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f HOLMANS, Bone OiïitsnentJ THIS OiNTjir.NT stands at the head of all rcmedits for the following diseases which natmo is heir too, viz:- RHEUMATISM both i Cfironic and inihmitory- Gout- Sprains- Bru1W3 and contractcd TENDONS of long standinr- . It discnsses nll tumourfi - rendcrs stiff joints lunber by prodwHog a healthy muscular aciion. lf. nsauri'jea pains ia Bon,s and Abcksses. - Nothing cifunJa it iti ssNVclicd and inflamed Drcasts in Feniales, if qpplïW,4 n enr'y stage, provenís js'.inponuion or maucr formfng, and gives in all unses imnicdtatc casefroni puin. Cerltb'catcs oí lliís fact'cúürj be givëh ifnccessnry. Tliis remedy is oílbrcd to thc Public vith the i'ull Bssttrfthcë thnt it lar exccls tlio Opodeldoc'a nul Linimetits of thc piosent day, for the above .lÍ3saspa. A trial Í9 oniy wantod, to give it the locided prefcrcnce to every thinL else. Man y Physcians ot eininence have used this ointmcnt ü;i1 cxtols its merits. n9 Thc above ointment ís for sale whples?lc nnd by BECKLEY. An n Albor, (lower town) June I5th; 184'2 9 TO PHYSICIANS AND COUNTR7 MERCHANTS. r"BÍIE subscriber invites the attention of Phy JL eicians and Country Merchante, to his present stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oile, Dye Stuffs, Varnish, Bruslies, &c. Sic. comprising one of the largest and íullest assortmentá brouglít 'o the country. In his present stock wiil be f'ound: 100 oz Sulph. Quinine, superior French and English, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpenter's Witherill'a Extract of Bark, 1 bbl. Powdered Rhubarb, l Chest Rhubarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdered Jalap, 50 Ibs. Calomel, 3 casfes Epsom Salts, 15 ensks Fall and Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 boxes Sperm Cnndles, L000 ibs. White Lcad, dry and groulid, 4 ca i-ka I.inseed Oi!, Dentists Instrumenté and StocJc Gold, Silyet nnd Tin Foil Platina Ware, Porcelam Teeth. A general a?sortment of Patent Medicine?, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. PIERRE TELLER. 139 Jefibrson Avenue, sign of the GÜt ÏVrnrcli 13. Mortar, Detroit. TxVILÜÍUNG BütíhXESS ! AM. NOBCE, woúhl respoctfully infórm the citizons of Aun Arbdri.iid ís viciniiy. tiiat lie opened a shop in theLowcr Tuvn. immoiiatelyover tho Iriie inercraiiile stand -f Luntj & Gritsoh, andopppsité the'stórè of J. BecUlèy $■ Co., whorc he is prephred at ;ill times todo work .i his lino, with promptness, and in a ncat and iü: .l.'c riianneri Particular a'tciuion will bc paid to cuttitüí gárrïie'nté: Produöe wül hc taken at the ueubi iri ces. for work done at his shop. These who liuve cash to pay for services of thts kind, aro particuaily invitcd to calí, Ann Arbor. April 27. IR 12. tf DR BANISTEB'S EJkTMA"WiT!O LLX.ZiS. rR1IÏIS pill has not only been used by myJL eelf, but by a number of Piivsicions of high staudin:?. both in bis and other States, to great ndvantngo. Ey the frequent and repcated snlicitatiolisof my friendá, I have consented to oiler ihcin to tlie public as a most efiïcacious remedy for uil those hïllious diservsces originating in n ncw country. The above pill ia for salo 'Kójesoh? ntid rotail tfy K Ii!.;CKLFAr. Ann Arhor, (lower tnwn) Juti tóih 1342. 9 TO CLOTH1ERS. rgiHE sobscriber is just in receipt üf a fnr.5. (lier nnply of Clolhier's stock, consistihg of MAHWÑr: CAHDS ,f Lv-nj drs-rip. ..." CIJtTflfFJl'S JACKS. A'2 TlSriW.UIP. CMll) CLENSF.RÜ and PJC'KERV. SÜVTU.