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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Address Of The We...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Address Of The We... image
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Bklovkd:- A pcofitable review ol tk pasl i mu.-t be'ntteiiáed vyith a fervrm drviire in kimw our dutïes; ml ile mr.„„,.r we ' coflduct uUrfcelves rn.ocli,,;, thern. Mqpi „f us have been for ycárs members „f M. R. Church. and f cn.wLiinn of roMfatioR, toil nd .-.msianco oivo t-vi,.Vnce of attocljinènt ro any cUs of tóátittitjons; 'tjien we werc nUached f. raid clmrc!. Dnrii-g tl.e last few yetaê, ni cm-H.n vitfi a gootiy ppflid ourfe!!nw ciiizpns n Ih.ico.nnry, w fiave beer T.;usof]to :,t! sin of s!avv,y. We Iinví l.fvn L'oifthcd at !l,e magnitude „f ty, ;;vs.rm o: oppressioR, nd the nipgrayrited'niiy podüüar to the cvilö t inHict.-5 uport our rae, fts wf havo pased from pago o p;tlre H iracng out itsorijrii). PA,CMt Iir)l] in. flnmces npon iniljions of the hunnn family.- Huw heart-sickeninur is the oricrin of the BÏave tradr? n„d ha artendant- ilavolioWimr- us foiind in the evMnts of the two last ctói turios! África, on her western const, invaded without provoention by hands of r.:en wlio profesbcd to emerge from he very seat ofoivn üzation r.nd who opnnod opon the uiioflending nurivps a war, as slmmeful as was ever waged !irainstn people, since the eanh's surface becnmeppoited wirh "mbitations of crne!ty."- So merciless and inhospiiable was thi war, that tlie custom of treatincr captive.s wi;h a dfgree of kiñdneáís end justice commnn to würsamongnllciviüzed peoj.lo, was enlirely suspended, and without record lo eex, age orrank, the captivo, thonsamls ín number, were cliained, whipped and transponed to this continent nnd ts neigh boring island?, and sold m.l wnrked as sla ves fof life. We have eeen :he first tbird of the ninetecnih crniury pnss au-iy nd the fruit of f hi, m„st vjllSnoiia outrnge cxist in practical examplo in onehajfof onr common country, and sanciioned more or lfc by the laws and mapners of the whole. Nfiliïöhs of our race nre Boiinf , sold, jeased, wnrked, mortga ed nnd inhónfid ns property! Tlie physical, intelleclua] and moral natura of the whole man nre compelled to n state of perfect immolaüon f o meet the whims, caprice ond gaii.s of tl.e ifjQst intolerant tyranny tliat over dared to brook fhe Taco of the sun. Our country for which have thé most patriotiu rdor is cu-fed. Her boast of reoubliennirn, of refinemont, of cdtication and reli■ion, tyslem of bondoge is cberIsHpcI and proiected by the goverpinept, gives the f.illesf proinf of her hypocrisy, falsehood, barbarity nnd iufidelify. The cliinch, loo, has iven the most perfect r.betir.entto tlÉ iBl-a! cuhible wrotig, She has indiicted into her ctiiefet holiot C0uiciía tí?E notorious maurauder upon luinian Hgftt md höinati happineRS. She bas vên tho 'rijrht hand of fi'llovvship' to him vyhóse cn.wn spirit enn „ny be pratified by tho pbssësaó'n of 1O timo, loi!, sonLs and bodies of the poor. And Bhe hns taken to her bosom the impenitent mon stea Ier. Tiiat brancli of profeF.5ed chriti.'ins with which most of us have held o'ion fot jears, has not been behind ín lendng tor most si.irmnaid in perpetiwlinfr this grêdt wrorijr. Her ditc pljijg h,ts boen róodified