand dogs are now trainee! and eraployed to scarïi'per from Belgium inlo Fronce, laden witli srauggled articles, in spite of the doaniers, who have a premium upon the death of eacfi canine contrabundist. The homes of . the animáis are in France, where they are ■ tfell fed and kindly treated, and their educatio consiste in sending them from time te time into Belgium, where they are nearly starved, and severel flogged by'men dressed as French Customhouse officers ; so that they have the uniform in horror, and in their course homevvard take a circuitous route as soon as they catch sight of it. Thpy carry about 12 of merchandise, ond naturally enough make all speed home, where they are sure of good treatrnent on their arrival. Justkc.-A negro was Intely kuocked down nnd robbed. hy three white ruffins, in one n" the streetsof Baltimorc The negro knows the robbers but has no redress, becausé theonth ota negro, is not to be tnken ajrainst a white man. So snys the American Mechanic. Tohacco. - h is said that Tobccco which doos much hftriír and no g ood, coste this fiation $50, 000.000: and yet, the churches nre too poer to raiseone million for llie bencvolent purpose of diffusing a knowledgo of the irue óvd throu"oüt the world. The Natural Gampasi.- The New York Me chanic, in remarking npun the polar plant of the prairies.says- "all ïoresi treesr as a general rule. seYid out íonger b.ranches on the north thnn on hfe öouth eide. From thiscircumstance. it is an easy matter for any person who Ta bewildered in t f'orest, to ascertain which is the northean direclort and Jhape his couise accordingly."ÏÏT James Watsp n Webb, editor of the K ew fork Couricr and Enqulrer. has been indiced for fightingn duel with Mr. Marshall, and held o bail n $5.000. Thaddews PhelpS.(Gov. Maon's faiher-in-lnw) was sentenced tó ten day's mprmonmont forj-efusihg to give testimony in he case'. (D"Godfrey Pope, editor of thé T-ooIávifíe un. aa been held to bail in ihe sum of for ahooting Mr. Blies, a Bub-editor of the Louisville Journal. Uut faint hopes aro enterrained of the recovcry of Mr. Bliss. impoTtance of a Vote.- Joseph Sneeling, of Pelham, a minister of the gospel in John Hancock's day, and h-ho is now, ia his old age. nn industrióos and worihy farmer, stated that prior to his entering the miriistry, he voted lor John Hancock as Gjvernor of Massachusetts, bui after his entering he ceateJ to have any thing to do with political alfairs, as it was then considered by the people to be incompatible wnh the dutics of a leanned dmnfi for him to meddle with politica, as it would tend to suggest prejudice in the nunds of the laity. He adhercd to these then prevniling sentiments for a long time after he lelt ihe minisry to pursueogricuhural pursits, unt il a few hours picvious to ihe the clection of Morton, when he resolved that he would give his vote, (the frist vote he had given since he voted for Hamcock;) liedid eo, and Mnrcus Morton became Governor, by tíhc mjjority. - Lowell Courizr. The Boston Transcript stxys that "thegarrison at Jellalabad ployed a trick upon the natives that would have reflected crpdit on a ynnkee noddle. When tlieir stock of bulléis was running short, they dressed 'ip a figure resem - bling Gen. Sale, and stuck it on a parapet. Theenemy, it for the rea) Simón Puro, continued to fire at it for several days succeesiveiy, and by this meariSj furnished the besieged with a beautiful surjplj of missiks, the balls having been found every niglit in the Wall behind the figure! ' ítJThe votés for Öovenor in Portland were at the lost electionj For Appleton, 7a, Fairfield, 960, Srjattering, 991. The Liberty party elected their candidate for Represen tative. No others wère chösen. Poinls of Résemhlance .- 4t is usually rather ratifying to our pride to be ablo to diacover some resemblancebetvveen onrselves andsome eminent man. In a life of [Jenry Clay just published we find the following important tacts "He has plonghetl irlcornfields, mnny a summer's day vithout shoSj and with no other ciothes on than a pair of osnaburg trou- söfs and a coarsé shirt He has ofien gone :o nuil with g'rairi to be ground into meal or flour.1' Not, many is thi time we did these same things in our boyish days. Why should not we be president. Military of ihe JValion. - In look - ng over the expendittires of the general government the year preceeding the 4th of Vlarch last) as communicated to Congress by the Treasury Pepartmenl, my ottention was mrticulnrly attracted to the anlount charged as military expenses. The total amount of pjtpenditures is $33,260,403,47; viz: civil, tniscellaneotiB and foreign intercourse, $5,221,56; military, S1S,935,411 95; nava',800,582 85; Treasury notes, and the old funded debt, $7,036,187 01. Deductingthe latter sum, which is not properly chargable as actual expenditures thtough the year, ond I find that ten-lhirteenths of the expenditures of the governmet of the Uaion are military - . e. made for war purposes- and this, too, in time of profound peace, (except the war with eighty Indians, in Florida) and while the country is laboring under great pecuniary embarrabsmciit and stagnation of business. As an evidence of the forcé exertcd by tempranee reformation, says the Pittsburg Sun, we may mention that on all the four tickets presonted to thepeopleof this county, all the candidates nrestrict temperance men. This could not have been said a few years ago. Skating Floor. - The following recipe for the manufactnre of artificial ice- -made use of in London for the purpose of skating, at all seasons, is from the London Repository of Arts: Melt 10 pounds of crystaJized alum,crushed into powder, ín a copper vessel: and, wlien in a liquid state, add, for color, three quarters of an ounce of sulphate of copper, and to render the composition more slippery, 1 lb. of Hog's lard. Pour the mixture, after t has shghtly colored, upon a floor made air tight by being covered with lead or zinc, Thia sub slance is said to answer perfectly for ekating and nffords an opportunily for invigorating in door ausement. At the New York Cattle Show, among the fat cattle, was one from Syracure, owned by Mr. Rust. It weighed four thousand one hundred poundaí Such a tnass of fat you nev er set your eyes upon. There was also, a native hog thal weiglied four teen bundred pounds!


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