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NEW OOODS ! ! N.Y. OHEAP STORE. THE subscriber has just relurned from New York with the larpest and best selecied assortment of DRY GOODS. GROCERIEÜ, CROCKEtlY, BOOTS $- &HOES. AND YANKEE NOTIONS, everbrought ihtothis market, pürchascd previoua to ihe tarifi'which will enable bim to sell for cash, as cheap as uny establishment west of Buffai.o. As vvg do business on the Realy Pay System we wül not be undersold by any one in this market, which willbe for the interest of the purchoser and dealer. We would say to the farmers that we sell gooda in proportion to the price of wheat - a bushei of wheat will purchase as many goods at ihe present low prices as it did last feil. Now s the time for peopíe to buy sroods if they wnnt o buy thèm cheap. The assortment corisist in art of the following árdeles.' BRuADCLOTHS, PILOT do. BÈAVEÏld SATINET and CASSIMERE, KENTUCKY JEANS, FULL'D CLOTHS, FLANNELL. (ol all kinds.) SHEEF'S GREYS. UMBRELLAS, S1LKS. MUSLIN DE LANES. ALAPINES. MERINO TAGLIONE, CASSIMERE SHAWLS. VICTORIA do. VICTORIA do. CARLISEdo. ROB ROY and BROCHEA. do. BRASS CLOCK. SHEETINGS. HOSE, SHIRTINGS, TICKINGS, CRAVATS, TWILLED JEANS, COTTON YARN, CANTÓN FLANNÉLS, GINGHAMS, COTTON BATTING, HDKF'S, DIAPER and Table Cloths. MITTENS, CALICÓES, (of all kinds,) LADIES DRESS HD'KFS, GLOVES, (of all kinds,) LOOKING GLASSES, &c. &c. A choice rs8ortment ot Grocerief. such as Tens, Sugars, M')lnsses, &c. &c, all of which will be aold at wliolesale or retail. Pedlara can be snpplied at this establishment so low as to a6lonÍ8h them. The subscriber deerns it useless to go into furher detail, but asks them to cali and examine or themselves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Sept. 20, 1842. 3mt5 WOOL, Wheat, Flour, Grass SeeJ, Buure Cheesc. Pork, &c. wanted; also, Black Salts and Ashes. F. DENISON. Sept. 24, 1842. tf23 NEW GOODS! Í F DENISON, is now receivingas nsualiyo well selectcd assortment of fall and winter GOODS, which will bc sold cheap fbr cash ör bartcr. N. B. As cheap ns any in town. Sptcmbor24, 1812. tf23CLINTON SEM1NARY. THE fifth term of this institution will commence on Mön'day, Nov. 14, and continue 12 weeks. Havingprocured the assistance of two experiencedand successful Teachers, xhe principal is beiter prepared than heretofore, rncct (he wants of tlio cotrmuniiy by giiing: English and Classical education. Tuition, for studies pursued by small childrcn, in the Primary Department, $2,00- 'for common English branches $3,uO - for the highcr English branches, as Algebra, Gcometry, Astronomy, Book-Kecping. Chcmistry, Moral andlntellectual Philosophy, Logic, Rhetoric &c. $4,00, Latin. ond Greek, $5,00, Fiench, and Hebrew, $6.000. Siudents will be charged tuition in advancc, from the time thcy enter till the close nf the term, but it will be rcfunded to any who may bo detained by protracted sickness. Board may bo had in good families at a very reasonable price. A few may obtain board wiih the leachcrR. A short leason in the theory and practice of vocal Music will continue to fotm a part of (he dnily exercises. Nopains will be spared to preserve the youth, who may be intrusted to our care, from immoral influences. nnd to render them wiser and better. Other informafron will be cheerfully given to such as address us by letter for that purpose. We would expTeBs our gratitude to those Editors who have favornbly noticed us. Those who will insert this advertiseinent shatrbe entitled to tuition :o the amoïmt oftheir bill. GEO. W. BANCROFT. Prindpal. JAS. S. S EDLY, Tertdtcrof French and Hcbrtw. Miss HARRIET DU BOIS, Assistant. Clinton, Oct. 4, 1842. 25 tf T7V4SHIONABLE HAIR DRESSING- T. X. Freetnan returns his sincere thanks to the citizens of Ann Arbor and1 its viernity for the liberal patronage they have exterfded to him, and earn stly solicita furthercorrtinunnceof the same. He also wishes to purchase o quantity of false hair, for which he will pay a liberal price, (or the purpose of manufacturing ringlete. Mr. Freeman nopes nat to" give offence to his old cusiomerg, when he informs them, that hereafter his shop will be closed durin the Sabbath day. He will be very nnxitnrs and happy to accommodate them. by working a li tile later and more industriously on Satarday evenings. T. FREEMAN. October3, 1842, lL Nev Store! DICKINSON & COGSWELL HAVE now on hand an extensive and well selected aasortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, adapited to the fall and winter trade. and are constantly receiTing fresh supplies, which cnable them to offer great inducements to all who wish to purcliase. Broad Cloths, Cassimeffis, Satinetts. Full'd Clothe, Moleskihs, Velvets, Flannels Mi reno, Alpaca Lustres, Saxonies, Muslin De Lains, Brown Sheetingö and Shirtirigs, Cottoh Yarn and Batts &c. &c, ili great variety, at prices lower than ever offered be'ore in Michigan Weighboring Merchants are particulirly invited to cali and examine their stock and prices, both of which cannot fail to piense. Ann Arborj (Upper Town) Exchartgö Buildings. Sept. 20, 1842. 24 V-J II v-j L I I I UIIU Shirtirigs, for sale low at the Ann Arbor Store, in the Exchange Building by DICKINSON & COGSWELL. Arin Afbor, (Upper Town) Sept. 20, 1842. 24 CCTTON Yarn& Batts, Jaconett and Sarsenet, Cam bries and Prints, in great variety, for sale low at the Ann Arbor Store, exchange building, by DICKhvSON & COGSWELL. Ann Arbof, (Upper Town) Sept 20 1842. TiMOTHY SEED. THE highest price paid for Timothy seed at the Ann Arbor Store, by DICKINSON & COGSWELL. Ann Arbor, (Upper Town) Sept. 20th, 1842. FULL'D Cloth and ?atinetts, for sale by the yard or piece at great bargains,attheAnn Arbor store Exchange building by DICKINaON & COGSWELL. Ann Arbör fUpper Tovn) Spt. 20 1842.


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