-LES. REEDS, XETTLES, y ca : i 'r. r. rson' s shea iuxu maCÚINE, J'MFÜV. Cawy sízc,'.J TENTER H.0OK8, PRESS PAPER, (ogctjlèr vilh a wdt rlccfc'! miorirasñl. of DYE 'WOODS.nud DYE STUV3F8 of the very best giowth and ii;nnuí;!Cíu;e. Those öods (cominir tis they do direct from first hands) the subscribe? is enablcd to sell lowcriii.'.n nny t r : v r Iiousü west qf.NewTor,k, he iliiiciore soücits the aftenüóri of fifhis in tiio cioiliiinr bpsiness. to theexamitiation ot his stock r,: ) ices btfore going east or purcliasing else.yhore. PIERRE TELLER, Wholcsilo aííd Rctnil Dni-sist, 19 JcñUrson Avenue, sin of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit.E STATE OF JACOB LAWTON DE CF.ASED. - Xoiicc is hereb given. tliat tiie undersigned,. have pro'ed the tast will nnd testament of Jacob LrriVton. deeeasca, and have taken letters Tcsiainentary thereon, and have triven bends according to law. AU persons indebted to said estáte are requested to make pnyment wiinout dulay, and all irersons havinc claims against said es'.a'e ;ro requested to present the srmie to the subscribers, well authenticated, for pavüicnt. GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM, Executors of the last will nnd Testament of Jacob Lawton. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7. 1812. Srn TEMPERANC HOTEL, BY I30S5EKT& TEKHÏIiüE. (COHNKR OF MICHIGAN AND WASHINGTON AVENUES, ÜETKOIT.) THE above House is pleasantly situated nea the Central Railroad Depot, and is now un dergouiL ihoroirrh repairs. The rooms are pleas mu. tb:; Ui 1;3 nnd IJeddingall new, and ihe Table will be suppüed with the choicest o( tlio market. nnd tbo proprifitors assure thöse who will favor liioni wiih their custom. that a!l pains shall be taken to make their sta)' witii them agreeable. Fauk, Verf ivw. and accommodarion god. - Carringres to convey pa3?engers to and from the Hotel freo of expense. Detroit, Apri'í?T 1S42. ECONOMY IS WEALTII." f B ïHE Sunscribeis will jmy pny two cents per JL poiitid in Goorls or I'rsper for an qunntity of aood clean SW1NGLE TOVV, delivered nt the Ann Arbor Paper Mili JONES & ORMSBY. ' Ann Arbor, April 27, 18-12. tf DR. J. B. BARNES, PHYSICIAN AND SÜRGRON.- rrouso and Office, -t few doors soutli of the Lafayette House, wherc he can be found nightand day. Ann Arbor April 2Oth, 1842. NEW GOODsTl FDENJSQN hns juít received r complete stock of DRV-GüODS. GR0CE1UES AND CROCKERY, which will be sold very chcftp for money or most kinds of produce. Descritiqna nnd prices wül bc iven at theStore. 1 'Ana Albor, Jur.e I, ÍS45. Fsrí E F EhLEN W]LMOT DECEA-Si íasTeeñ8 aíT L? the County of Washtcntw admi Z ♦ UUd ír eslate of Eüen Wilmot. 'at , f '" S rator. on tbc All persons having dema„d7 aStn t.0,lw- are requested to present them fo "di Um 8tOlS all persons indebied tosaid cita? a?e ri '' ?nd make pnymenl without delny re1"ested to Ann Arbor. Juno f WIL"AM& " J- - 6w Jlt WALKER respcctfully inform l.. fnems and the public n general That h" hasrecently con.menced business, iwKw ing lim-.onc door cast of Bower'g dry BoOfl . wherehe is prepnred o execute orders JT' neatest and most fasiiionable style Garments will be made to order', in riet Ibrmity with tl.c present preVafling 4iOn i Wc 1G iy' and warranted" 'o fi" orüo nHÍSerSdnSefrStS " ■ done at shórtcst notie ent nnluary or regimentnl order ' 8' Ann Arbor, July 25th. 5 'S. June 10, 1842. "tüíiSON pARSON'S SHËATmGaSgT, A - Thko. II. Eaton & Co, 13 jóffl son avenue, arethe sole agen.s of these very e ' ebrated machines. JL "' . ]?