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The subscribe informe thers momLcoí AnUSIavery Societieá, ond all persons wlio tic„re to read the SJavery pubhcaüons tlmt ,ave issued from the Aniencan press, tl nt ie ,ïs purchased .11 the books, paiT.phlelft trncte, SS etc. latelv belonjring to the Americnr. K-SIavery Society, aniot.rtting to nbout e,?ht thSusand dollars, at old pricos, which he oOers for sale by his agent in any inanlity, at low vriees for cash oidy. Samples wil! bc kept at Lis office, corner of Hanover and Lxchanpe streets, and orders will be promtly attended to. A catalogue of tlie principal nublicationfl isnnoexed, and the prices put ogainst tliom nre the present (reduced) retail prices. By the Imndred or larcer quantity, tlicy will be sold lotveí Bay for bound volumes 25 per cent. discount: on vamphlets, tracis and piclures, i0 per cent. discount. Wit respect to most of them this if below the actual cost to me in cash. TJiey were not purchased with a view to sell at a porfitbutto subserve the Anti-Slavery cause. Such an opportunity has not previously occurred to obtain Anti-Slaveiy ptiblications al these reduced Drices, and probobJy will not agam.(ryElKorsofnevspnpers are reqwcbieu tu copv this adverüseinent at Ienjrih lor three montliAnnd llióir bilis wffl be paul in booketc. PJease send a copy of thepoper contnn.ff the advertisement. LbWlb 1 Al 1 ain. New York, March lst, 1842. BOUND VOLUMES. American Slavery as it is, muslin 50 Anti-Slavery Manual 20 Alton Riotsj by Pree. Beccher, of 111. Col!. 12mo. 2j? Alton Trials , - J Slavery Record, vol?. 1, 2 and 3 set 50 Appeal, by Mra. Child S7 1;2 Anti-Slavery Kxaminer, bound vols. jO Beauties of Philantbropy SS 13 Bourne's Picture of Slavery Buxton on the Slave trnde Cabinet of Freedom (Clarkson's history of the slave trade,) vols. 1, 2 and 3 set 1,00 Chloe Spear r? Channiug on Slavery - Duncan on Sluvery 2o Eman. inthoW. 1. by Thome and Kimball . muslin ... 1'? Do by do in boards with map Lu Enpmies of Constition discovered 50 Fountam, plain binding, t,4mo. Guetavus Vassa J0 Grimke's Lettera to Miss Beecbcr Sí 1 L Jay's Inquiry 57 1-2: Jay's View Lirht and f ruth r Life of Granville Sharp 15 Molt's Biographical Sketches S7 1-2 Meraoir ofRev. LemuelIIanes 75 Do ofLovejoy M North Star, gilt odges WS i -a Pennsylvania Hall , 7j Quarterly Anti-Slavery Magazine, Gvo. 1,00 RankiD's Letters, 18mo. 100 pp. Rigbt and wronL in Boston 20 Star of Freedom', muslin 12 1-2 Slavery- containmg Declaration of Sentimentsand Consiitution of the Amor. A. S. Society: fr esley's Thoughts on Slavery: Does theBible sanction Slavery? Addrnss to the Synod of Kentuckv INarative of Amos Dresscr, and tin M-ir rn.' dip SIiivp? bound in onevol'." 25 Slave's Friend , S2mo. vols. 1 , 2 and 3 pet 50 Songs of the Free _ . .. 33 1-3 Thompsons Reception, in Great liritain, I2mo. Testimony of God agoinst Slavery, 18mo. 20 Wheaily, Phillis Memoir of 25 West Indies, by Professor Hovc-y 50 West Indies, by Harvey and Sturge 75 Weeley's Thouglits on Slavery, in muslin, with portrait 12 1'z PAMPHLETS. Sets A. S. Almanacs, frora 183G,to 1841 _ inclusive _, 37 1Address to the Free Pcope of Color Ancicnt Landmarks 3 Anoloey for Abolitionists AmeriSan Slavery us Tt Ts-Uie Testimony of a Thousana Witnesses Address on Right of Petición Address to Senators and Reprcsentatives ofthe free States ] Address on Slavery (Germnn) 1 Address of Congrega! lonal Union of ScotAddress of National Convention (Gernin n) 1 Ann Rep of N. Y. fiommitu e of Vigilance 25 An Do of Mass. A. B. Society 12 1 -2 Appeal to Women in the nominally free Aulhentie Anecdotes on