and chnnged "i:!, as a slneld, nor poiver asid infíuence is plc.'pod to the support of ihè fonlet tyranrjy, profided the tyrant only luhnüs the prudent' onfovcrtnoin that thrir "chatto personal" l'fibouJd read the word pf GofJ." ij;r l.,.]v "rdinations re eivcn to the phimiorer of h„. man rjphts if t i.s judcd proé oflbft." ior biin to be honrrft and oidrfeárng Her ci.nfereiH?ea hpe put ifietral uponrt as "not i fnpral cvil." Hft Mfhtot jodioaïory iis jewred e crus-de of ro!;bory ano' phfodéi n; on t!if: ie bkfd and brokyn -henried Klavt; bv cn'ting ofi" hit? t(?s mnr.y wiini he w. u!d ;"il iHöiocy ófhb fléeh, bccrarcd u-iil, lbe scoiïr, and his lumcs. brokea wiïh tíía.bhidgeoa.r-Fier "officia Is" have leid Wttimiy foriis cpntmuancê, anI pnured forth a tirade of detriction and calumny upon tboee wbp refii lp moke God end his rtvea.'ed word the supporters of this concentraron of every species of baseng. And new prerqgativea have been c;ealrd and added to lier airea dy overgrown mstocracy to fapilitaie the rxpulfion Óf êvcfy slired of red sympulhy from wilhin her pal? for the poor sifferer. Havini be;;n bandod togfher only a few months, it is natu ml to inquire whelher our brief experience confirma or lessens our con" ■- ■ ■ i - ■ ■ f -.. victi-ms of right in the pnaltion we have assumtxl. We nnswrr, we know of no misgiviujís sit rcïpecis áuty, ib washing otir liauds and henrts f.-omull participation m that w!iich wekiowi3fihhone.l b Ci-.J, and hostile tu fvery nnotinii of' substaniial anl ecripiural piety. On the contrary, ovcry hqUtr bringa ín fh sli f-onv.clion thflt tliorc iil-voicjii b , Hiere ñever vugUto be a unimi, even formally, be tuee.1? "Cbrisi. and BéK}'." We leo], with repoci to "pc.'iiicol ncti-ni." ( ís t is cailed) that it isoMrduty fo fffifttO pirticn'arly oiir pci.-i'ion. We nclmit all 'he iinportancc atiachod lo t by iis wtfrmest su).;r: -rs. Wc know tlml slavcry wil] never ba utterly ex'inct1'iui.t.u tf, ui mis couniry. wntio U is eren teil au'1 guardad by av,l !aw. We córdially jrive asient to the doctrine tl;at all modificatibns und rh,ín.,ps incivil rriaeímenta in. our country .■ sul)j"c( to the control o!" Hie poo..'(, and :liepi?(i;.le have hu: nne vvny of expres ing tleir v.ili, and tha: is. ttc bestownient of 8Uffiagt the polls. Wo hnys? il.o fuUest conSdoncoin ;)!) nod phiiañfhropv of the leaders of the Liberty party. Their bölf-denial, .-'Criiis find rbil in odvicatiig tin; uijhis oftltf! loriar injiired lave, is wortliy 'f nll prnii-o. AÜ Hiis we trtbst cheerrúllv concede lotho fiiend.sofa di'inct polti;á] anti slaviery nction. Vet as a c!ntrc!i we cüyelüim all ilesip'n on uur purt to cnrrv out ihp o!j:ct of any poliricil pa'rlyv Weslial liold oürslves porfccily Tico io máke wdatever recommenda'ion ofniiy pol irioül pirty, orof anv o'.j ct. ufjiny p-.rty, yhioli in onr judm, nt accordS with Uie precepto of tho gospel of Cli rist. It ninist bc a tnaftrr of no ütile imporfancc to us lo kaow that tlii-re is no Riuotion in llu Divine raínd bui nccords wiüi die spirit und principies embodied in our Anti-slnvery cliaracter. An omineiit stateirnan,Tw!io?e name is enjbataed in American hwtory, lias lonangro dëclared tVat (ii.c-e is no at.tiibute of the Almijfiity wliich enn tüke side.s wi'.li us [mean inllif; supporters of Amorican slavery] aÊrainst tbc insurgeiit