-8y QATTINETT WARPS ON BFAMS I O Thko. H. Eaton & Co J-Wt fr Avenue, ofler for salo a lortoiñf & Iffi WarPs; from tfie xew York milis. The" Warpsarè cont,dered superior to any otl er n the counuy, and w„l be sold, for L3KL2 - , I3-3w NEW GOODSü CHEAP FOR CASH. AT the Store of the Sjabsciiber, n new and JTX. splendul assonment of NEW GOODS m SSSf aS ' aStOniil1 thC pUrchase con JJRY-GOODS, GROCÈRIES. CROCKJERV BOOTS, SJI OES, AND LADÏEB' SLIP. PERS, SHAKER AND LEGHORV 1SONNETS, %c: $c. Mtislin De Loffê at iwo ehillings per rl C0C3 at sx renté per yard, „né o' her goódí ot pnces to cor-respond T, bc convinced. just cn] oud see the g xuls and priecs. 4 WO poundsgood buttcr wnnted: 90999 bush ds oi house ashes wanted. at J ü ceMs per b„Xl' Ann Arbor. (upper town) Juno 2, 1842 ' Wool Cardiai anil Clöth Bressing-, npME Subscribers regpcctiuily annoance to the citizens Ann Arbor and vicinity. that thev are prepared to card wool nnd dress cloth cus tomers ui the best style, and at the shortest no tice, tíaving good inachineiy. experienced workmen. and long.practicc in the business, they have ■ lic utmost conHdence that they shalí gívecom. píete satisfaction. J. BECXLEY & CO. Ann Arbor. April, 25, 1M2. "33c tajjs of ttfrtUfng mine forLot." JiSLCKSOIÖ1 TEMPERANCE HOUSJ?, AND BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With Hot sKd Cold Batlis Br, J, T WIISOWT, 7v'.-' end of Mdn Streef., JarJcs.m, Mich. Kiver Esism [I1TTITIÍTE. npHIS lnslifution is located in the town of JL Raisin, ncar thenonh bpnfe of the beautiful river whosc name it bsaro, one milp east oi the direct roac! fioin Tecumseh to Adrián. This eligiblesite hns been selecled for its quiet seclusion. the fertility nd elevation oi ita soil, i;s pure and healthful atmosphere. and pleasont sceneiy. llooMs. - There are now on the premisos suitble rooms for the accommodation of foriy students: which are deaigned to bs occuined for priyaic siudyand lodging. Other neccssnry build ing areprovidedfor rcciiations and boarding. EXPENSES. Tuition per Term of elgven weeks, $4.00 Board ;' with 4 hours work each week, 7Í57 Room Rent, qq Incidental, r,Q Total, 12.95 There wíl] be an additional charge of one dollar for those pursuing the higlier branches as Phi losopliy. Algebra. Geometiy, Astronomy, &c. l'orCh'inisay, Latin, or Gieek an addition of two dollars will bc made. Scholars are expected to próvido theniselve8 with what furniture ihey will need in their rooms, also, with lights, fuel, nnd washing- none will hereafter board them selvrs. Bills to besecrfin ad vanee. The schoot is open to all applicants of suitable nge and mornl character irresptctive of complexión or condition. lEFï'Afi sceondierm of this summer will commaice Wedncsday July 20lh. It is very desirable that all who design to attend the school, should bc on the ground havo thcir bilis settled, and their rooms prepared, before the first day of the Term. Any further in. formationcnn be obtained at the Instituition. of by addressing, post paid. J. S. Dixo.v, Principal, Raisin, Lenawee Co. Micli. llaistn, May 19th, 1$42. nfj- 2m ÜNIVERS.ÏTY BOOK STORE. .J. ffiAÏB, HAS just oponed his store one door west of the Pest office in Ann Arbor. He will be constantly rcceivinr books froni the enst and inlends to keep on hand a largo assortment of the ühojeest Koolis, Siationary, SCHOOL BOOKS md hns alrcady n large quantiiy of the Alassa ihusetts School library, ihe best work of the kind icer published. Ann Arbor, July 30th, 1842. tCTPleasecaU at the University Book Store. J5-üw WHEAT AND WOOL WANTED, by F. Denison, any quanity - Wheat and Wool, dchvered at Ann Ar r (Upper Town.) Aug. ). L rt ii. ■ ■■--- j . . ■ ... ■


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