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The Senatorial Candidates

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Senators are few er in number than Representatives, their inflnencö is grcater in the governincnt, and it is therefo-e more impo tant that thcy öhould berlgkt 'm all rospects. The nominees of the Liberty party from tliis District will bcar inspcctiorl. Mr. La.vsixg is a resident af Lodi, and Mr. Kknny of ebster. - Botli been citizens of the county for a considerable time, both re farmers by cceupation, of mature years, of sound judgment, astci unexeeptionable moráis. Mr. Kenny has a liberal education, and formerly practiced ai the bar. He was a member of our legislature several year3 since, and became favorably known through the State as a friend of temporánea by an able legislativo report on the subject. Both the nominees are strict temporáneo men. It secms to us that this should have some weight with the frinds of that cause. Supposc tbat our Senators are the pairons of intoxicating drinks - that they use the accursed poison personally. and provide it for others, entice thcm to use it, and interpose their ofllcial ilifluence between the grogsellers, and that public sentiment which would frown on their cbominable traiTic - is not this of moment to the community? We aak the voters of this county, of both parties, to look to it that this s-upposition become not a reality. It will not be pretended but that the infitience and practice of sorne of the candidatos is detidcdly hostile i these respects. to the best intcrests of community. -Oughttney then to recen-e support? One objection is allcered against one of the whig nominees for the Senate, which it mny not bc impropcr to mention. It 9 generally understood that lie openly and habitually disegarils the observance of the Christian Sabbatli, as enjoined by the laws ofhis country. A decent respect to those laws, ns well as to the feelings of ihe Christian part of the commtinity, would not, in the estimaüon of many, be at all unbeconiing in an honorable legislator. We novv put the quesiion to the voters of the county, what subsiantial benefit can be gained by the election of the othcr noininations. which would not resu!t froni the election of the liberty ticket"! and if there bé none, and it be unexceptionable in every particular, why nol bestow on it your suflrage?


Signal of Liberty
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