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To Whig Abolitionists

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We slionld like to present a few consideerations fo (hose obolitionists who have hitiicrto aetcd with the whics. We would rospecifglly nquireof them whfit object, as abalitióniste. thcy e.Tpect to gain by' supportiiig the whigs in the coming election? It mny be said thnt tliey are n'cresled in the continuanceof n TarifT. This mny be a good answer for a whig, ahhoueh we ihink it might be casily be shewn from títe prcs eit situntion of the country that a large tarifF wil! bc continueJ, whatever jwrty niay bc in power. But our inquiry was addressed to abolit'wnists - what advantage will accrue io yovr cause frotn havingthe whigs in power, and Henry Clay for President7 Will the slave be freedí Will the national man-market be closed at Washington? Will gags beaboiished? Will the General Government be freed from ihe dominion of the Slave Power? A slight recollection of the events of the Irst two years will. we think.compel every abol itionist to answer these inquirios negitively. Let the characteT of the party be considered. Do not slaveholders composc a Iarge portion ol it? Will not the government, as a matter of course, be conducted to suit them? Abolitionists generally were b'oncst in their support of the whigs in Indueements wcre held out to them which they considered valuableBut in the rcault thcy have been disnppointed. - Nuw, no indueements are even oíFered. Yon are indeed, asked to support that party: Lut itis on grounds entircl' dikffkj-'nt from those of i aholi'.i'jn! On that subject, they say nothing: they do not wish to be encumbered with it. If you go wilh them now, you will also sustain them in 1844; and how can you do this. and be abolitionists? - j


Signal of Liberty
Old News