American Slavery 2 Address to the Clmrch of Jesus Chnst, by theEvangelical Union A . S. Society, Anti-Slavery Cate'cl.ism, by Mrs. Child 0 1-4 Adams', J. Q. Letters to bis Constituenta 4 . , j t n soofh mi the TexasAdams', J. v. ou - . - 12 I- AnZl Reports of Am. A. S. Society, Sd, 5th and 6'h T v a Annuál Reports of N . Y. city Laches A. g ApaUo the Christain Women of the South S Bible agninst Slavery CollectTon of Valuable Documents G 1-4 Birney's Letters to the Cüurches Birney on Coloniiation Chattel Principle-a Summary of the New Testament argument on blavery, by Beriali Green Chipman's Discourse jj Channing'ö Letters to Clay " Condition of Frec Pcople of Color j Crandall, Reubcn, Trial of J Dissertation on Servitude : Dckinson's Sermón ■ JJoes the Bible Bttrïction Slayery? 1 Dec of Sent. and Constitution of tbc Am. A. S. Society , _ , Discussion between Tl.ompson and inridge . Dresser's Narrativo ' Bxtinguisher Extinguislied J Elmore Correspoivlence C: do in sheets 4to. 2 Emancipation in West Indies Thome and Kimball . ■ Emancipation in West Indics 111 1338 Freedom's Dofense Gairiöon's Addrcss at Broadway Tabernacle 6 Guardian Genius of the Federal Union Genei ons Planter Gülelt'fi Review ofBushnells Discourso ImmcJiate, not Gradual Abohtion 12-2 Jay's Thouglits on the Duty of tbc Episcopal Church r Liberty, 8vo. 2S; do; I2mo 1 Morrie's Speech in answer to Ulay s Mahan's Rev. John B; Trial in Kcrrfucky 12 1-2 Martyr Agc in America, by Harnet Martineau . Modern Expediency Considcred b Power oí Congress over the District of CoPica for the Slave, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 3 Proceed.nps of the Meeting to form Bioadway Tabernacle Anti-Slavery SocietA Pro-Slavery Rural Code of HaitíRoper, Aloses Nfirrátíve of a Fugitivo 9 Slnyp 12-2 Riphts of Colorod Mcn 12 l-L RiJg"Iéfifá Antidote (l ÍJitrla aníl Wrong in Boston 121 2 Slavery Rliymes .6 Slnclo'B Speocii in Congress in 1838 3 Smi'Irs Gerrilt Letter lo Jas. Pmylie $ Do. Letter to iícnry Cl.iy 6 Slaveholding Invariably Sinful, "ninlum in ?e,'; G Soulhard's Mnnnnl -Star of Froedom ' Schmiicker and Smilh's Letters (i Slaveliolder's Prnyer 1 Slavplioldiiiir Weighed Slavery in America (London); do. (Gertnahy) 3 The AlV.rtyr, by Berinb Green Tbings for NorJiern Meu to do Views of CoJonization, by Rev . J. Nourse Views of Slavery and Emancipation, by Miss Martinean fi VVesleyan Anti-Slavery Review 2.') War in Texas, by Benjnntin Luntly 6 Wliy work for tlie Sluve 1 Wilson's Address on West India Emancipation 4 TRACTS. No. 1. St. Domiugo, No. 2,Cnste, No. S, Colonizntion, No. 4, Moral Condiüon of the Slave, No. 5, WJiat is Abolition? No. 6,Thc Ten Cómmandments, No.TDunger and Safoty, No. 8, Pro-S!avory Bible, No. 9, Prejudiec apainst Color. No. 10, Ñortliern "Dealers m Slaves, No. 11, Slavery ond Mis?ions No. 12, Dr. Nelson's Léctúte on Slavery. The above Tnicts nrr sold at 1 cenleach. PRINTS, ktc. Illustralions of the Anti-Slavory Almanac for 1040 S Tlie Emnncipoted Famiiy -r; Slave Market of America Correspondence belween O'Connel and Stevenson Do. do. Clay and Calhoun 12 1-2 Printer's Picture Gallery 2 Letter paper, stamped with print of Lovcjoy sheet ' 13 Do. yith Kneelincf Slave sheet 1 Payer for Slave?, with Music, on cards 1-2 Potrait of Gerrit Smith Ms In áddition, are the folldwng, tlie proceed of whicli v.ill no mío the Mendian fund. Argument ofllon. J. Q,. Adams in the case of tlie Amistad Africans 2.r Argument oi'Roger S. Balwin, Esq. do do 12 1-2 Trial of the Capíives of the Amistad G Congressional Document reláting to do. 0 Portíait of Clinqtiez ljOO March 3d, 1842.


Signal of Liberty
Old News