tlave." Tliis, wiih a )ittie reflection upon his clmracter, we know to be true. Onmi&cieuce and Onmipresence, in cunjiinction with his moral peifectiöhs, holinps-i, jnstice. goodnesss nnd truïh; must give Ilim a most perfect knowledge of the alave's sorrows. and utterly foibids the idea that He renjains unaffected by them. He has made them human beings and eusceptible of all the sensibilit es of onr nature. Wlien He beheld the helpleae revolt of our woild against IJi. righteoud govériiment and gave his Sun to endure, the agonies of the cross that líe might besiovv his love in oi:r redomption, the richnrss of !his boon feil upen the sable cliüdien of fiam, with otlier porlioi s of ihe human' faibily. Ile sees thp flavc mutber ntslie bt.'iids brneath tlie arduons tod impo.-ed lv nn unfeehng ovc-wer and broketi iri'spírit bv the s'.-okcs of the J.ish. H, P(.e- tlie bérefl lave pnrent ns he slretclies bis lirnbs upnn tlie earthiy flour of bis hut, while despair brood over liis k enost sei) le enqairrfi after tlie fond fcnembera "f his liousehold and finJ.-j thrmgr.nefurever fmm bja embraces. Uad tiie prive covered tïietn, or llie sen eWllöwed ihem np.bissorrows wonld becoraparaiivf-ly iiyht, tlmn wh.-n lie feiinwa tïiey are the v ctinis of fie degrada ion, inorunco and woas, inciilcm lo tli? Aiiijbricaó live Oínnipotence mpst CRrtainly eíotíies Umi with power to nvenge tl.e wronge f is o;ipros.-od pffspniig. VViil He nul pive il.e world tu vvitnesp, .ooner or luier, t!a '-E'l.opia steir.' D.ot u yain stretch pul ht hands unto jGfad? Bretiifen ehall weever firget 'the in bojius" v, liilc vi: knovv i!.o Gt.d wlic has ken [jlêasstl to icveul liimseV'in Iis sacid tmtl, as the Gol of the opprtvsed, heais prayor, anr] es;.:eciu;ly are we ononraged to pmy wben we ícnow Ihat tl.e bmdrn of onr saippJicatJoiw accord witli aJU he bleased emoions ofhfa huly nature. &Ién rnay ;.i:orn uur (ievotion to tbtó cji.'so. bul God vill reineniber ne in mercy wlien we consécrate our rcpntaiicn, onr PUbtiJtiincc, our pleadigs, and our miyers, as u-e poleas r),e uhiüty in "hrddng ihc y,Ko" - in gn-ing bread tu the hunryand clothüig tjie nnked. Hè v. hi baa utcred iho üVclarntiou is oble loíulfii ii, Tiif-r. sh-ill thy hgUt breek t'ótth as ibe moímast :.nd ihy healih] L.-prinr i'i:li sjnvd.y: and t;y riglitPÓuêoeï thail p hetoro tíej rhe rlory of the Lojd slnll le hy revvard. Turn sbah llmu caü, ;.nd thé i.nni hal) in-u-t'r: tfipu shi.'r rrv. (uid lic shajl ray Ijere I .m. If hou t.ike a?ay fV),.i the uiidst ufi iee tlie yok-, jje putting fortb "f tlit' tingar, üiid apeukipg vii y. ' B;il we mut Ht forget Mie opprcssor. We csDncrt rci.pJn unaflfeirted whisij we throw our miüds forward i:p.n that icnrft.i vencmncp ul.icli rnvaifs the inppniirnt oxturiioner und proud lyn-nt m the woil.i tu con Wo laüprandpiay Uiat 1,.; m .y fn.d his grèntest poeflible interest to live in obediehöe to God and tlie exorcice of jútótse and kiódiiesa towurd nis n. J-ct ihpse whcfji wfi have left behind, ito ' huvc yei to jyjish hcin-rlv.s froni the reclesiostical ppllutJDiJS pf s];,vf:ry_vho hV8 yS : beioreihein tbs work of diWlwrig ffaéir i neciièh wikb pro-s.'avcry chi!c,os fin science sike, ditcóvér in us- in our mild I through inflexible attacJiment to ourpíes, Uial "vütuü carried wilh it, Uá owii reward."


Signal of Liberty
Old News